Freesia: cultivation and care at home and outdoors

Almost every housewife seeks to decorate her home with plants that daily delight, if not with flowers, then with their greenery. Recently, the assortment of domestic plants has become very large. Many exotic representatives appeared among them, who liked the hostesses very quickly. These include beautiful freesia. Growing and caring for these flowers is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. Beautiful flowers can be grown not only on window sills, but also on flower beds in the garden.

Beautiful exotics

It's hard to find someone who doesn't like freesia. Delicate flower with a stunning aroma will win any heart. Any housewife wants to grow beautiful freesia in a pot on her window. The birthplace of the bulbous plant is South Africa, where flowers grow in bushes on the coast of water bodies. The plant has a unique, attractive aroma that attracts attention. It is thanks to him that the flower is also called the Cape lily of the valley. At one time, the flower was named after the doctor and botanist from Germany Friedrich Frieze. The unique beauty of flowers and stunning aroma for over 200 years make it one of the most grown plants by gardeners.

Freesia flowers

Once you see a stunning flower, you will never forget about it. The peculiarity of the plant is that there are a huge number of its colors. In addition, freesia in the garden grows no worse than at home, which means that beautiful flowers can delight you in the warm season. The wonderful smell is so strong and inimitable that its notes are often used by perfumers to obtain aromas.

The plant belongs to the Iris family, there are more than twenty of its varieties. Well, varieties of freesia - and even more. The bulbs of this beautiful plant are now sold in any specialized store. If you want to enjoy beautiful flowers, then feel free to buy freesia. Growing and caring for a plant is not so complicated, any housewife can cope with it.

Growing a house

Growing freesia at home is not at all difficult. If you like flowers, feel free to get down to business. It is enough to purchase freesia bulbs in a store for gardeners and plant them in pots. However, not all housewives decide to have such a plant. Many believe that it takes a long time to get beautiful freesia flowers. Growing and caring is actually not as complicated as it might seem. Knowing the basic principles, you can easily achieve flowering. In addition, do not forget that freesia feels great in the open ground. So, in the summer, flowers can decorate your flowerbed, and in winter freesia can be grown on the windowsill. You can admire the beautiful plant at any time of the year.

Dates of planting freesia bulbs

Growing and caring involves following the simplest rules, so you get plenty of flowering. In the conditions of our climatic zone, flowers can be grown not only at home, but also in the open ground. Planting and caring for freesia in the flowerbed, of course, will differ from the distillation of the plant on the windowsill. We will talk about all this later in our article.

It should be said right away that the flowering time directly depends on the planting period. We give a simple example. If you want to please yourself with flowers by March 8, then you need to plant the bulbs in late December or early January. It is completely different if you want to grow flowers in the open field. In this case, the plant must be planted on the street in April. But at the same time, already sprouted bulbs are used for planting.

Freesia bulbs

The description of freesia would not be complete, if not to say that the flowers are able to please us on the windowsill only for a while. The whole beauty of the plant is not in decorative greenery, but in stunningly beautiful buds. The green part is not interesting at all. Outwardly, it is somewhat similar to garlic greens. You can admire the flowering for a month or a little longer. After freesia falls into a state of rest. During this period, the bulb ripens, in order to delight us with flowering again in the future.


Gardeners are currently planting hybrid freesia cultivars in private plots. There are dozens of them, so there is a large selection. Inflorescences of a beautiful plant consist of three or five buds, and sometimes more. Hybrid varieties delight us with flowering from early May to the end of June. The most famous and popular variety is the cardinal. Red freesia is decorated with bright yellow spots. The plant produces peduncles up to 70 centimeters high. An adult bulb can throw up to three buds.

However, not all varieties can boast such high shoots. Broken freesia produces arrows up to forty centimeters high. Its inflorescence has 3-5 buds. Very large and multi-colored flowers you will appreciate the variety Alba.

If you like white freesia, pay attention to the hybrid form with the beautiful name of a ballerina. Snow-white flowers are decorated with a yellow stripe. White freesias are collected in inflorescences of twelve flowers. They exude a very pleasant and mild aroma.


No less attractive is the variety of roses Marie. The height of the flower stalks of the plant reaches only 25 centimeters. The inflorescence has 7 bright raspberry buds. For home cultivation, you can take bulbs of the Pamperina variety. Low flower stalks will look great in flowerpots, and delight the eye with bright colors. If you want to enjoy the aroma of a flower, then choose fragrant freesia, which has a bright lily of the valley aroma. In general, the choice of varieties is so great that you can choose a plant for every taste.

