Garden rose: planting and care, growing rules

A garden rose, the planting and care of which is not particularly difficult, is a representative of the Rosehip genus, for a long time it has the status of the most popular flower on the planet. A symbol of love, beauty, politics and war, the Queen of the Garden is an object of admiration and worship for both experienced gardeners and designers, as well as people who know how to appreciate the beautiful. In cultural floriculture, park and garden varieties are distinguished, among which the bush garden rose is most in demand. Planting and caring for such a culture require a certain amount of knowledge, but in practice, communication with the plant is supported by acquired experience. Ground cover, tea hybrid, climbing and miniature species are also popular in cultural floriculture.

Garden and park roses: planting and care

Most often, this type of roses, characterized by abundant flowering, include cultivated rose hips. The main advantage of these plants is their high winter hardiness and early flowering, 2-3 weeks before the start of flowering of other species. Being low plants, park roses look very attractive because of the dense foliage and look great both in single and in group plantings.

landscape garden roses planting and care

Planting rose bushes, whose average life expectancy is 20-30 years, is recommended in sunny areas, well ventilated from all sides, and the key to successful growth will be nutritious loose soil. It is better if it is loam with a high percentage of humus. Planting roses is made in the first half of spring or early fall. During the first three years, a powerful root system and main stems are formed. It was at this time that the plant should provide maximum care, which consists in timely watering, infrequent, but plentiful. In this case, the root system in search of moisture grows in depth, which positively affects the winter hardiness of the bush. Consumption per 1 bush - 1.0-1.5 buckets of water. With frequent watering, the formation of surface roots will occur, which is very easily damaged when loosened and does not tolerate frost.

An important factor in caring for garden roses is the regular cultivation of soil near the bushes and the application of fertilizing. In spring, the soil should be fertilized with rotted manure; in summer, apply mineral preparations.

Climbing roses

Such plants are varieties of rose hips and some varieties of garden roses and are characterized by long branching shoots. Thanks to this quality, they are successfully used in vertical landscaping of buildings, walls and arbors. Look great in garden flower arrangements, are the main element of decor in the design of garden structures, arches, columns, pyramids.

rose family garden

Rosa family garden grows well in sunny areas, protected from direct sunlight in the afternoon. The soil for planting should be permeable, without close occurrence of groundwater. In a temperate climate, the plant is best planted in late September - early October or in spring, in April - May. Before planting, the shoots should be shortened to 15-20 cm, and the roots - up to 30 cm.

Planted plants need to be watered well, high up, covered with a film to create greenhouse conditions and regularly ventilated. As soon as the threat of spring frost passes, the film can be removed, and the site mulched.

Garden rose: planting and care in the open ground

The best period for planting garden roses is considered autumn (early September - mid October). If winters are too cold in the growing region, roses can be planted in spring (April - May), after waiting for the soil to warm up.

A garden rose, cultivation at home which requires the application of certain knowledge, needs the correct selection of a place for planting. In this case, the roses planted on it will bloom for a long time, delivering aesthetic pleasure to the owners of the garden and their guests. Garden culture loves an abundance of light; its placement in the territory located away from trees and large bushes and in the afternoon in partial shade will be most optimal. An important factor in the survival rate and active growth of a flower is the absence of drafts and close occurrence of groundwater.

Preparation for landing events should be carried out in advance, two months in advance. If the groundwater is located close to the surface, you need to form a raised flower bed for the rosary, otherwise the roots will begin to decay, and the plant will lose its decorativeness and will have an unhealthy appearance. The site needs to be dug up; for each sq. meter to bring in a bucket of garden compost, 30-50 grams of superphosphate and 2 cups of wood ash. Too clayey soil can be diluted with sand.

