What is a skate in construction? Types, features and photo of the ridge

The ridge as an integral part of the roof structure plays an important role of the power element, facilitating the implementation of technical operations at the installation stage. He has a high responsibility as a bearing segment, but his functions do not end there. For example, what is a skate in a private house? It is also an element of the very top of the roofing, which can add decorative effects to the overall appearance of the building. In both cases, the implementation of the ridge can be different depending on its technical parameters and additional design requirements.

Skate appointment

The device of the ridge on the roof

The need to use a ridge or ridge profile due to the structural structure of gable roofs. Any roof of this type is formed as a result of the convergence of two planes on the same line of the bow. To understand what a skate is in construction, it is necessary to proceed from this task of arranging the junction of two roof segments. If it is not properly designed, then the interior will be flooded with rain and wind blows. Does this mean that in the construction of flat roofs this element is missing by definition? Formally, this is so - moreover, the skate in its classical representation will not be found in some types of pitched roofs, among which are domed, tented and bulbous. Another thing is that there are many subspecies of ridge elements that perform approximately the same tasks of external protection of roof joints. These can be various planks, elongated tiles and crimp segments. In each case, one key task is posed - to ensure the possibility of reliable structural connection of two roofing layers. But in the classical scheme, the role of the ridge increases, since not only roofing floors converge, but also the lathing of the rafter system, which increases the responsibility of the element.

Types of skate designs

Even if you take the usual gable roof, there will be many options for its structural implementation - depending on the type of rafter system, the implementation of the roofing, the elements of connection used, etc. Accordingly, the options for the designs of the ridge itself differ. The most popular types include the following:

  • Straight. The simplest device that is used in most ordinary roofs of country houses. What is a skate with a direct design? In essence, these are two slats forming a triangular profile. They are applied to the junction of two slopes and fixed with fixing material.
  • Semicircular. By and large, an analogue of a straight ridge, however, in this case, not a triangle, but a semicircle is superimposed. From the point of view of the operational effect, this solution may be more justified, since it allows skates to be joined with problem edges and almost always the skate itself is monolithic, which eliminates additional sealing operations.
  • Mortise. A modern solution, the feature of which is the ability to conveniently and reliably integrate the ridge into the roof structure due to special grooves. But mortise models have a limitation - they are additional elements in relation to certain roof structures. As a rule, manufacturers attach them to a metal roof, maintaining one dimensional format.
Semicircular skate

Production material

Previously, skates were made on the basis of asbestos concrete, which, with proper treatment, could withstand negative influences from the outside and at the same time retained a sufficient degree of structural reliability. Today, for this function, more technological and functional materials such as metal tiles, profiled sheets and composite tiles are used. To understand how selection by type of material is carried out, it is worth remembering what a skate is? The definition can be this: a structural element that closes the joint of roofing on different sides of the slopes. That is, it is best to use the material of the coating itself. For a metal roof, the best choice is a thin-sheeted skate with a polymer coating, which practically does not put a load on the rafter system, but fully protects against negative climatic phenomena. As for more complex coatings like ondulin, slate and tile, in this case it is better to use hard and dense skates made of metal, which organically enter the common roof complex with its rafter system.

Skate in rebate roofs

The peculiarity of the use of ridge profiles in roofs with a seam roof lies in the specific joint system of the joining unit. The two sides of the ramp are fastened in a seam line, forming a tight joint. Structurally, they practically do not need additional protection from the side of the ridge, however, sealing of the gap is required. For this, an external overlay is used, but its feature is more likely expressed in the integration system. It is the mortise type skate that is used, the design of which allows embedding in the seam bow assembly. The complexity of this method, from the point of view of technical implementation, is that the reduction of roof slopes and the installation of the ridge should be carried out in one technological process.

Built-in skate

What is a hobbyhorse ?

