Review ArcheAge. Game features

Among the hundreds of thousands of interesting and unusual entertainments, it is always difficult to choose one thing: exciting and fantasy, fascinating and really high-quality. If the participant is a desperate fan of the fantasy genre, and loves to spend his free time at some game, then you should study one very interesting review. ArcheAge is one of the best games in the MMORPG genre, which has won a leading position in the gaming industry. Its quality, plot and all other details deserve special attention, therefore, when choosing interesting entertainment, the first thing you need to pay attention to is this game. And there are many reasons for this argument, it remains only to consider them.

About the game

Every gamer knows that the most anticipated new products are accompanied by large advertising, and almost every such development has a detailed review. ArcheAge is a multiplayer online game from the Korean company XL Games. The game was released in 2014, and at the moment it has far more than one million dollars in profit from the released project. But why did this game so appeal to a multimillion-dollar audience? What are the main aspects of the project that made Korean development the most popular in the gaming industry?

ArcheAge Review

The first thing worth noting is the game world. This is a completely fantasy universe, realized according to the book of one writer from Korea, Min-Hee Jung. Everything that the participant will observe in this game has detail, the project has a fully functional game system (spells, battles, arenas) and amazing graphics, as well as a twisted plot and constant improvement of his character.


First of all, the participants highlight the amazing graphics among the main advantages. All this is due to the improved engine, and its full adaptation to this project. The game is based on fantastic characters who have stood in the way of disagreement and war, but engaged in a variety of things. There is no narrow specialization, since almost all characters develop diversified. To study this point in the game, you will especially need to carefully study the review. ArcheAge assumes the full life of the characters of the world: hunting, trade, craft, war, peace, culture and even art. It was in this project that the greatest emphasis was placed on economic infrastructure, rather than pumping a character through a combat class.

ArcheAge Review
That is, for a character to grow in the arena, win awards and win, he must develop in many ways: to hunt, and collect plants or minerals, engage in farming or other craft that can make a profit. Part of the funds goes to the development of the created infrastructure, and part to the character leveling.


What is noteworthy in this game is a large selection of characters. Again, before you start, you should study the review. ArcheAge is a beautifully designed project that has 4 classes of living things. Two classes are the people of Nuan and the Harnians. There is a class of elves, and there is a category of characters that combines people and animals in one person in the game ArcheAge. Class overview also allows you to select your favorite option and “pump” it before the start of the game.

ArcheAge 2 0 review

Moreover, each class has several specializations, and if it is difficult to decide on one, then you can immediately select several. Combining several specializations, for example, a robber + a healer in one character, can be beneficial for PvP arenas, and can be a huge minus for team battles. Depending on the variations of combinations of some specializations with others, you can get huge bonuses or negligible in different battles and quests.


Although half of the game is economic in nature, special attention is still paid to battles and battles in the ArcheAge game. An overview of this part of the project can stretch out to a whole book, but if you speak clearly and concisely, a couple of lines are enough. The battles here are diverse, there are private arenas, and there are team battles. In both variations, you need to participate to the maximum, since the character’s pumping speed will depend on this. In battles you need to know the sea of ​​combinations and monitor the status of your character: if this is a team battle, then do not be lazy and leave your partner in trouble, because in a difficult situation he can help you out.

game review ArcheAge
Mutual assistance in the game between the participants plays a key role.
The battles in the game are colorful and vibrant, and if this is some other key or turning point in the battle, you can see really excellent special effects of the ArcheAge game. The overview of battles and battles is quite simple, since the key task of the created character participants is to win the battle, using all their strengths and capabilities.

What do the participants say?

Since the game was released a year ago, it was able to fall in love with users and raise doubts. The opinion of the participants is directly affected by the work of the entire project. So, for example, the majority of users who tried this game were able to say for sure that it has amazing graphics and excellent detail, and this review of the game also confirms this. ArcheAge is developed on a good engine, due to this, no original instance has lags. Characters do not get stuck in textures, do not hang in space. This is one of the most important points. The second characteristic is the overall plot of the game. Here he is carefully thought out, and thanks to this, the participant does not get bored even while waiting, he is constantly engaged in his own affairs (hunting, growing, selling and so on).

game review ArcheAge
The development of your industry can bring good profit, therefore, economic strategies and development paths also delight players.

Are there any nuances in the game?

Any entertainment project has its pros and cons, but if we talk about ArcheAge, then it’s hard to say about obvious shortcomings. The only thing that depresses many participants is the rather high leveling speed of the character and not the most brilliant prospect of the future life of a professional warrior: the biggest achievement in the game is the construction of the castle and your ship. Not everyone sees this as a brilliant prospect, but those who were able to reach this level only do that they admire their achievements.

ArcheAge Russian review
The goal may not be ambitious, but the path to it is thorny, which means it will be interesting to play, so this also applies to the advantages of the game. Bottom line: the project is almost perfect.

A lot of work requires more free time.

When it comes to games, you immediately assume the presence of free time, and now it needs a lot to achieve at least some peaks in the game ArcheAge. A Russian review of this project allows all participants in the post-Soviet space to be aware of what the project is, what are its distinguishing features and why it is so good. Indeed, a large audience of participants is located in the territory of this country, and was engaged in the development of the project in this media space. A lot of advertising influenced the high popularity of this project, and now every second gamer either played or read something about ArcheAge 2 0. A review of this project from Korean developers allows participants to immerse themselves in the fantasy atmosphere of ArcheAge even before the launch and immediately select character class and specialization.


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