Terry freesia is very popular among gardeners. Unlike ordinary, it has as many as three rows of petals. Terry freesia has large buds and rounded petals. It is also called "Freesia rose." It can have two-tone or plain buds. Mostly purple, cream, yellow, blue and red shades prevail.

Indoor flower freesia is no different from street. The same bulbs are used for planting. Therefore, it is completely pointless to look for special varieties for growing on the window. When choosing bulbs, you only need to consider the height of the peduncles. Taller hybrids are best planted in flower beds. For growing on the windows, you can use undersized species.

Breeding methods

Planting freesia and care in the open field is not so difficult. Flowers can be propagated by seeds and bulbs. The second option is more convenient and simple, and more effective. Reproduction by seeds is a longer process.

During flowering, the mother bulb grows and builds strength. In the same period, children are formed - small daughter bulbs. During the entire growing season, the tuber is completely regenerated. You dig out from the soil is not the same bulb that planted. Flowers that are already fading should be removed so that they do not deplete the tuber. For the winter, the tubers are dug up and dried in a dry room, but it is necessary to separate the mother from the children.

Subsequently, large and small tubers are planted in separate containers. Young bulbs will grow in the ground until the leaves are wilted, after they are dug up and stored until the next planting.

Landing at home

Bulb planting dates depend on when you want to get a flowering plant. At home, landing can occur at any time. Of course, usually housewives tend to get beautiful flowers in the winter to admire them. In this case, the bulbs should be planted in October. At the same time, small nodules are planted in a small container. Children’s plants need to be looked after just like adults. When large tubers will please the hosts with flower stalks, the kids will only give greens. During the growing season, they should only increase the mass.


The plant loves nutritious loose soil. For planting, it is good to use a mixture of peat, turf land and river sand. You can still take in equal parts sheet soil, humus and peat. In general, for pots, you can buy a ready-made substrate in any store for gardeners. It is necessary to choose soil for bulbous leafy plants. Of course, finished substrates have a number of advantages, they already contain all the necessary elements and substances.

Outdoor landing

Planting and caring for freesia in the open field is slightly different from home. In early March, the bulbs begin to prepare for planting. They are placed in pots with a prepared substrate or the soil mixture is prepared independently. If you form the soil yourself, then you must immediately apply fertilizer to it. On average, 10 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium fertilizer, 50 g of bone meal are added per ten liters of soil.

For planting bulbs, you need to use pots of certain sizes. On average, no more than six tubers can be placed in a three-liter capacity. Pots are placed in a warm but moist room (+27 degrees). The soil must be regularly moistened to prevent drying out. After about fifteen days, the first shoots should appear. And this means that the flowers are ready for transplanting into the open ground. However, you should not rush. You can plant plants on the flowerbed only after the weather is good. Frost for the plant is not acceptable. Usually, freesia is planted in open ground in May. Depending on the region, this can be either the beginning of the month or its second half. If weather conditions permit, bulbs can be planted without germination. However, most often gardeners still try to germinate them and prepare them for street conditions.

Freesia in the flowerbed

When purchasing tubers for planting, be sure to pay attention to whether they are damaged or mold. Bulbs are planted in loose soil. The depth of the holes should be approximately three to six centimeters. Adult bulbs are planted at a distance of five centimeters from each other, and between the small ones it is enough to leave three centimeters. Baby tubers are planted separately from adults. Between the rows, a distance of about fifteen centimeters is maintained. Top soil must be leveled and mulched with peat or coniferous soil. This will help protect the tubers and roots from drying out and overheating.

Home Care

In order to get abundant flowering, it is necessary to plant the bulbs in fertile soil. Further care will not cause you any trouble, because the soil already contains all the necessary substances. Nevertheless, plants can be fed, but this must be done very carefully, since freesias are sensitive. Nutrients are recommended no more than once every 14 days. This is done if you are not sure about the fertility of the soil. For normal development in indoor conditions, plants need a temperature regime in the range of 23-25 ​​degrees. This applies to young plants. For matured freesia, 15-18 degrees is enough. Flowers need bright lighting and cannot stand the shade. For this reason, it is better to place them in the house on the southern windows.

