How to store a mink coat in summer: type of fur coat, quality of fur, storage rules for fur products and manufacturer's recommendations

A fur coat is not only a warm and comfortable winter outerwear, but also an indicator of the status of a woman. Fur, especially mink, will not tolerate careless attitude. The fur is quite susceptible to adverse conditions. When buying an expensive item, we do not even allow the thought that it may become worthless. Now the long-awaited summer has come. Many still have a fur coat without a cover in their closets. How to properly prepare it for "fly": how to store a mink coat in the summer, how to clean the fur? First things first.

Severe whims for fur coats: conditions

High air temperature, high humidity, poor ventilation are negative factors for the appearance of natural fur. It may turn yellow, fade, become brittle and lose wear resistance. The hairs just start to fall out, and bald spots form in their place.

Caring for a mink coat in the summer is a mandatory fulfillment of the whim of a fur coat. Each owner of an expensive little thing must certainly fulfill this wish. Although, rather, a requirement.

We look after a fur coat in the summer

The winter season is finally over, it's time to hide the fur coat until the next cold time. How to store a mink coat in the summer? First of all, it is necessary to take preliminary measures:

  1. Carefully inspect the fur coat from the outside and inside. If necessary, fasten the buttons firmly. If the lining is torn - replace.
  2. Remove dirt, stains, if you notice them (we’ll talk about simple methods for cleaning fur at home below).
  3. After that it is necessary to comb the fur in the direction of the wool with the help of a metal comb with rare teeth.
    how to store a mink coat in the summer at home
  4. Hang a fur coat on the balcony for airing throughout the day.
  5. Put the fur on your shoulders. The size of the shoulders should match the size of the product. Otherwise, the coat will be deformed on the wide shoulders, and on the narrow - it will sag.
  6. Then you need to fasten the product on all the hooks and straighten the folds.
  7. Choose a cover made of natural fabric so that the fur “breathes”.

You will now face another problem: where to store? About possible storage locations - below.

Winter fur care

In order for the fur coat not to lose its original attractiveness, one must be able to store it correctly. Mink is not a fur for every day. When purchasing a mink coat, worry beforehand that there is a down jacket in the wardrobe. With daily wear, mink products quickly become unusable. If you put on a fur coat, then avoid:

  • crowded places;
  • places in which the anti-ice chemical treatment was carried out;
  • wet snow;
  • high level of humidity.

Before you are going to put on a fur coat, “walk” it on the balcony. The ideal option is a frosty evening. The skin and fur will be aired.

If you find yourself in wet snow, be sure to dry your fur coat upon returning home. Follow these rules:

  1. Choose a dark place in the apartment to dry.
  2. Shake the product thoroughly, hang it on wide shoulders.
  3. Comb a fur coat with a brush for natural fur. Necessarily along the villi.
    how to care for a mink coat in summer
  4. Take a moisture-absorbing rag in your hands, wet it and gently wipe the fur.
  5. Leave the product to dry further naturally. The hairdryer cannot be used.

In no case is it recommended to hang a fur coat to dry near a battery or other heating devices.

Stages of preparation for storage of fur

How to keep a mink coat in the summer so that it still looks attractive? So, specific steps to "fly":

  1. Carefully inspect the apartment. The goal is to find a spacious and cool place.
  2. Take a coat hanger and hang a fur coat on them. Close the case. It must be made of natural fabric so that the fur can “breathe”.
  3. Put protective pills on the pockets of the moth soaked in pockets.
  4. Ventilate the fur coat periodically and inspect it.

At home, do not forget about these rules:

  • hit of sunshine negatively affects fur;
  • at high air temperature the product dries, therefore - spoils;
  • moisture - 60%, temperature 10-15 ° - uncomfortable conditions for storing a fur coat.

It is important to observe the correct care of the fur. Otherwise, you won’t put on a fur coat next winter.

How to clean fur?

How to care for a mink coat in the summer? Inspect her carefully first. If you find small dirt on your favorite fur coat, do not rush to take it to dry cleaning. You can try to get rid of stains at home. However, first test the product on the inside of the product to avoid unpleasant surprises.

The fur is well cleaned with a soapy solution. Pour water into a basin and add shampoo. Stir so that a foam forms. Wipe the fur gently with soapy water. Then clean. Shake the fur coat well and comb the fur. Wait for it to dry completely.

summer mink coat care

If you are afraid to wet your fur coat, use dry starch. It is necessary to sprinkle the place of pollution with them and leave for half an hour. Then gently wipe the fur, brush off the starch residue. An alternative to starch is talc.

If there is a lot of dust on the fur coat, buy maple or oak sawdust at the pet store. They must first be moistened with alcohol. Scatter the sawdust over the entire width of the fur coat and rub them lightly. After a few minutes, brush off the sawdust. Then be sure to comb the fur.

Summer storage room

Many modern dry cleaners offer their services for storing fur products in the summer. For your favorite fur coat - this is ideal. Your fur coat will be stored in a special room, equipped with special equipment. In such a place, optimum temperature and humidity are always maintained. In such conditions, the fur will remain fresh and warm.

how to keep a mink coat in the summer

However, not everyone can afford such a luxury of storage. That is why it is necessary to “make room” for other clothes in the closet so that the mink coat will feel “spacious” and comfortable. But first you need to observe the following conditions:

  • You need to prepare bags with dried grass in advance, put them in the pockets of the product and hang around. The enemy of the moth is lavender, zest from a lemon or an orange.
  • Once a month, the fur coat needs to be removed and aired.

It is important that the coat hangs at a good distance from other things. Make sure that ultraviolet does not get on it.

