Scottish Shorthair cat: description, character, breed standards. Scottish straight cats

The short-haired cat from Scotland is very beautiful. Hanging ears adorn her, and ordinary ears don't spoil her at all. The article will focus on Scottish Scottish Straight. What kind of animal is it, what are its features and main character traits. We will reveal the truth about the animal’s temper.


In the middle of the 20th century, a kitten was born in a farm cat. Normal, very cute, but unremarkable. Except for one - the baby had folded ears.

The Scottish farmer, the owner of the cat, was surprised. He left the baby, deciding to start breeding fold cats. Selection was carried out between a fold cat and standard cats. Different offspring were born in the litter, with different ears set.

The Scottish Shorthair cat with straight ears is a direct descendant of the same cat and cat. There are several subspecies of the breed. But the article will consider a view with straight ears, or, as it is also called, Scottish Straight.

Scottish Shorthair kitten


It is the same for both fold and normal representatives of this “plush” breed. Why did we call these cats "buns"? The fact is that their coat is special. Due to the dense undercoat and characteristic color, the representatives of the breed look like teddy bears.

What tell the standards of the breed Scottish Shorthair:

  1. The head of these cats is round. It seems that she is very powerful. In fact, it seems because of a wide forehead.

  2. The animal's calling card is the eyes. Large, rounded in shape.

  3. The nose is short and wide, it emphasizes the massiveness of the muzzle.

  4. Ears are wide apart, straight.

  5. The body is long, the cat seems stocky and muscular.

  6. The animal has a round massive chest.

  7. Paws are short and rather thick.

  8. The tail is medium long, thick.

  9. The coat is thick, short and very dense. Thick undercoat is required.

  10. It can be either a solid color, or bicolor, tortie, point.
Straight Eared Cat

Color Details

I would like to consider the colors of Scottish shorthair cats and cats in more detail:

  • Solid colors include purple, blue, black, chocolate, red, white, and cream. The color is uniform and uniform.

  • Bicolor includes the main tortoise background with white spots.

  • Scottish turtles “consist” of black, red and cream spots.

  • Point are divided into: color, chocolate, blue, lilo. The main color is cream. The mask, ears, paws, tail can be blue, brown, smoky, purple.

Character Myths

What do we know about the character of the Scottish Shorthair? Here are a few facts:

  • they are very affectionate;

  • Adore children and endure all their antics;

  • unobtrusive;

  • impossible to piss off;

  • tied to only one owner;

  • homebody and phlegmatic;

  • they love to eat;

  • love to sit on their hands and purr.

Perfect creature, right? And here it is not: everything written here carries only a partial truth or is completely false.

Let's deal with the myths about the character of the Scottish Shorthair.

Standard and fold points

Are they affectionate?

Partly yes. But keep in mind that a cat is a living creature with its own character. Among the "Scots" there are very gentle individuals. They literally grind at the touch, purr loudly and begin to sort out their paws, "ramming" the owner.

And there are pets of the genus "on its own." Such cats require affection when they want it. In all other cases, they look unfriendly at the owner when he tries to pet the pet. And they are buried under the nearest chair or behind the sofa.

Notorious love for children

Does a straight-eared cat love children so much that he suffers any whims of them? This is a common misconception. Like, a plush pet is ideal for children.

No matter how. These cats have self-esteem. They are blue-blooded, and who of noble families suffers a bad attitude? Immediately put in place.

So is the Scottish Shorthair - at first she will tolerate, but if the child crosses the boundaries of the permissible, she will get a slap-clawed slap in the face.


If you read the articles published on the sites of cattery of Scottish cats, then phrases about the unobtrusiveness of these individuals are striking. They will find something to do. And if they see that the owner is busy, then they will not crawl under his arms.

Will be, and how. At the same time, they will also begin to meow, suffering from a lack of attention. Other, very brazen persons hit the owner on the leg with his front paw.

Of course, not all Scottish Shorthair. There are quiet, modest cats that will never be imposed. Everything is individual, depending on the nature of the animal.

Lack of malice

A straight-eared Scottish Shorthair cat is a model of kindness. It is impossible to get her crazy, as some breeders say.

Any animal can be brought to a nervous breakdown. And the "Scots" in this matter are no exception. The pet is able to get so angry that it starts to rush at the person, hissing loudly and issuing uterine howls. The spectacle is not for the faint of heart actually.