As a structural element, the skate in traditional Russian huts performed the same function as a transitional mating part with respect to the junction of two slopes. However, its decorative load was much higher. Almost always, this was and remains a unique design element with the author's carving, which acted as a decoration of the facade. And again itโ€™s worth returning to the question of what is a roof ridge? The photo of the hut presented below allows us to understand that in the roofing system, the ridge acts as the topmost element. And then its significance as a symbolic detail manifests itself. So, according to Slavic mythology, the horseโ€™s head protected from evil spirits. Moreover, sometimes real fragments of the skull or teeth of a dead horse were embedded in the design, which added โ€œprotectiveโ€ power to the device.

The little horse of the Russian hut

How to make a skate at home?

When building roofs using simplified technology using a wooden crate and galvanized iron sheets, you can restrict yourself to using a homemade skate. What is a homemade skate profile? This is either a wooden angular structure of two planks fixed at the edges in an angular shape, or a metal sheet bent to the same shape. In the first case, it will be important to take care of the tightness of the joint under the ridge by placing a vapor-waterproofing substrate, and in the second, it is necessary to provide the necessary rigidity of the long sheet along the entire joint line using metal staples and clamps with transverse intercepts and indents of 1-1.5 m.

How to determine the height of the ridge?

The dimensions of the ridge and the features of its design are determined at the stage of designing the roof and its rafter system. Height is a defining and fixed value that directly depends on the angle of the ramp. In technical standards, a calculation formula is given, according to which, using a special coefficient, you can determine the ridge on the roof of the house. What is the calculated coefficient in relation to the ridge bar? This is the number by which the width of the house along the slopes is multiplied. The value of the coefficient, in turn, will depend on the angle - for example, a coefficient of 0.17 corresponds to a 10-degree slope, and 1.22 corresponds to a 50-degree slope.

Preparing for skate mounting

Mounting the ridge

Mounting the ridge is the final stage of roof construction. By this moment, the rafter system with supporting beams and support racks should be ready. In some designs, on the rafter crate, an additional fastening equipment for the roof ridge is also provided. What is a mounting crate under the ridge? These are bars fixed on the central beam, which acts as the basis for fixing the slopes on two sides. The fastening of the ridge itself according to the lining scheme will be carried out just in time for the mounted bars on this beam. It will also be useful to provide devices for lifting installation materials to the roof - a ladder structure or a winch, if it comes to massive and heavy elements.

Additional elements for the ridge

The highest point of the roof and the house as a whole is a very attractive place for arranging engineering and communication systems. For example, we can talk about a chimney, ventilation pipe, vents and lightning rods. The very basis of the ridge does not relate to the functional parts of these devices in any way, but only ensures their free access to special devices, as shown in the photo below. What is a skate with its own additional elements? In this case, structural details and materials are used that make the skate device more functional. This can be components, ventilation tape for fasteners, sealants, insulation and aero elements.

Skate with ventilation

Installation work

The installation technique depends on the design of the roofing and the ridge. The usual method of fixing is to fix the strips on two sides to the crate or special stiffeners. The fastening itself can be carried out either by means of self-tapping screws, or with the help of construction adhesive-sealant. For the right choice of fixing method, you need to remember what a skate is, from the point of view of its technical tasks. Nevertheless, this is not just an element of sealing and external protection, but a structural docking unit, which performs the responsible task of keeping two edges away from slopes. Therefore, it will be the best solution to combine the technology of hard fasteners on the sides with hardware and the processing of joints with sealant.


Skate on the roof

There are a lot of approaches to the implementation of the upper part of the pitched roof, the choice among which is determined by the characteristics of the structure and the conditions of its operation. For example, what is a skate of a house with an ordinary gable roof based on a wooden rafter system? On the one hand, it can be a simple metal plate with a waterproofing substrate and reinforcing clamping devices. On the other hand, construction engineers pay more and more attention to specialized structures that are specifically selected for certain roofs. Both the roofing sheets and the ridge in this system will have fastening elements corresponding to each other while maintaining the possibility of arranging technological ventilation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8163/

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