Trampoline center on Semenovskaya: description and guest reviews

Trampoline jumping is no longer exclusively childish fun. More and more specialized centers are opening in Moscow, where not only kids, but also adult guests can experience the feeling of freedom of flight.

One of the best is the trampoline center on Semenovskaya. Flip & Fly is a modern trampoline arena for entertainment, fitness and acrobatics, games, as well as corporate events and children's parties. Thirty-one trampolines are located on an area of ​​450 square meters. meters.

trampoline center on Semenovskaya

For adults

The trampoline center on Semenovskaya is two minutes from the metro. This sport is suitable for almost all people, but we still recall the contraindications at the end of the review.

So Flip & Fly offers:

  • Free jumps. For those who are jumping for the first time on a trampoline, it is worth preparing for an active holiday and vivid impressions. Open towards freedom and forget about the complexes - an experienced trainer will certainly help you with this. Before the start, each guest of the center undergoes briefing and warm-up, during which you can learn the basic elements for activities on the trampoline.
  • Sport games. If you are bored with ordinary sports, the trampoline center on Semenovskaya will tell you new entertainment. For example, basketball or bouncers combined with free flight. And you can feel like a player in a professional basketball league, who easily drops the ball into the basket when jumping.
  • Conquering the peaks. Test your strengths at the climbing wall - a thrill can be jumped from the top of the wall into the foam pit.
  • Jumping fitness. Not all people like traditional cardio workouts or work in the gym. Sport should be fun, not punishment for eating a piece of cake or a few cakes.

trampoline center at Semenovskaya reviews

  • Preparing for the winter season. Fans of skateboarding, skiing, snowboarding and wakeboard need to train a lot before performing tricks. An ideal place to practice extreme elements is the trampoline center on Semenovskaya, which is open 12 months a year.

For children

Flip & Fly also prepared many suggestions for young guests:

  • "Mom + baby." Every 30 minutes in the center, special classes begin that will be equally interesting to mothers and their children. A variety of games for kids with a trainer and effective weight loss programs for the fair sex - a mini-workout lasts 15-20 minutes, and the rest of the time you can spend on free jumps with your happy child.
  • Children's climbing wall. The boldest and most enduring are waiting for a wall with bright hooks, with the help of which even small children can climb up. Climbing classes are held under the supervision of a trainer and are safe because a foam rubber "abyss" is located at the bottom of the climbing wall.
    trampoline center on Semenovskaya flip

The trampoline center in Moscow (Semenovskaya) is almost the only place where there are special watches for young guests. From 10:30 to 14:00 on weekdays there appears a magical children's town with an inflatable slide, tunnels and jumping rings, a pool with colorful balls, a field for mini-volleyball, bouncing balls and even a double trampoline.

Visitors reviews

Trampoline center on Semenovskaya visitor reviews positively. There are locker rooms where lockers are locked, as well as showers (a towel can be rented) with hairdryers. There are water coolers in the trampoline hall.

Visitors note the variety of trampoline entertainment and class schedules for any level of training. Detailed information is available on the official Flip & Fly website.

trampoline center in Moscow Semenovskaya

On the territory of the center there is a cafe with a large assortment and affordable prices. During the classes, a photographer works - if desired, guests can buy their favorite pictures.

The only thing that the trampoline center on Semenovskaya has not yet mastered is the organization of children's events. Of course, it is worth working in this direction, because modern parents are increasingly choosing unusual entertainments for birthday parties and young guests.

Benefits and contraindications

In the final part of our review, I would like to say a few words about the benefits of trampoline:

  • For children and adults, this is a great way to improve mood - endorphins are produced during jumps, they help to forget about fatigue.
  • Trampolines allow you to train the vestibular apparatus. Even after the simplest exercises, you will be less rocked by water, in a car or in an airplane.
  • Calorie consumption on a trampoline is 1000 kcal per hour. Jumping is an ideal combination of strength and cardio training, in which the main muscle groups are involved.

Contraindications: asthma, hypertension, oncology, angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, severe cardiovascular diseases.


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