A system is ... The meaning of the word "system"

What is a system? This word of foreign origin is ambiguous and is used in various fields of life. For example, they use it in mathematics, engineering, geology, and everyday life. Information that this is a system will be presented in a review.

What is said in the dictionary?

As already noted, the word “system” has several meanings. The dictionaries offer the following.

A system is a set of elements that are in a certain relationship and relationship with each other. This multitude forms a certain unity, integrity. There are, for example:

  • system of equations in mathematics;
  • periodic system of elements in chemistry;
  • healthcare system in medicine;
  • value system in sociology;
  • production system in the economy;
  • work system in any field;
  • weapons system in military affairs;
  • a belief system in every science.
Theater rigging system

Here are examples of the use of the studied word in the specified meaning:

  • “The next resolution of the regional Duma was adopted in order to create conditions conducive to improving the reliability and durability of external and internal engineering pipeline systems, as well as to reduce labor costs during their installation, energy and operating costs at housing and public utilities facilities.”
  • “After that, a window opens in which you are offered the choice of an authorization method, and the entrance to the system that performs electronic payments.”
  • “The Stanislavsky system is a theory of stage art and the method of acting technique. It was developed by the Russian director, actor, teacher and theatrical figure K. S. Stanislavsky, the time of its creation is 1900-1910. ”

Other values

The second option, proposed in the dictionary, speaks of the system as a stable pattern. Example: "In the actions of the psychologist visited by the couple, the system was clearly traced."

Machine gun in the system "Lightning"

Another use of the term being studied is a standardized technical device. Example: "The team leader at the highest level reported that the weapons of the new system will be ready for launch by the end of this year."

The following value relates to geology. Here, the system is deposits that formed during the geological era. Example: "The Perm system was the only one that was first allocated on the territory of the Soviet Union."

With a note: "colloquial"

In the dictionary there are also such variants of the meaning of the word "system". In total, four are offered.

  • In the jargon of trams, this is a coupler that works on a system of many units. Example: “Such a system is the most standard and standard method used to couple tram cars.”
  • In mathematics, it’s the same as the number system. Example: “Sequence data consisting of zeros and ones can be considered as numbers that are written in the binary system.”
  • In everyday life - a complex consisting of parts of household reproducing and recording equipment. Example: "Not everyone can afford the acquisition of such an expensive recording and playback system."
System like a hippy movement
  • Young people, both in the Soviet Union and in Russia, have the name of an association, a community of hippies and other youth movements adjacent to them. Example: “In the 60-70s. last century, representatives of the system could be found in almost every of the major cities of the Union at the so-called parties. ”


To understand what a system is, knowledge of the etymology of a word will help.

The “system” has its roots in the pre-Indo-European language, where there is a sta basis in the meaning of “standing”. Then she switched to the ancient Greek language, where σύν - “with, together, together” was attached to the verb ἵστημι - “set”. As a result, we got the ancient Greek noun σύστημα, which means "a compound, a whole, consisting of parts, composition, composed."

From the latter in Latin came the word systema, from which système was formed in French. According to linguists, in Russian it appeared as a borrowing from the French back in the time of Peter I.

Thus, the need for the use of the word “system” is felt in cases where it is necessary to emphasize that a phenomenon - large, complex, may not be immediately clear, but at the same time constituting a single whole.

Unlike such concepts as “totality” and “multitude”, the concept of the system emphasizes integrity, orderliness, the presence of regularity in the construction, functioning and development.

The cardiovascular system

Related words

It seems that the understanding that this is a system will be facilitated by the consideration of synonyms. To the object under study, you can pick up a large number of those, for example:

  • regularity;
  • systematic;
  • systematization;
  • orderliness;
  • construction;
  • totality;
  • mode;
  • smoothness;
  • device;
  • doctrine;
  • theory;
  • doctrine;
  • view;
  • concept;
  • classification;
  • an approach;
  • equipment;
  • technology;
  • grouping;
  • system;
  • method;
  • method;
  • mode;
  • design;
  • structure;
  • a type;
  • order;
  • holon;
  • the body;
  • mechanism;
  • configuration;
  • principle;
  • apparatus;
  • combination;
  • combination;
  • tactics;
  • doctrine;
  • tool;
  • regulations;
  • way;
  • discipline;
  • definitive.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8233/

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