How to plant a rose

A garden rose, planting and care of which is a year-round phenomenon, will delight in abundant flowering with the right preparatory measures. Rose seedlings, which should first be pruned roots and stems, it is recommended to lower it into the water for several hours.

garden roses planting care photo
At this time, you can start preparing the landing pit: the optimal diameter is 40-50 cm, and the depth should slightly exceed the volume of the root system of the seedling along with an earthen lump. From the dug up earth and compost in a ratio of 3: 1, you should prepare a soil mixture, to which you can add a handful of wood ash. It is required to pour a bucket of water with a diluted tablet of heteroauxin (an organic growth stimulant) into the pit, lower the rose seedling there and, holding it by the stem, sprinkle with prepared soil. A young plant needs to be spudded to a height of 15 cm, and around it a circular moat should be formed, delaying the outflow of water. Also, a planted flower needs to organize shading.

In the first year after planting, a bush is formed, therefore, the main factors of care at this stage is the timely pinching of the ends of the shoots, aimed at stimulating tillering. Also, in order to avoid weakening of the young plant at the beginning of summer, buds that began to form should be removed. In the second half of the summer season, buds should be allowed to mature, and only then removed.

Watering garden roses

Also important factors for caring for the plant are regular watering, feeding, loosening and weeding the soil. It is recommended to supply moisture not very often (when the soil dries on the site), but abundantly. The exception is the newly planted bushes: they should be watered every other day. The norm of water for each adult plant is 10 liters; depending on the season, this indicator may vary. So, in a hot and arid summer, you need to water roses more often and more. Moisture should be supplied sparingly, not intensely, so as not to wash away the soil from the roots; Do not use too cold water. The best time for watering is morning and evening hours, and drip is considered the most recommended way to supply moisture to plants. At the end of summer, at the end of flowering, in order to prevent stagnation of water in the soil, the irrigation rate should be reduced. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing fungal infections for a plant such as a garden rose.

garden rose growing photo
Growing (photo above) in the garden of such a culture is a real holiday, allowing you to enjoy beautiful natural creation every day.

Feeding Activities

For active development and abundant flowering, garden roses need to be fed. In the first year of planting, this process can be skipped, since the required fertilizers have already been laid in the planting pit. Starting from the second season, top dressing must be done: at the beginning of the growing season, during the formation of buds, at the end of flowering and before the process of lignification of the stems.

After spring pruning of bushes twice, with a weekly break, 20 g of ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate is applied per square meter of area . During bud formation and after flowering, 30 g of superphosphate, 20-30 g of ammonium nitrate and 10 g of potassium salt should be added to the same area. In August - September, superphosphate and potassium salt are added to the soil : per square meter of 30-40 g. Of organic fertilizers that should be alternated with mineral fertilizers, it is better to use wood ash and slurry in the rose garden.

How to transplant a plant

Garden roses, planting and care in the open ground for which require certain knowledge and skills, tend to grow, in connection with which there is a loss of decorative bush. Therefore, sometimes plants have to be transplanted.

rose garden bush planting and care
The best time to carry out such an action is October or April. Before transplanting, it is advisable to cut the garden bush rose by 20 cm, then you need to cut off all the leaves and remove the damaged branches. The plant needs to be dug up with an earthen lump and carefully transferred to a new hole, previously flooded with water.

Features of trimming

The most difficult moment in the care of garden roses is pruning, activating the development of shoots and rich flowering. This procedure is carried out from spring to autumn and has a different purpose. During spring pruning, the plant is freed from dried up and old shoots with a parallel formation of a bush. The summer procedure is considered sanitary: from several flower buds a larger specimen is left. It is also required to remove wilted flowers and fruit set. In autumn, the plant prepares for future wintering: damaged and dried shoots are cut.

How to prune a gorgeous plant like a garden rose? Planting and care in spring less frighten the inexperienced grower than pruning a plant. There is nothing complicated in this procedure, it is only important to know some of its subtleties in order to safely handle the plant in the future.

Breeding methods

Garden roses, planting and caring for which bring great aesthetic pleasure, propagate in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush;
  • vaccination;
  • offspring;
  • seeds.

The seed method is most often used in the cultivation of hybrids, new varieties and for the propagation of wild roses. Harvested seeds are cleaned and immersed in raw sand for 4 months in order to stratify. With the advent of spring, they are kept for some time in a growth stimulator, after which they are sown.

