A. A. Pleshakov, A. A. Rumyantsev on environmental ethics. The Giant in the Clearing: Summary

In 2012, a new book was published aimed at the environmental education of younger schoolchildren, the authors of which are Pleshakov A. A., Rumyantsev A. A. “The Giant in the Clearing” can be used as an additional guide to the subject “The World Outside”.

What are the advantages of the book and how can it be useful to the student?

How to behave in nature?

This is perhaps the main question to which the authors give an answer. "The Giant in the Clearing" (a brief summary of this will show) is to a large extent a popular science publication that contains many interesting messages about plants, animals, insects. Already in the introduction, the definition of “environmental ethics” is given (the combination is subtitled), the meaning of the word “giant” is explained (this is a person in relation to those for whom nature is a native home). An appeal to the realities of life, a description of the events that happened with ordinary children, make the book very informative and interesting for young readers.

Consider, for example, how the story of the golden bronze is built.

Summary of the first story from the book "The Giant in the Clearing"

giant in the meadow summary

The protagonist of the story is the mushroom picker Petr Petrovich. Often this person returns from the forest with an empty basket. And the point is not that he does not know how to find mushrooms. Pyotr Petrovich goes to the forest for another purpose - to observe how its inhabitants live. And now, as if enchanted, he watches a butterfly-bear or a beetle-horse. And once an amazing event happened to him. The mushroom picker noticed that a green beetle was flying nearby, which was named golden bronze for its appearance. Pyotr Petrovich extended his hand and raised his index finger. And then something happened that rarely happens in the wild. Bronze landed on a finger, sat for a while, moving its antennae, and flew on.

What could attract an insect? Why is it not afraid of man? The authors believe that the kindness and warmth emanating from Peter Petrovich, truly loving the world around him. Only such people can fully comprehend the true beauty of nature - the conclusion is made in the book "The Giant in the Clearing."

Summary of Insect Chapters

Further, the smallest inhabitants of the earth become the heroes of the work. Chatting May bugs: one of them tells a terrible story about how he ended up in the hands of boys and accidentally broke free. Mushroom beetle, which got into Tanya’s house with mushrooms and carried back to the forest by a girl and her smart dad. Two traveler caterpillars, one of which was lucky to cross the road, but the other died, as the boy decided to help the insect, but did it ineptly. A bear, who almost fell victim to the boys, whom she frightened with her appearance. Fortunately, a scientist-entomologist turned out to be nearby, who freed her from glass captivity (bottles).

It includes the book “The Giant in the Clearing”, a brief summary of which you are reading, and amazing stories about the transformation of a horned caterpillar into a beautiful swallowtail, about a school teacher on whose nose a flying wasp landed, about hardworking ants. For many, the life of a mason bee will be a revelation.

summary of the first story from the book of the giant in the meadow

Residents of ponds and animals

Crayfish, leeches, shells, tadpoles, earthworms, slugs, toads, frogs, lizards, newts ... The authors tell interesting stories about each of them, from which it becomes clear that everything in nature is natural. If a creature was born into the light, then it is necessary. The authors urge the children to respect each inhabitant of the planet with respect and not to interfere with his environment once again. After all, man for them is indeed a "giant in a clearing."

A brief summary of the story of Nadia shows how a person’s opinion about a creature that he considered vile and nasty can change. Once, a wise princess frog dreamed about a girl. They talked for a long time. Waking up, Nadia decided to meet her without fail. In the morning she went to the pond. On the shore sat a large and important frog. She swam enough and now, probably, decided to relax. The girl came closer - the frog sat in its place and looked at Nadia with its amazing eyes. She seemed very unusual: shiny, green, with small specks. At home, Nadia enthusiastically told her mother: “A real beauty! We just need to take a closer look at it. "

giant on a glade summary main lines

Defenseless animals and birds

To top it off, the authors cite stories of animals and birds that become human victims. This can happen intentionally, for example, when boys destroy someone’s hole, or out of good intentions. Someone decided to take a hedgehog to the house for the summer, and in the fall he released it into the forest. Definitely, the animal will die, because it has not prepared for hibernation.

The value of the work

The educational value of the book “The Giant in the Clearing” is indisputable. A brief summary of each story ends with an analysis of the actions of the heroes, with tips on what to do in each case. Rules of behavior in nature will also be useful . How to remove trash. How to make a fire, so as not to harm nature. Why you should not take a dog with you for a walk. How to behave in the forest and many others.

Pleshakov and a blush and a giant in a clearing

We hope that our article describing the book “The Giant in the Clearing” (brief summary), the main lines of which are printed at the end of the book, will help you behave in the country and make you want to read the work in full. And the rule: “Act in relation to nature as you would like you to do in relation to you,” will become your motto in life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8191/

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