Another thing is that you need to try to bring your favorite to such formidable behavior. These cats are very crazy. But if they left, then it remains to regret the person who so dopek animal.


It is said that the Scottish shorthair cat loves only the owner. There are individuals attached to one person. But basically, representatives of the breed are the same for all members of the family.

They do not like strangers, and when a guest enters the house, the cat shows with all appearance that she is not happy about him. But kept within the bounds of decency. He will not hiss, rush and bite, although he can hit with a paw a stranger who ventured to stroke a representative of blue blood.


How many cats, so much temperament. This breed is mostly calm. But she is far from phlegmatic. There are very interesting individuals - motile and curious, they need to know everything. Mistress took to bake pies? The pet will definitely check what flour is. Did the plumber come and change the pipes? The cat carefully watches him, or even “help” will be taken, actively studying working tools. These "phlegmatic" exist among the Scottish Shorthair.

Color Point

Domestic cat

Another misconception. The representative of the breed will not give up a walk in warm weather. Of course, you can’t let your pet go for a walk. But on the harness, away from playgrounds and roads, why not take a walk.

Lovers to eat

Scottish Shorthair is not a glutton cat. For the most part, breed representatives know the norm in food. And having satiated, they will not continue the meal.

Among them are those who will sit at the table when the owners eat. And with all their mournful appearance to demonstrate how hungry they are. It is impossible to give slices from the master's meal. Firstly, foods can be harmful to your pet. And secondly, begging is thus encouraged.

Love to sit on the handles

And again this is not true. Scottish cats, despite their plush look, can not stand when they are picked up and squeezed.

A pet can come for caresses, jump into his arms and even sing a “song”. But it is worth taking him in his arms against the proud feline nature, as the pet breaks out. Yes, and the claws will be used. He can do it.

Striped tabby

Positive qualities of the breed

From all that we have examined above, we can conclude: Scottish Shorthair - vicious. No, it is not. They have their advantages:

  • Reasonableness. Very smart animals, easy to educate.

  • Self-esteem. The pet will not meow annoyingly or dutifully roll on his back to be patted. Cats with a royal character usually behave accordingly.

  • Patience. Within reason, they are able to show patience with children and pets.

  • "Scots" quietly get along with other pets of the family.

Do cats have negative qualities?

Perhaps the biggest drawback of “plush” cats is their distrust of strangers. Why is that bad? Yes, because each "bun" has its own character. Adequate animals will simply ignore the stranger. With his attempts to caress the beauty, they will run away on bent legs.

And there are cats that consider themselves housewives in the house. And they give a corresponding rebuff to the violator of their order. Noticing a stranger’s hand next to him, they will immediately cling to it with their teeth or with both paws.

Red with white


How to care for your favorite beauty? Representatives of the breed are not very whimsical to care for. Here are the basic requirements that must be observed when owning a Scottish Shorthair cat:

  1. Timely combing of the pet. At least twice a week, you need to pay time to her toilet. Do not look that the cat has short hair. The presence of a thick undercoat requires friendship with a comb.

  2. Treatment of ears, eyes and teeth. By processing is meant a check for selections. The oral cavity is examined for plaque.

  3. Discharge from the eyes is removed with a cotton swab. It is moistened in warm water or in chamomile infusion.

  4. Ears are cleaned with a cotton swab. There is no need to regularly climb into the ears. Cleaning takes place only in case of serious contamination.

  5. Teeth are cleaned with special paste for cats. It can be bought at a pet store.

  6. Claws clipped. Once every three weeks is the best option. The procedure is carried out carefully so as not to damage the blood vessels. If in doubt, contact your veterinarian for help.

  7. There is no need to wash the cat. At least too often and unnecessarily.

  8. The pet is fed specialized pet food. Pay attention to super premium brands. On their packaging should be marked: "for Scottish cats."

Tabby color


We have debunked the myths about the tenderness and ideality of the Scottish Shorthair breed. Each animal has its own character; it is impossible to mow all its representatives under a common comb.

In general, cats are not bad. With their "jumps", but they can be dealt with. With proper approach to the pet and gentle handling, the representative of the breed will delight the owner.

The only thing the "Scots" do not like is cruelty. If you shout at a cat, let alone beat it, it can lead to the most unpredictable consequences.


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