Grape variety "kishmish Zaporizhzhya": description, photos, features of cultivation and care, taste

The first crop used by mankind for growing in gardens is grapes. It is believed that the berry gained popularity several thousand years ago. Now, through the efforts of breeders, an incredible number of varieties have been bred, differing in taste and external parameters. The grape variety “kishmish Zaporizhzhya” is rather young, but is in great demand due to the fact that the number of its advantages significantly exceeds the disadvantages.

Plant description

The name of this culture is closely related to the area where it was bred - the city of Zaporozhye, located on the territory of Ukraine. The grapes belong to the seedless varieties, was obtained by crossing the grapes "Victoria" and "Rusball". Fertile chernozem is considered the most suitable soil for growing this variety.

In the description of the grape variety "kishmish Zaporizhzhya" it is said about a high rate of fruiting. On one specimen there can be over 90% of fruitful shoots, each of which is able to produce 1.5-2 large clusters of berries. Often they develop with a “wing”. The berry density is medium, less often loose. Petioles and young leaves of the plant have a light red hue.

Young shoots

As for the clusters, their weight averages 600-750 grams. In some cases, you can meet a bunch weighing up to 1.5 kg. The berries are conical in shape, the color varies from red to purple. The size of the fruit is small, on average, reach 1.5-1.7 cm. The berries have a juicy pulp with an amazing marmalade taste.

The plant belongs to early varieties. Berries ripen in less than 4 months. "Zaporizhzhya kishmish" is winter hardy, it is not afraid of frosts down to -26 ° C, so the variety does not need to be covered, but in order to comfortably winter the plant in lower temperature conditions, it is recommended to cover it with agrofibre or coniferous branches.

The grapes are self-pollinated, often even becoming a pollinator for other varieties. The universality of the culture allows its fruits to be consumed not only fresh, but also to use them for preservation, making raisins and juices.

Landing Features

Planting grapes "kishmish Zaporizhzhya" does not cause much difficulty. When buying a seedling, it is necessary to carefully examine its rhizome in order to exclude the presence of damage. The root system should have a healthy appearance and green-brown color.

Choosing a place for the plant plays an important role, since for ripening the fruit, the culture needs access to sunlight. Planting seedlings is carried out in the spring or in the fall.

Maintenance and care

It should be borne in mind that the root system of grapes is well developed, therefore, in the place of planting, groundwater should not lie too close. Otherwise, a high probability of decay of the plant.

For a seedling, it is necessary to prepare a hole in the open ground. The minimum required width must be at least 80 cm and a depth of 70 cm or more. A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the dug hole and is covered with a small amount of soil. The seedling is placed in the center of the pit, carefully spreading the roots, and is covered with soil. Since the plant likes regular watering, it should immediately be watered abundantly.

Care Rules

In the description of grapes "kishmish Zaporizhzhya" it is said about the unpretentiousness of the variety. The plant is undemanding to care, and the only thing it needs is:

  • Regular watering (it is necessary to water well once every 5 days, plus equip drip irrigation on especially hot summer days).
  • Weeding (getting rid of weeds, loosening the soil near the root system).
  • Pruning.
  • Preventive treatment against pests and diseases (1% solution of Bordeaux fluid will reduce the risk of disease).

It is worth noting that watering is stopped after the harvest. Stagnation of moisture should be avoided, as this can lead to the death of the plant. Along with weeding, it is recommended to feed grapes with substances containing nitrogen, magnesium sulfate and potassium monophosphate.

Need to trim

For comfortable growth and development, grapes need pruning. Timely pruning will avoid overloading the vines from the berries, to which "Zaporizhzhya kishmish" is prone due to the high level of fruiting. It is recommended to prune 7-8 eyes, leaving no more than 35 eyes on one bush.

Pruning will help to avoid darkening of the vine, which reduces yield, and cutting the ends of excessively large inflorescences can improve the commercial quality of the fruit.

Plant pruning

Pruning is done in the spring, when winter frosts have completely receded. Weak or damaged branches are truncated without fail. In the summer, with the help of pinching, they get rid of extra stepsons.

The next pruning is done in the fall when the grapes drop their leaves. Shoots that have a light green tint are subject to removal.

Disease resistance

Grapes of this variety are very resistant to many common grape diseases. Among these ailments include, for example, grape rot, mildew and oidium.

Pros and cons of the variety

However, the plant is quite vulnerable to wasps. Its sweet scent attracts insects that can harm the look. Timely processing of grapes with insecticides will help protect the bush from the attention of insects, but during chemical treatment, the berries should be thoroughly washed before using them.

Advantages and disadvantages

Grapes "kishmish Zaporizhzhya", the photo of which you see below, has many advantages.

Appearance of grapes

Clear advantages include:

  • bright taste;
  • lack of seeds in berries;
  • high yields;
  • universality of pollination;
  • precocity
  • frost resistance, which makes it suitable for cultivation in the northern regions;
  • good resistance to diseases and pests.

There are few drawbacks to the culture. These include:

  • excessive formation of stepsons on the bushes;
  • somewhat difficult separation of the bunch from the stalk;
  • increased wasp attention to berries due to their sweet smell.

Some gardeners talk about watery berries. The rest, "Zaporizhzhya kishmish" is a useful and unpretentious plant. Any beginner gardener will cope with its maintenance and care.


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