International tourism in the life of Russians

Today, the international tourism industry, as part of the international trade in services, is demonstrating its dynamic development. Over the past 20 years, on average over the year, the growth rate of the volume of the flow of traveling people in the world was 5.1%, and foreign exchange earnings associated with the flow of people grew by 14%. Attention to the development of tourism in the world is increasing, since its impact on the economy of individual countries is very significant. As for Russia, according to statistical sources, in 2010 this industry in the total aggregate of Russia's GDP amounted to 3%, and taking into account related industries - 6.5%. Given these indicators, we can say that international tourism is a constantly developing industry.

International tourism is

Here are the areas that international tourism has a direct impact in any country:

  • It is always associated with the receipt of foreign currency;
  • Thanks to this industry, the balance of payments of the country's budget is increasing;
  • It contributes to the diversification of the country's economy , creating industries that are related to tourism;
  • International tourism is the growth of employment, the growth of its income, the increase in the welfare of the nation.

The volume of export services associated with this type of tourism is second only to the oil industry and the automotive industry in the entire global economy.

Russia and international tourism

The Russian Federation does not remain aloof from the general global economic development trends; it has one of the leading places in the field of tourist exchange. So, 2011 gave Russia a total flow of tourists - about 20 million people. Revenues for this period amounted to $ 11.4 billion.

International tourism in Russia

With its rich cultural heritage and natural diversity, Russia is rightfully among the countries in which there is a potential increase in tourism. Today, Russia’s services sector is undergoing major transformations.

International tourism in Russia will be further developed, as The demanded regions create special economically advantageous zones, which contribute to the development of business in the industry that we are talking about today.

The structure of international tourism

International tourism has developed a clear structure in the provision of services. So, the most massive enterprises in the organization are various agencies - intermediaries between tour operators and travelers. Today their role is difficult to overestimate.

Travel agencies follow - these are wholesale companies that play the role of intermediaries between enterprises.

international tourism

The next step in business is corporations. As a rule, these are large enterprises that, introducing a participation system, attract a wide range of organizations and enterprises in the tourism industry.

An example of such a corporation is hotel complexes.

Wide international relations that arose against the backdrop of the development of tourism, led to the creation of numerous international organizations. Today they operate in every country. Their task is to contribute to the improvement of international relations and the organization of tourism.


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