Chuvash State Art Museum (Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic): exhibitions, events

Cheboksary (Chuvash Republic) is a beautiful city. It is the capital of the republic. The local people have a rich distinctive culture, which may be interesting to everyone who cares about the city of Cheboksary and sights. In this case, where should tourists go to the capital of the Chuvash Republic ? The selection of cultural and historical sites in this city is quite large. Undoubtedly, lovers of history and culture are simply obliged to visit the museums of Cheboksary. Visitors will learn about the ethnogenesis and origin of the Chuvash people, their formation as a nation, their historical, everyday culture.

Chuvash State Art Museum
Museums will also introduce the city’s art culture to city visitors. A major cultural center in Cheboksary is the Chuvash State Museum of Art.

Description of this institution

He has four buildings at his disposal. Their total area is three thousand fifty-one square meters. This is exactly the area intended for expositions. Of these, two thousand ninety square meters are in the main building. It houses the main exposition of the Chuvash art. She is stationary. This building was built in the eighty-fifth year of the last century according to the drawings of V. D. Shatilov. The main part of the expositions here is also permanent and stationary.

museums in cheboksary
In the old merchant house with an area of ​​seven hundred and nine square meters, there is a department of Russian and foreign art. Here, as in any self-respecting gallery, paintings by famous artists of Chuvashia, Russia and abroad are presented.

In addition, on Urukava Street, tourists can see paintings by the national artist of Chuvashia M.S. Spiridonov. The Center for Contemporary Art acquaints visitors with both the work of contemporary Chuvash artists and with the masters of fine art of the neighboring republics and all of Russia. The Memorial Museum of the People's Artist of Chuvashia Moses Spiridonovich Spiridonov presents works in the field of painting, a collection of sketches, a collection of Chuvash folk art, showing ornaments, embroidery, details of folk costumes. Guides will talk about the life and work of the artist. This museum is located in the ordinary "Khrushchev", where the artist lived. Therefore, visitors can get acquainted with his life. The walls of the museum are decorated with many paintings of the artist himself. Despite its small size, the exposition holds about eight thousand exhibits.

Museum funds

In any of these buildings, employees will always meet tourists with joy, however, just as with pleasure, they will meet them and other museums of Cheboksary. The history of the art museum begins with the nineteen thirty-ninth year, when the state art gallery was opened in the republic. They did this due to the fact that in the collections of the Museum of Local Lore, in its department of fine art, a lot of paintings, graphic works, decorative and applied products, sculptures and many works of other types of art were collected. Thus, having separated art, they formed a new museum.

Cheboksary sights where to go
Nowadays, museum funds are quite voluminous. The works of Chuvash, Russian, foreign artists (approximately twenty thousand copies) attract the attention of art lovers who are happy to visit the Chuvash State Art Museum.

Whose paintings can be seen?

Here they can find for themselves wonderful works by world-famous artists - A. I. Kuindzhi, N. I. Feshin, V. A. Tropinin, K. A. Korovin, V. L. Borovikovsky and many others. Museum employees are proud of their collections. For example, the collection of Chuvash jewelry and hats is truly priceless. Also interesting are the collections of works by A. I. Mittov, I. V. Dmitriev, A. A. Kokkel. No less fascinating is the collection of paintings by artists included in the Black Pond creative association. It was created in nineteen eighty-seventh year by representatives of the Nizhny Novgorod underground. This was a significant event for the culture of provincial cities. Exhibitions of representatives of the association are in museums in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Cheboksary.

Cultural Center
At any time, visitors can get acquainted with the expositions of works by classics of Russian fine art V. Surikov, I. Levitan, I. Repin, V. Serov, B. Kustodiev, K. Petrov-Vodkin, which the Chuvash State Art Museum is rich in.

Of particular interest are works of folk art. Examining the Chuvash embroidery, the works of hand and machine weaving, products embroidered with silver and beads, you immediately very vividly imagine the life and images of the Chuvash people.


The Chuvash State Art Museum not only acquaints with its funds, but also holds many educational events for art lovers. Employees are held for the holidays or seasonally. For example, events are called Christmas Assemblies, Spring Meetings, or December Nights. They collect in the museum true connoisseurs of art. This is not just an exhibition of fine art. These are evenings where artists, poets, writers, musicians, and performing artists meet. Their creative evenings are also held here, which every lover of art and culture can visit. For example, in 2015, the museum hosted a series of events dedicated to the 135th birthday of the Chuvash artist Alexei Afanasyevich Kokel.

Cheboksary Chuvash Republic

Exhibition "Solar"

No less interesting was the exhibition "Solar", which ended recently, in June. It presented the work of the artist Alena Nikiforova. This is a very multifaceted master. At the exhibition, visitors could see paintings, graphics, floristic compositions, stained glass and ceramics.

Event for Ivan Kupala Day

July 6, employees held a holiday of Ivan Kupala. On this day, visitors received workshops on weaving wreaths, folk divination, games and fun festivities. Events were arranged both in the museum and beyond.

Exhibition of photographs

Interesting events are taking place now. On June 30, the museum opened an exhibition of art photography of the republican photo club "Open diaphragm." The newly opened exposition is called "Big Little People." The exhibition presents the visitor with photographs of modern children.

exposition of Chuvash fine art
The authors of the pictures are people of completely different ages and opposing worldviews, which attracts the attention of many visitors. The exhibitors were twelve photo artists. On July 1, the exhibition "Bright World" was opened at the center of contemporary art by the artist Valentina Miloslavskaya. At it, the artist presented seventy works made in watercolor and oil.

A keepsake

The Art Museum is a true cultural center with its own audience. During the year he is visited by at least forty-five thousand people.

museum funds
Every tourist can buy souvenir products in the museum, purchase paintings, decorative and applied arts, leather and stone jewelry, art books and multimedia products, art reproductions of famous paintings and postcards. And all this people can get, not only visiting the museum, but also ordering on the Internet.

Cheboksary: ​​attractions

Where to go? Of course, in the art museum. But besides him, there are other places in the city. What is one museum of the legendary Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev, one of the most popular heroes of the civil war! Fans of technology will be interested in the museum of tractors. The whole history of this field worker will appear here to visitors. Needlewomen will be happy to visit the embroidery museum, and children will visit the fire department. Even economists will find a suitable place for themselves: the Chuvashstat Museum. An institution with such an unusual name will tell visitors about the history of the republic’s statistics and population census. You can also get acquainted with modern art by visiting the art site "Polygon".


Our article provides a lot of information about the cultural attractions of Cheboksary, which is interesting to guests of the city. The Museum of Art is truly a cultural center worth visiting. There are many interesting paintings, photographs and other exhibits. The good news is that it periodically holds various events.


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