Dmitry Hara: biography, creativity

Often there comes a moment in life when you think: “What do I need for happiness? What do I want? ” You look for the answer to your questions and seem to find it. But nothing helps. And then someone turns to good friends or attentive specialists, someone relies on the experience of those who are wiser and older. But for many, nothing acts so healingly as a book, which not only gives an answer, but also helps to change your thoughts, deeds and actions. Change your life.

Can a book change our lives?

Dmitry Khara

Obviously, yes. Judging by the numerous reviews, such is the book "The Last Step". A stimulus book that makes you think and lets your soul work. Reading it, you realize that there is only one life, there are no drafts in it, and therefore you need to live worthy. Live here and now. Often in everyday life we ​​don’t notice? how wonderful and wonderful everything that surrounds us.

In the pursuit of fame, career, we miss the most important and do not notice friends and relatives. We become miserable ourselves and make others miserable. Is there a way out? How to succeed in all areas of life? Change your inner mood? The book "PS" ("Last Step") will provide answers to these questions. The author of the book step by step helps to reconsider the outlook on life, change it and make it better.

Who is the author of the book?

Dmitry Hara psh

Dmitry Hara is a writer, psychologist, businessman and consultant. Born in Leningrad on April 11, 1976. According to the author himself, the family was not rich, his father was an artist, and his mother was an economist. According to Dmitry, having remained without parents, he lived intuitively most of his life. He was on the verge of disappointment in himself, in his own strength. But, having gathered his will into a fist, he decisively changed his life.

Dmitry received two higher educations - legal and economic. His career is quite interesting and rich: an investigator and cabinetmaker, a bank security chief and director of a government agency, a co-owner of a night club and a freelance correspondent.

According to Dmitry, he is a happy husband and father. He has a beautiful wife and two wonderful sons. Considers himself a free man, has a small legal business and many hobbies. He is interested in painting, blacksmithing and travel. He likes books, reads a lot. Agree, a person who struggled with his habits, attitudes, was able to change his life and emerged victorious, has something to share with readers?

The Last Step Book

Dmitry Hara books

In his book, the author invites readers along with the hero of the book on a journey. The book advises, teaches, shows by examples and helps to reevaluate your life, set priorities and change something in life. A book about self-development, written in an artistic style, together with the hero allows the reader to follow the instructions and advice.

According to Dmitry Khara, “PSH” is a book, after reading which life will forever change. It forces you to act, change yourself, fight fears and failures, try the unknown. What is noteworthy in the book, the names of the chapters consist of two words starting with the letters P and S. Many of the author's projects begin in this way.

Trainings and seminars

book ps dmitry hara

Dmitry Hara is a consultant on the psychology of success, the author of many projects. Conducts trainings and seminars to identify the strengths of the individual, develop them as much as possible and move forward more successfully. Trainings help you take a fresh look at yourself, at the events and situations that make up life, change your mindset and improve your life qualitatively.

At his trainings, Dmitry invites participants to the Journey, which begins with the First Step and offers three programs:

  • basic "First Step";
  • transformational "Advanced Step";
  • leadership "Flight of the Bumblebee."

The trainer addresses various aspects of human life and offers to answer questions. The basis of the training is observation of oneself, analysis of behavior, principles, intentions and relationships with other people. According to Dmitry Khara, PSH-trainings are a great opportunity to share the knowledge gained with its participants and help to gain unique experience.

The game "My Way"

Dmitry Khara last step

Dmitry developed the game “My Way”, during which a participant in the game can see how his subconscious mind actually works. Does he really want what he talks and dreams about. The “My Way” master class is a kind of dialogue with the subconscious, during which the participant gains knowledge on how to set goals, principles for constructing goals. The game helps to answer questions: "Why am I disappointed in my dreams and they do not inspire me?"

Performance "Travel"

One of the readers recommended the book to the production center, and Dmitry was offered to stage the play. According to him, he had no idea how on the stage he could fit a romance with an internal monologue and the hero’s feelings. But the director coped with this task brilliantly. The performance is in the format of art space, which allows you to accurately convey what the book "PS" talks about. Dmitry Khara believes that it is in this format that the performance is interesting and intelligible.

The spectacle was impressive. Oleg, the protagonist, a successful director of the company, saw an advertisement for the Last Step travel agency. After talking with the agent, he decides to go on a trip. On the tour he is informed only that he can change a person’s life. During the trip, the hero meets people who teach him how to live for real. And in the end, Oleg learns a lot about himself and his life.

The actors perfectly conveyed the meaning of the novel. The viewer sees a person dissatisfied with life, nervous and confused. Very lively and genuinely cast presented the transformation of the hero into a strong and integral personality, who realized the problems and mistakes, and coped with them successfully.

As Dmitry Khara comments on the play, “The Last Step” is a book full of feelings and emotions of the hero, so he was ready for a radical change in some moments. But, surprisingly, with the exception of a few little things, the production amazingly accurately conveys the plot of the work.

What is the success of The Last Step?

dmitry hara reviews

Readers write in their reviews that there have been many books on self-development. But PSh simply turned consciousness. Many re-read the book several times, writing out quotes and thoughts that came during reading in their diaries. This is not another book on psychology; it is not forced to repeat to itself endlessly that life is beautiful and nothing has to be done.

The book makes you not just reconsider your views on life. She makes you act. It contains everything you need for those who want to be better. Life lessons and examples, awareness of the main idea of ​​all life - Dmitry Khara revealed all this in his book. Reader reviews suggest that the book captures and does not let go. After reading it, I really want to get into the Journey myself, on which the hero of PS went.


Dmitry Khara

In 2005, the Charograd creative development center was created, led by Dmitry Khara. The purpose of the center is the social rehabilitation of children and adolescents from difficult families, their involvement in creative processes. The center helps to overcome communication barriers for its pupils, and teaches them to think positively and creatively.

Charograd organizes charity exhibitions, festivals and auctions. The center conducts educational campaigns on learning the culture of different nations, trainings and seminars. Artists, masters of pottery and blacksmithing conduct master classes. The proceeds from the sale of paintings are sent to orphanages and children with disabilities.

According to Dmitry Khara, it is in his interests to help people realize themselves and see the path to happiness. Is it not happiness for the young pupils of the center to pick up a brush and paint for the first time in oil, to mold a jug on a potter’s wheel independently or to paint a silk scarf with their own hands?


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