Propagation by cuttings is often used for park and indoor species and consists in rooting cuttings. They are cut at the moment when the garden rose begins to bloom. Landing and care (photo) are not difficult.

garden rose planting and care

Roses can be propagated by vaccination. For rootstock, rosehips are used, which have a highly developed root system and are characterized by high winter hardiness. With quality care, the grafted rose by the fall will turn into a powerful plant with a rich crown, completely ready for transplanting to a new growth site.

By dividing the bush, exclusively root plants propagate. To do this, in the spring (before budding) or in the autumn, you need to dig up the bush, divide it into parts with a sharp tool. The resulting plants should have one or two shoots and their roots. Places of cuts need to be processed with crushed coal, and seedlings should be planted in the usual way. During spring propagation, new plants can even please with abundant flowering and active growth.

When propagating by layering on a shoot growing from the root neck, it is required to make annular cuts of the cortex, bend it and place it in a shallow groove prepared in advance. The branch must be fixed with a wire staple or hook and sprinkled with moist earth, leaving the top on the surface. The latter must be tied to a peg, giving it thus a vertical direction of growth. During the summer, the kidney above the layer must be kept moist. Only next spring will it be possible to separate such young plants as garden roses from the parent specimen.

garden rose planting and care in spring
Planting, care (the photo can be seen in the article) for them consist in watering, feeding and timely pruning.

About eustoma and Chinese rose

Against the background of flower crops, a Chinese spot, a garden perennial eustoma grown for cutting, stand out as a bright spot.

garden rose outdoor planting and care
For example, freshly cut eustoma can stand in a vase with water for about a month. The plant has meter-long stems, strong and elegant. Flowers bloom in turn and are characterized by different shades: white, purple, purple, pink. In a half-open form, the eustoma resembles a rose; when fully blossomed, it is very similar to poppy.

Large bright flowers of a wide range of colors, with a peephole of a contrasting color or border on the edge, simple and terry, bright, large - these signs recognize the Chinese garden rose.

Chinese rose garden perennial eustoma
Growing and caring for such a plant at home is not particularly difficult; It is important to choose the right place to plant, regularly water the plant, remove weeds, loosen the soil and feed in a timely manner. It is also important to control that the hibiscus bush (Chinese rose) does not thicken. You should know that the flower of a Chinese rose lives only a day, but with lush flowering it is invisible. It is important only to remove wilted flowers in a timely manner.

Diseases and Pests

Roses, like any of the plants, can be affected by diseases and the invasion of harmful insects. Adverse growth conditions are one of the factors that weaken the plant's immunity. More often, roses are affected by rust, powdery mildew, chlorosis and black spotting. Fungal diseases are treated with fungicides: a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur and a 3% solution of copper sulfate. Chlorosis, causing yellowing of the bush, develops due to a lack of nutrients in the soil, including iron. In this case, by analyzing the soil, it is necessary to find out which element is missing, and to eliminate the cause by adding its salts to the soil.

Of the insects, a garden rose, planting and care of which is a constant and responsible process, can be damaged by sucking (ticks, aphids, whiteflies, cicadas, insects) and gnawing (sawfly larvae, beetles, caterpillars) pests. Both of them cause huge damage to plants. The first pierce the ground parts of the bush and suck out the cellular juice. As a result, a disturbance of vital processes occurs in the plant, leading to the death of shoots, twisting of leaves and their falling.

The activity of gnawing pests is aimed at violating the integrity of parts of the plant and leads to growth retardation, sparse flowering and loss of decorative features. You can fight pests upon their appearance or apply preventive measures and treat the rose bushes with the Rogor, Aktellik, and Karbofos insecticides. This must be done before the swelling of the kidneys. Of folk remedies, a solution of 2 g of kerosene diluted in 10 liters of water is effective. In the fall, after trimming, plant debris must be collected and destroyed, and bushes and soil treated with the above insecticides.


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