How to pierce an ear at home so as not to harm your health

Since time immemorial, people have pierced their ears in order to decorate them with earrings. At present, it is difficult to find a representative of the fair sex who would not wear this accessory. For those who first decided to change their image by decorating themselves with earrings, and at the same time do not want to spend money on going to the beauty parlor, the question always arises of how to pierce an ear at home. This procedure is not so complicated. However, it is worth remembering the simple rules, compliance with which will avoid complications.

The earlobe is a special area. It is here that numerous reflex points are concentrated, which are a kind of projections of internal organs. If an unfortunate place is chosen for a puncture, then there is a high risk of a malfunction in the operation of any vital system. But if you correctly determine the necessary point, then the body can benefit. For example, a puncture in a certain place will allow you to correct your vision. That is why treat the procedure of ear piercing should be as responsible as possible. Especially in the case when a place is selected for earrings in a child.

How to pierce an ear at home so as not to harm the body? Before the procedure, it is advisable to seek the advice of a reflexologist. The specialist will designate the place on the lobe, the puncture of which will be most favorable for human health. After that, you can independently carry out the procedure at home.

how to pierce an ear at home

First you need to prepare everything necessary for this work. In this case, you will need a large needle, medical alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, gold earrings or cloves cast from medical steel. So, how to pierce your ear at home? First, the needle should be sterilized. To do this, alcohol is set on fire in a small saucer. A needle is placed in it. Secondly, the earlobe should be treated. This must be done with a cotton swab that has previously been moistened with alcohol. Next, mark the desired puncture point with a marker.

If the procedure will be performed on two ears, then it is necessary to follow the symmetry of the selected places. After the sterilized needle has cooled slightly, take it in your hand and pull the lobe back. It will take one quick and accurate movement at right angles to the ear, and the puncture is ready. The resulting hole is treated with hydrogen peroxide and an earring previously processed in alcohol is inserted into it.

at what age pierce ears

So, the procedure is behind, pierced ears. How to care for them? It should be remembered that in the first four to six weeks the earrings cannot be removed. During this time, the canal heals. In addition, it is not recommended to go to the pool, wash your hair and wet the puncture site for five days. During the same time, you should refuse to exercise, so that sweat does not get into the wound.

The puncture site daily in the morning and evening hours must be treated with medical alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Cotton wool can be moistened with high-quality vodka. It wipes the earring and earlobe. It is also necessary to process the channel. In order for the solution to get into it, the earring should be scrolled. After a five-day period, it becomes necessary to perform simple movements to expand the channel to avoid stagnation. To do this, several times during the day, the earrings should be scrolled in different directions.

pierced ears how to pierce

So, now you know how to pierce your ear at home without harming your health. Is it possible to carry out such a procedure for a child? At what age do girls pierce their ears? Psychologists are of the opinion that decorating the baby’s earlobes with earrings is desirable as early as possible. Until eighteen months, children have no fear of pain. However, it is not remembered for a long time. If the girl is already aware of the pain in the ear piercing procedure, then mom should wait. Over time, the daughter’s desire to wear earrings overcomes fear. Then it will be possible for her to pierce her ears.


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