Is counterculture good or bad?

Culture as a psychological phenomenon, according to Matsumoto, is a combination of attitudes, values ​​and beliefs shared by a group of people. This is a learned behavior, therefore we assimilate values, norms in different ways. This process is constantly in change, in motion, in addition. Counterculture is something that exists as opposed to established traditions.

counterculture is
It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether it carries a positive or negative color. History knows many examples when, thanks to this driving force , positive changes occurred in the development of entire states. Traditions, norms and rules remain unchanged, established for a long time, any society goes from generation to peak, then to decline. Culture is subject to the same changes. Only with the caveat that in decline, it can completely disappear. But it can be updated, and the counterculture is what is capable of pushing it towards this.

There are many examples. So, in the 60s of the last century, a new movement was formed in the West - the hippies.

subculture and counterculture
In contrast to the cult of money, they promoted a cult of simplicity. Jeans were gradually becoming fashionable, turning from working clothes first to casual and then to festive. Instead of the loud slogans of conformism, which suggests not to stand out from the crowd, to be “like everyone else”, they began to promote the idea that each person is an individual and should be different from the rest. In this case, the counterculture is hippies who not only established new trends in clothing, but also contributed to changing the political situation in the United States. The government of this country everywhere called for help in the struggle against communist Vietnam, while the hippies propagated pacifism, saying that in the world there is only a place for love, not war. It was during this period of time that many in the West became interested in reading and comprehending revolutionary literature, Marxism, the ideas of Che Guevara, the country was overwhelmed by mass protests, which raised the question of oppressing the black population, and educational reforms.

Counterculture is also the movement of punks who brought leather clothes into fashion trends, in which it was not a shame or shame to flaunt the president, coupled with jeans, which was considered unacceptable a couple of decades ago. The female representatives at this time dressed up in miniskirts, which was considered bad form, since it was not accepted to bare the knees. And in the days of the Wild West, one of the ladies first put on pants, which caused bewilderment and displeasure of her neighbors. Such small, but necessary victories, which at first caused only condemnation, today allow you to choose those wardrobe items that you like more, without fear of slanting looks and misunderstanding.

culture subculture counterculture
Changing the stereotypes that have developed over the centuries, subculture and counterculture have introduced their own views into the development of public opinion and consciousness. So, for example, from time immemorial, the Slav brothers had inadmissible the appearance “in public” of a married woman with her hair loose. As you can see, this tradition has sunk into oblivion, largely due to the progressive views of some women. It seems that to achieve such a result they had a very difficult time, probably at first they were condemned by friends and society for such a bold act.

Culture, subculture, counterculture are in close interconnection. New movements, currents appear, stereotypes break down, people cease to be a faceless gray mass, they try to make themselves known in different ways. Some - with the help of clothes, others - putting forward new ideas and slogans.


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