We protect from moths

The nightmare of each owner of a luxurious fur coat is a moth. It is this insect that can ruin a fur coat so that no one and nothing will save it.

how to keep a mink coat in summer from moths

How to keep a mink coat in summer from moths? Some tips:

  1. Get a cover for fur products impregnated with insects and other pests.
  2. Some manufacturers produce lines that protect natural fur from moths.
    how to keep a mink coat in summer from moths
    For mink, they are safe if used according to the instructions.
  3. As a preventative measure after buying a fur product, expose it to the cold. Or put for a couple of hours in the freezer. All living organisms will die at such a low temperature.
  4. If the mole is wound on fur, then only processing with the help of a special aerosol will help. A drug suitable for mink is sold in stores. They need to process the entire surface of the fur coat, including the seams. Then place the fur coat in the case. After a few days, remove for ventilation. Spray all walls and shelves in the cabinet with the same spray can to completely destroy insects that may have remained.

The storage of fur products must be treated carefully. Since a fur coat is not an expensive pleasure.

Case or vacuum bag?

How to store a mink coat in the summer? Surely in a cover! It is highly recommended not to store a separate product or a fur of different colors and textures without a cover. The coloring material may be printed on another.

Safety depends on the temperature environment and humidity, as well as on the quality of the cover. When buying a cover for storing a fur coat, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • The width of the cover should not be less than the width of the fur coat. Pay attention to the length. The cover should be 15 cm longer than the product. This condition is necessary so that the fur coat does not wrinkle.
  • The cover should be chosen with a side insert to prevent the fur coat from being squeezed.
  • Lightning connector: from the shoulders to the bottom. It will be so convenient to put a fur coat inside and avoid deformation.
  • If you store several fur coats, it is best to purchase covers with a transparent insert.
  • Do not allow sunlight to hit the fur. Ultraviolet damages fur, even through polyethylene.
  • The perfect cover is made of natural fabric: linen or cotton. These fabrics provide air access to the fur.

It is not recommended to put a fur coat in a plastic bag or vacuum. Condensation will accumulate in it, it will only ruin the fur. It is impossible to fold a fur coat in half, especially, crushing it by vacuum.

Recommendations for buying a cover

It is best to buy a cover of dark shades of black, brown and dark blue. These colors do not transmit ultraviolet rays. Be sure to make sure that the paint does not pass on the fur. To do this, take a regular wet towel and swipe over the cover. If you do not find traces of paint, feel free to purchase a cover.

A case is not a moth protection. Previously, the fur must be treated with a special spray or aerosol. Impregnation needs to be updated every 3 months. Over time, it loses its original properties.

Spray a fur coat cannot be processed, because tears will remain on the fur. The product should be applied only to the cover.

how to store a mink coat in summer

How to store a mink coat in summer? Another hint: be sure to put pieces of cedar bark. For moths, this aroma is destructive. This smell does not disappear. Alternatively, lavender is suitable.

mink coat storage in summer

Citrus peel is perfect. Moth does not tolerate this smell.

remove the mink coat for the summer

Naphthalene is not worth using. Of course, it is effective against moths, but it is a carcinogen. In many countries, a ban on it is active.

Subtleties of storage of different fur

How to store a mink coat in the summer at home?

Mink is moody fur. The best option for storage is a cedar cabinet. As this tree does not pass moisture and repels moth with its specific smell.

It is necessary to take into account such nuances:

  • The cover for storing the mink coat should be “breathable”. Polyethylene fabric will not fit.
  • A cheap cover can be painted, so you need to purchase a quality product.
  • When using an aerosol, spots may remain. To avoid them you need to make protective bags with your own hands. Each bag should contain lavender, dry geranium, etc.
  • The fur needs free space.

How to store a mink coat in the summer at home? Ventilate it once every 4 months. Moth protective bags must be changed.

Unlike mink:

  1. Mouton is the most durable. This coat is ideal for everyday wear. It must be stored in a ventilated cabinet. Mouton has one feature - if you do not immediately remove the dirt or stain, then after removing it will be almost impossible. The fur coat must be thoroughly and immediately cleaned before storage. The main enemy of the muton is heat. The optimum temperature indicator is 8-12 ° C. Otherwise, the fur will lose its luster and gain a musty smell. In order to avoid deformation of the muton coat, it is necessary to select the shoulders exactly to the width of the shoulders of the product.
  2. Nutria, beaver - the most wear-resistant furs. Such fur coats will last more than one year, while maintaining their original appearance. However, there are nuances in storing these two furs:
  • The beaver fur coat should be stored in a cool and dry room. Dampness and warmth are enemies that make a fur coat faded.
  • Nutria fur is stable, the main rule for care is to protect from moths.
  • Rabbit fur must be stored like a mink.
  • Raccoon, fox, chinchilla fur easily lends itself to various creases. Products should only be stored on a hanger. In this coat should be "comfortable" and free in space.
  • Goatskin coat must be hung on wide shoulders in order to maintain shape.

Storage conditions for different fur are almost identical.

If storage rules are not followed ...

  1. Moth damage is the first irreparable cause. Sasha from the moth is easy to hang in the closet. Is not it?
  2. Creases on a folded product. If you keep the mink coat folded, then it will hesitate.
  3. Drying of the skin (treated skin on which the fur is located). High temperature, low humidity are enemies for the skin. It can stretch out or, conversely, sit down.
  4. The appearance of yellow spots on white fur or fading dark. When ultraviolet rays hit the fur, the color loses its former color.

If you adhere to the requirements on how to store a mink coat in the summer, then terrible irreparable consequences can be avoided. The “fly over”, as well as the “overwinter”, the fur coat must be correct!

So, in this article, tips were given on what needs to be done to remove a mink coat for the summer.


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