The relationship of education and training. Principles and methods of education and training

Many parents know how difficult it is to raise a child in the modern world. A lot of technology, gadgets and games leave a big imprint on the development of kids and teens. Very rarely in the park you can meet schoolchildren with real books in their hands or drawing classics on asphalt. Many consider this a relic of the distant past. And is this past so far away and what takes the present from modern children?

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What is parenting and training?

It should be noted that education is a whole range of activities aimed at personality formation. The great scientist Pavlov believed that education is a way and an opportunity to preserve the historical memory of a population.

In turn, learning is the process of forming new skills, knowledge and skills, as well as the development of creative abilities. It should be noted that there is a clear relationship between education and training. After all, these processes always go hand in hand. You can’t try to teach something to a child who does not have a learning process and perseverance since childhood. Learning objectives should be consistent with goals and opportunities.

Types of interaction between training and education

1. Continuous communication. This type is characterized by a constant continuous process of education during education and vice versa. In turn, the processes become one and the child does not perceive them as something disconnected.

2. The parallel relationship of education and training. So, all the processes of transformation and transformation of children's energy after school are carried out: circles, electives. Thus, training takes place in parallel with education.

training and education

3. The upbringing of a child can be carried out outside the educational process, however, it must always adhere to a certain strict concept of education. It can be family evenings or tea parties where you study etiquette or the basics of ecology. Many families go camping or have picnics in order to teach children the correct behavior in the forest, near a reservoir or in a park. Moreover, in any family, the rule of preserving family values ​​and traditions should be first of all observed.

4. The process of education can take place outside of education, for example, in clubs or discos. This type is most often characteristic of adolescents and older children. Usually, parents are afraid of this educational type, but very often it plays a decisive role in the formation of personality.

The mechanism of formation of the unity of training and education

Many believe that the process of education takes place on its own, without much effort. However, this is a big mistake. Indeed, upbringing is a change in existing psychological attitudes, as well as the development of new ones. This process cannot take place quickly and without any effort.

formation of skills in the head

The fundamentals of education and upbringing are laid in infancy when you read fairy tales to a child or sing lullabies, when you teach him to speak, walk and make toys. In this case, the child must necessarily enter into interpersonal relationships in order to test their skills.

Pedagogical impact on the child

In order for a child to accept any social setting, he must have any knowledge about it, it must cause any emotions and be supported by action. For example, if you want to teach a child how to tie shoelaces, first tell how and why it should be done, then describe what can happen if you do not tie them, and show how it is done.

Training people

Process stages

Both training and parenting proceeds in the following stages:

  1. Increased attention.
  2. Interest.
  3. New information.
  4. Motivation for action or end result.

Thus, it turns out that without any one link, the formation of a full-fledged skill is impossible. For example, if the child does not care about the final result, then he will not have interest, or vice versa.

Psychological foundations of education and training

In the formation of any skills, the child must have the following steps:

  1. Knowledge of what to do.
  2. The desire to do positive things.
  3. Visualization (I saw that adults do this).
  4. Self exercise.

All methods and means of education must necessarily take into account the age of the child. It is impossible to equally explain or try to teach something to a one-year-old baby and a ten-year-old schoolboy. It is also worth taking into account the individual characteristics of the psycho-physical development of the child and the team in which he is located.

There are methods of persuasion and stimulation in the formation of certain skills in children. However, it is necessary to strictly and clearly adhere to them constantly. Today it’s impossible to reward a child for laying down his toys, and tomorrow this cannot be done or, on the contrary, to scold him for it. You can also use the method of creating a specific activity in the education and training of a schoolchild or teenager.

Learning objectives - is the creation of the necessary skills that should correspond to a specific type of personality of the child. It is impossible not to take into account individual characteristics to apply pedagogical techniques.

Problems of modern education and training

Modern educational programs for children are so extensive and developed that they can be applied almost from birth. Many are in a hurry and begin the educational process even before the child has learned to speak or mastered walking skills.

learning at the board and at the computer

The methods and means of education are aimed at the formation of personal leadership qualities and skills to use them. However, all this hides a clear emotional and mental overload. Many parents, in an effort to make their child special, forget that he is still a child. Often, children lose interest in simple children's games and activities, as well as an interest in communicating with each other.

Kindergarten education and training program

In general, the program in kindergarten is divided into age groups. Young children learn the method of forming a clear daily routine. It takes into account food, sleep and gaming skills.

Children learn skills in accordance with physical and mental development. The program of education and training in kindergarten in all age groups is based on a trusting relationship between children and the educator, as well as on the professional skills of the latter.

Learning outcomes of children cannot be evaluated immediately and equally. Indeed, some perceive information in a special way and can creatively apply their skills in life. Many scholars believe that a steady link to a particular skill occurs after 21 days of daily repetition. In children, this principle does not work at all. Some grab and apply new knowledge the first time, while others need motivation and interest.

How to communicate with a child

If you want to build a certain chain of knowledge with a child that will lead to the formation of a skill, then you must first build a trusting relationship. The order of communication with the child always begins with personal contact. If you see that your young opponent is out of sorts or not ready for any conversation, then it is better to postpone this moment.

The thing is that you, trying to create a positive skill, can form a negative one. This is very often seen with adolescents. He, as it were, is doing the opposite. Although the "teacher" is actually to blame.

The procedure for communicating with a child at any age should not be intrusive and clearly instructive. For example, if you want to teach a child to take care of nature, it’s not necessary to seat him in front of you with the words: “And so, today we’ll talk about ...”. Such moments are imprinted in memory extremely negatively.

Learning outcomes may not always be expected. If you choose the wrong motivation or explain the possible outcome, then the skill may form completely unexpected.

Very often, in dealing with a child, adults are careful, bypassing some points. Children often perceive this as distrust and cannot fully open.

Learning Revolution

It has long been believed that children go to school. Is it really so? The continuous interconnection of upbringing and education has led to the fact that parents and teachers have become better than professional teachers. They more easily enter into personal contact and more correctly take into account the psychological characteristics of the child. The individual approach factor in this case also decides a lot. After all, a teacher in a class cannot devote much time to each student.

teenagers studying

At present, a spoken word is being replaced by a written one. It is much easier for many children to express themselves on paper, as well as to perceive written language than oral.

The third revolution is the introduction of the printed word. She was replaced by the fourth - full automation. It is currently hard to imagine a student without a computer, phone or tablet. Printed book publications have become rare, and test papers are written on computers.


Any methods of training and education cannot be regarded as good or bad. Currently, there are many methods of education and training, each of which in one case may be the best, and in the other the worst.

The close interconnection of upbringing and education leads to the formation of basic skills from birth, which should subsequently be reinforced and developed in kindergarten, school and university.

computer training

Education methods should not be confused with exposure methods. Indeed, during education, we, through the formation of a certain skill, want to get the final result - a certain personal quality. By influencing the child, we strive to get an instant result: stop, do not do this, etc.

Currently, many parents adhere to the direction of limiting prohibitions on raising children. This technique can only take place if there is a clear framework and boundaries in which you apply it. Awareness of prohibitions must be present in any case.


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