Fallout 4 - game optimization, requirements and gameplay review

Fallout 4 is the legendary sequel to the series. This time the game fell into the hands of Bethesda developers again. This fact pleased few, because after the failed third part and successful New Vegas, fans wanted to see a completely different studio at the helm of the development. However, this decision does not depend on them. As a result, in 2015, the world saw a full fourth in a new engine and with a completely new story. In this article, we will try to understand why this game received such mixed reviews and why, in the opinion of many, it should not be called Fallout 4. Quests, history, graphics, game mechanics - you will find out about everything if you read this review.

fallout 4 optimization

The story of the new post-apocalypse

A new world and a new game brought the fans of the series a completely new story. The game begins for a man or woman (optional) who has been touched by a nuclear war. Being at home with his family, the main character finds an explosion, as a result of which he and his family are escorted to the shelter. Next, the main character and his wife and child are placed in cryogenic cells under the guise of a routine medical check-up to gain access to the shelter. As a result, the main character wakes up after 200 years and all he remembers is the murder of his wife and the abduction of a child from a cryogenic chamber opposite. The hero goes to the surface, where the Fallout 4 storyline begins. Quests are poured onto the player from the very start, and mostly secondary ones. In the first location, which was your hometown, you find your home robot, which all this time was looking for owners. At this moment, the player is imbued with an atmosphere of hopelessness. The entry of the new Fallout worked out on a solid five.

What can not be said about quests during the passage of the game. Most of them are far-fetched and do not carry any meaning in themselves. Of course, every task has a backstory, but you can hardly find the motivation to complete them. Most likely, the problem is in the initial complication. It’s hard for the player’s head to say that the main character can happily help everyone in a row or clean up the dungeon for hours when the main goal of his life is to find his own son.

fallout 4 quests


From a solid RPG in New Vegas, the series turned into a solid shooter. The entire pumping system, SPECIAL, skills and everything else mixed into one single system of pouring points into a specific set of skills. Each skill has several levels. SPECIAL parameters can now also be pumped. We also changed the VATS system - now the time does not stop there, but only slows down, so it has become less used in gaming moments.

Fallout 4 in Russian is only partially translated - subtitles and other text component. Perhaps this is a plus - it is not clear what would happen to the Russian voice acting. There will be many characters on your way, the hero’s companions are also several times more.

One of the main disadvantages of the new Fallout 4 is optimization. The game does not shine with the most modern picture, but manages to slow down on the most modern systems. In addition to the endless sweeping of locations, there is practically nothing to do in the wastelands - it is not interesting to complete secondary quests, I want to shoot and go on the main task. Also, a completely new construction mode was introduced into the game. But this entertainment is already completely amateurs - to systematically rebuild your city and monitor the standard of living of the settlers - this is too much like the Sims.

Fallout 4 - computer requirements

Despite the endless "brakes" and the fall of the FPS, the game will start even at the minimum configuration that the creators recommend. So, you need an Intel Core 2 Quad processor or equivalent from AMD. The minimum amount of RAM is 8 GB. The video card is no weaker than the GeForce GTX 550 with 2GB of video memory or a similar board from AMD. The game may start on a weaker system. However, since she manages to slow down on top configurations, it is better to take pity on laptops and weak system units and save them from torment with this game.

fallout 4 in Russian

Fallout 4 - optimization and solutions

In the first days after the release of the game, heaps of amateur and fan mods began to appear, which supposedly improve performance on low-end computers. Some of them replace the standard textures with textures with low resolution, another part changes the values ​​in the configuration of the ini-files of the game Fallout 4. Optimization from this still remains bad. These artisanal methods help some users to add 5-10 frames per second, but this does not cancel the problem.

Running a game on laptops is a separate issue. Users remove all the shadows from the game, otherwise it will not work on a laptop with medium iron. Optimization does not allow achieving stable 60 frames in Fallout 4.

fallout 4 requirements


The new part of Fallout turned out to be completely different from what the whole world was waiting for. Although the fans had concerns about the development studio, everyone hoped for the best. A completely redesigned system only at first seems strange and inappropriate. After a couple of dozens of hours in the game, you understand that you need a special approach and attitude to it, not the same as the previous RPGs of the series. All the impression of the project can be spoiled only by the disgusting work of the optimizers. This would be forgivable with a high level of graphics and realistic pictures, but this is not the case in the game. However, fans of post-apocalypse and wasteland this fact will not stop.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8146/

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