Useful tips for giving and garden. Hedgerow, formation of beds and plant nutrition

It is believed that the cottage is intended only for the elderly, who joyfully tinkering in the ground. This is not true for a long time. The modern approach allows you to turn a summer cottage into a boring and exciting place that is suitable for both senior citizens and youth.

Useful tips for giving and garden

As soon as the summer time comes, many people try to leave the stuffy city and get out to relax on their land with a house. Cottage, garden, kitchen garden - all this pleases the eye with its design and grooming and causes a feeling of deep satisfaction.

Useful tips for giving and garden

Thanks to the Internet and the media, everyone can now find useful tips for giving and gardening, which will greatly simplify the work and make the site unusual.

Tips for summer residents, as well as ideas for the garden will help you choose the right tool and grow an unusual crop. Let's look at some tricks and tips that will turn an ordinary piece of land with a house into a work of art.


Each owner wants to separate his possessions from others. For this, a fence is used. Having studied some useful tips for summer cottages and gardens, you understand that not one iron or stone fence can compare in its beauty with living plants. They protect from wind and dust, decorate and strengthen the visible barrier.

advice to summer residents

Absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, plants create a favorable atmosphere in the country. The hedge can be either natural or molded.

In order for the appearance to remain perfect, plants must be trimmed. For this reason, plants that are easily pruned are planted in a live fence .

Tips for summer residents when forming a hedge

When planting shrubs should maintain a distance between them. This will allow them to easily develop and not compete with each other for nutrients and moisture.

The earth should be well enriched with fertilizers. If the hedge consists of flowering plants, then you need to take care of additional feeding.

You can not ignore such an important process as a haircut. The first time it is produced in the second year. To enhance growth and tillering, the haircut should be made strong. If plants cannot be formed, then dry branches, shoots and broken processes should be removed. Flowering species should be cut only after a flowering period.

Formation of beds

In the summer I want to relax and enjoy the perfect condition of my site. Especially when its environmentally friendly vegetables grow on it. Consider useful tips for the garden and the garden, which will help turn standard beds into magnificent flower beds.

garden ideas

If you show imagination and a little ingenuity, the process will not become complicated and costly. Flowerbeds can be formed in waves, in the form of a rhombus or a circle. The bed will look very beautiful if the plants are arranged in rows, with separate species being planted on each strip. For example, salad next to decorative cabbage looks amazing .

Ideas for the garden can be drawn up if there are unnecessary pieces of slate, plastic or old boards. They will help create volume and height in the beds. The paths between them can be tamped with sand or gravel. This will give the site a special look and help resist the growth of weed grass.

Save space on a small area will allow vertical beds of a multi-stage type. This option is very convenient, saves time and makes it easy to weed. You can plant them, for example, curly sprouts of cucumbers and lettuce bushes.

Using plastic, you can make a garden in the form of a pyramid. It is ideal for growing strawberries. If you cover it with film, you get a kind of greenhouse. This will allow seedlings to be planted one to two weeks earlier than the main plants.

Let's consider small tricks without which any dacha will not manage. The advice of experienced people will help to increase the crop and improve its quality.

Iodine is the best friend of plants

When forming a head of cabbage, it is useful to feed it. After diluting 40 drops of iodine in a bucket of water, fertilize each plant with 1 liter of solution. Also, this mixture is suitable for strawberries.

At the initial decay of zucchini, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant, this mixture will help to save them: 12 ml of iodine per bucket of water. It will also increase the size of the fruit and accelerate their ripening.

If you spray trees 30 days before harvesting, this will help protect them from fruit rot.

cottage garden garden

Do not be afraid to add iodine to the soil. The plant will take only the quantity necessary for it.


Many useful tips for giving and garden recommend using this alkaline substance. Thanks to baking soda, you can get rid of a large number of problems, as well as conduct quality prevention.

Due to climate warming, summer residents love growing grapes. However, he is very often ill. To protect it from rot, spray the vine with a pre-prepared solution. It consists of 75 g of soda and 10 l of water. This mixture also has a positive effect on increasing the sweetness of berries.

cottage experienced tips

Soda is ideal for controlling powdery mildew on cucumbers and caterpillars. By adding aspirin to a mixture of soda and water, you can sprinkle currants and gooseberries. The solution helps fight premature leaf wilt, as well as caterpillars that breed on cabbage leaves.

Using these tips and tricks at your cottage, you will increase productivity, beautifully and effectively decorate the site, and also save the fruits from diseases and pests.


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