How to lace up sneakers and sneakers nicely? Fashion ideas

Each person seeks to express their individuality in choosing hobbies, clothes, hairstyles and, of course, shoes. Sneakers and sneakers are a sports accessory that is loved not only by athletes and football players, but also by ordinary people. To make this wardrobe item special is very easy, having learned how to lace up sneakers and sneakers beautifully. This is what will be discussed in the article.

how beautifully lace up sneakers


Having figured out how to properly lace up sneakers in this way, you will get a quick and practical option for tying sports shoes. The ends of the lace will need to be inserted into the lower holes and pulled out. Then, having lowered two pairs of holes, insert them into the third pair of holes. Inside the sneaker, go down one pair, then again outside, climb the third pair. In this way, we cross the laces to the very top and tie a knot.

"Chess board"

This version of the original pattern will require wide laces in two different colors. In order to understand how beautifully lace up your sneakers, you will have to work out a bit. First you need to insert the first lace. It should be threaded horizontally in the lower holes, with its ends inward. The left end extends through the entire boot to the top hole. We pull the right one through all the holes. You should get beautiful horizontal stripes. Then we take a lace of a different color, we pass it with vertical wavy lines through the first. We make a knot inside the shoe.

how to lace up sneakers


When choosing how to lace up your sneakers beautifully, take a closer look at this extravagant way. Here you need to start from the bottom pair of holes, sticking the shoelaces out. Then the ends are wrapped under the lace at the same level, and from the inside are drawn through the next pair of holes. Thus, the lacing will be repeated to the very top. Such a beautiful and sophisticated way will be a great decoration for your shoes.


If you are looking for a way how to lace up sneakers very tightly, then this option is for you. The lace must be passed through the lower holes and brought out. One end rises to one hole and exits from the inside to an adjacent hole of the same level, crossing with the other end. The same thing happens with the second end, which goes parallel through neighboring holes, crossing with the first. Thus, alternately lacing up with a ladder, you will reach the top hole, where you will make a knot.

how to lace up sneakers

Roman version

Looking for the answer to the question of how to beautifully lace up your sneakers, be sure to try this fashionable way. The lace must be passed through the lower left hole from the inside, then, having risen one level, insert it into the right hole. Inside we pass two holes vertically upwards, and in the third we bring the lace out. Then again vertically, now left diagonally one hole up. Inside we take one step and release the end of the lace. The second end, which we still have at the bottom, is brought out through the lower right hole, diagonally left up one step we pass inward. Then we go to the neighboring hole of the same level and release the end out. Next, we return through a neighboring hole parallel inward, rise one level up, release the tip outward and pass it diagonally one hole up. Then from the inside we go straight up and stick out the end of the lace. We tie a beautiful knot at the top.


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