Landing freesia

It is also worth considering that for full development the plant needs bright lighting for 12 hours a day. In winter, it is not possible to naturally achieve such conditions, so you will have to give the plant extra light with the help of lamps. During the germination of bulbs, the watering regime should be moderate, but the earthen lump should not dry out. In the future, the soil must be actively moistened. But it is worth knowing that freesias are very sensitive to overflow and do not tolerate stagnation of water. Plants feel more comfortable in a humid environment, so in winter they need to be sprayed, because heaters dry the air very much.

Outdoor Freesia Care

After planting the bulbs in open ground, they must be regularly watered, especially if May turned out to be hot. But pay attention to the fact that there is no stagnation of moisture, his freesia do not like. Gardeners also recommend feeding. First, ammonium nitrate is added (based on 10 l of 20 g of fertilizer). After no more than once every two months you can make superphosphate and potassium salt. Freesias in the open ground will certainly need loosening the soil and regular weeding. During the period of active growth, budding and flowering, the plant must be watered abundantly. The soil must always remain moist. Flowering lasts three to six weeks. After it, the number of waterings must be drastically reduced. In the end, gradually watering must be stopped.

After flowering, the shoots will gradually begin to fade, they can be cut off, leaving only a small part so as not to lose the bulbs. In open ground tubers can be up to frost. Then they must be removed and stored under certain conditions until the next landing.

What ailments is a plant susceptible to?

Pests can interfere with enjoying the beautiful flowering of freesia, especially if the plant grows on a flower bed. Fungal diseases, bacterial and viral, are dangerous for the culture. Very often the cause of ailments becomes excessive waterlogging. Excess moisture is very dangerous for plants. The bacterial nature of the disease can also occur as a result of improper storage of bulbs.

Lilac freesia

Fusarium, leaf spotting, gray rot are dangerous for freesias. If you notice a black spot on the bud, then we can conclude that it lacks phosphorus and potassium. At low temperatures, a gray coating may appear on the flowers. This is gray rot. Such a disease is dangerous in that it can deform the flowers. Thrips and ticks are also dangerous for the plant.

Care after flowering

After freesia fades, she still needs care. Gradually, its greens fade, so it must be cut. Watering is gradually reduced, nullifying. And after they dig up the tubers from the ground. In warm regions, tubers can be left for the winter in the ground. In our climate, freesia will not tolerate frost, so the bulbs must be dug up. Even at home, tubers are best removed from the ground. By the way, their proper storage is a very important factor that allows you to get abundant flowering in the future. Improper content leads to the fact that the plant does not produce peduncles.

Bulbs should be stored at 20-25 degrees. And air humidity should be about 60 percent. Under such conditions, future peduncles are formed.

Young tubers should be stored separately from old ones. Florists are recommended to definitely disinfect the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which they must be dried for a week. Such a simple technique will save the plant from bacteria and all kinds of parasites. Subsequently, the tubers are stored in a warm and humid room. But before landing, they are kept at a temperature of +15 degrees for two weeks.

Flowering freesia

We mentioned that the plant needs good lighting. If it does not get it, then it certainly will not bloom. For this reason, at home in winter, freesia is additionally illuminated with fluorescent lamps.

In the garden, the plant must be planted in a quiet and calm place with loose earth and good drainage. Despite the fact that freesia loves light, it can be hot in an open sunny place, so you should choose a light partial shade.

Variety of colors

The formation of peduncles is influenced by a lot of factors. With good and proper care, each tuber is able to produce up to three pagons. Unsuitable temperatures can cause bud deformation. When peduncles appear, it is worthwhile to immediately make support for them, since they are fragile. Freesia is able to delight flowering on average a month.

Freesia in the garden

Freesias in your flowerbed can become a real decoration of the garden. For planting, you can choose both tall and undersized varieties. Experienced flower growers recommend planting bulbs in boxes with holes. These are sold in stores, they are designed to store fruits and vegetables. Having buried a box in the ground, you are guaranteed to find your bulbs in it in the fall. Otherwise, small tubers may be lost. And in the open ground in winter, they simply die from frost.

Freesias are beautiful both as individual stands, and in combination with other flowers. When choosing a place for them, it is worth remembering that the plant is fragile, which means that it is necessary to take a comfortable place where no one will harm freesia. Planting and care in the open ground, as you can see, is not difficult. So, beautiful exotics can be grown in the garden.


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