GTA: SA - cars and their variety

Cars are what attract many gamers to GTA games. Here you can use them in a variety of ways: move around the city according to the rules of the road or arrange illegal races, ram other vehicles, throw drivers out of cars and take their place, as well as much more. Naturally, all this is done with a huge variety of cars of all kinds of classes. Moreover, the GTA is constantly moving, as the open world obliges you to do so, so you won’t travel along empty streets - sometimes it will be separate cars, and sometimes heavy traffic and even traffic jams. In any case, you need to know what cars are in GTA: SA so that you can navigate them and understand what exactly you want (which car you should save for or which one to look for for theft).


gta sa cars

The list of vehicles in this game is simply huge, so there is no point in listing all the names. It will be much more efficient to highlight certain classes in GTA: SA. Cars here are divided according to various parameters, so this article will allow you to get acquainted with both the most popular classes and the best cars in their categories. And first of all, you should pay attention to jeeps, as they are famous for their impressive appearance. But, given the fact that appearance is exclusively a matter of taste, it is worth considering more objective parameters, such as speed or handling, and, of course, price. And here the Rancher is definitely in the lead - it has the maximum speed for a jeep (170 kilometers per hour), like several other cars of this class, but it is much better controlled in comparison with them. And it costs 40 thousand dollars at the same time - not so much for such a good car. In GTA: SA, inferior cars sometimes cost a lot more.

Law Enforcers Cars

the name of the cars in gta sa

One of the most pleasant advantages of the game GTA: SA - cars of the servants of the law. The police will always be a huge problem for you, since any action not in the letter of the law on your part will cause discontent on their part. And they will be happy to arrest you, will chase your car around the city and send out more and more patrols if you continue to break the law. The police car is one of the fastest in the game - its speed is 200 kilometers per hour. And at the same time, the controllability for such a speed is extremely high, and the price is incredibly low - only 25 thousand dollars. For comparison, you can take a car that belongs to the same class - "Reno". He is the most expensive in the game and costs 110 thousand dollars. The name of the cars in GTA: SA is a separate issue, it will be difficult for you to remember them, but many of the cars have a memorable appearance, so you will not miss them.


gta sa car mods

Jeeps have already been considered, it's time to pay attention to the trucks. The name of the cars in GTA: SA can sometimes be deceiving, for example, the Pony truck should be slow, and it can reach speeds of up to 160 kilometers per hour. The “tanker”, it would seem, should be hard to manage, but in fact it travels quite easily along the road. In fact, highlighting any one model will not be easy - except for the price. "Dune" is the most expensive truck - it costs 40 thousand dollars, which is more expensive than the price of any other car belonging to this class. Of course, in GTA: SA car mods will allow you to add other heavy cars, which will cost even more, but in the original version of the game, this particular model is the most expensive in its class.

Sports cars

gta sa car replacement

Sports cars - this is what attracts many and leaves no one indifferent. The fact is that they look just great and at the same time have great speed. In GTA: SA, replacing cars with mods allows you to add those models that will accelerate to 300 kilometers per hour, but we are talking about the original version of the game, and here it is immediately worth noting two sports cars - “Infernus” and “Turismo”. They are the fastest in the game, they develop a speed of 240 kilometers per hour. Naturally, controllability suffers in this case, but here you need to highlight the "Cheetah", which develops a speed of 230 kilometers per hour, while maintaining high controllability. But it costs accordingly - 105 thousand dollars, only 5 thousand less than the most expensive car in the game. New GTA: SA cars that you add with the help of modifications will cost more, but in the official version it is the Cheetah that can boast at the same time such speed, controllability and cost.

Racing cars

Separately, it is worth considering racing cars, which are slightly inferior in speed to sports cars, but at the same time are professional cars with good handling and are naturally cheaper. There are not many of them in the game - only six, and they all travel at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. But the Elegy stands out from the rest, as it has improved handling for the same money. Like speed, the cost of all racing cars is the same - 35 thousand dollars. Does it make sense to buy such a car, you decide.


new cars gta sa

Completing the review is not really cars, but motorcycles, which in this episode received much wider development. This section includes both bicycles and ATVs. By the way, about the latter - it’s “Quad” that should be distinguished in comparison with the others, since it is the cheapest in the class, but at the same time it is not inferior to the others in handling. Only now it is very slow - only 160 kilometers per hour with 190 kilometers on the best motorcycles.


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