Is it possible to paint a sheepskin coat on its own?

Sheepskin coat is a good outerwear for winter colds. She is able to serve her owner for about 10 years. But frequent wear, periodic wetting due to precipitation change its appearance. The color of the sheepskin coat is lost, and the material becomes worthless.

Sheepskin coat that has lost its appearance

To restore its previous properties, it is necessary to paint the sheepskin coat in dry cleaning or at home. The first, of course, is preferable, but you can also cope with the problem on your own.

Do-it-yourself sheepskin coat coloring

The main means for restoring the color of a sheepskin coat is special paints for leather and suede: Kiwi, Salamander, Damavik. For one product, 2-4 spray cans are required. Aniline powder is also suitable at the rate of 1 sachet / 1 kg of sheepskin coat.

Skin paint

Preparatory stage

Before painting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean clothes from dust, dirt, various stains. The entire cleaning process should include the following steps:

  1. Blowing dirt with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Sanding the product with fine sandpaper or a stiff brush.
  3. Wipe with a damp sponge or brush.
  4. Natural drying of a sheepskin coat without auxiliary means.
  5. Removing or gluing accessories with construction tape.
  6. Protection of fur from paint (by folding the edge into a sheepskin coat).

Coloring substances may contain carcinogens, which easily penetrate the body and cause poisoning. In order to prevent contact with them, it is recommended to wear tight clothes during work, protect hands with thick rubber gloves, eyes with glasses, and airways with a medical mask or respirator.

Painting a sheepskin coat with paint from a spray can

You can update the color of your sheepskin coat using a spray can. In this case, the main thing is to evenly distribute the dye over the surface of the garment. At first, you can practice on fragments that are not visible, for example, on the armpits. If the result is not bad, then you can proceed to the full color of the entire sheepskin coat.

Around the clothes to be painted must be covered with old newspapers or plastic wrap. The jacket can be hung on a coat hanger or neatly laid out on a table. It is better to paint the sheepskin coat in an upright state - it is the most natural. Now you can slowly apply dye to clothes. Particular attention should be paid to the seams - they should not differ in color from the rest of the outer clothing. Paint is best applied in several layers. The optimal number is 3.

The use of powder dye

Aniline dye will require more manipulation. The powder is first diluted in a small amount of boiling water. Then the resulting mixture is poured into 1.5 liters of warm water and mixed with 1 tbsp. l food vinegar. After this, wait until the liquid paint has cooled. In hot form, it can not be applied to the skin - it deforms the product. For the operation you will need a clothes brush.

Paint brush

She is dipped in paint, and then she is held in a sheepskin coat, making circular movements. At the end of the operation, it remains to check whether the paint has absorbed well into the skin.

Upon completion of dyeing, clothes are wiped with a sponge dampened first in vinegar and then in water.

Wipe with a sponge

Dry the painted sheepskin coat in natural conditions, without a hair dryer and heater - on the balcony or loggia. So unpleasant odors disappear faster. It is necessary to make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the clothes, otherwise its color will become dull.

To get rid of excess toxic substances, after painting, wash your hands and face with soap and rinse your throat with water.

Original painting methods

If you don’t have enough money for a new sheepskin coat, you can try to transform the old one, time-tested. Of course, the methods of painting are unconventional and, to put it mildly, extreme:

  1. Painting a sheepskin coat in a tub, basin or bath. Warm water is poured into the container and a package of paint for leather or suede is dissolved in it. Then the whole clothing is immersed in the mixture. Of course, the sheepskin coat will stain, anyway. But what will happen to the capacity ... Most likely, it will not be possible to use it for other purposes.
  2. Painting a sheepskin coat in a washing machine. The inside of the sheepskin coat is soaked, 1 kg of edible salt is abundantly sprinkled, watered with a color stabilizer and lowered into the drum of the washing machine. There, the paint is laid and the delicate washing mode without spin is set. After the procedure, the sheepskin coat is removed from the washing machine, rinsed by hand, hanged on a coat hanger and dried on the loggia.
  3. Painting a sheepskin coat with a wood stain. A method similar to the traditional one - the stain is rubbed into the leather base with a clothes brush. Then the sheepskin coat is wiped with a sponge dipped in a weak solution of vinegar.
  4. If the clothes themselves are in good condition, and only the fur edge has lost its appearance, it can be restored with ordinary hair dye.

Frankly, painting a sheepskin coat at home is the lot of enthusiasts and experimenters. It is easier for an ordinary person to entrust this business to professionals. And painting sheepskin coats in Moscow or in another city is much simpler, calmer and healthier in specialized dry cleaners.


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