High-pressure pump for pneumatics: drawings, device, principle of operation. How to choose a high pressure pump for pneumatics? How to make a high-pressure pump for pneumatics with your own hands?

Air rifle pumps are made with different racks. Pushers in devices are installed in vertical and horizontal position. Filters are most often used with expanders. For safe use of the model there are sealing sleeves.

The pressure limit parameter depends on the quality of the valves. If we consider modifications with horizontal uprights, then they have an adapter with a spring. In order to more thoroughly understand this issue, you should consider the device of a standard pump.

high-pressure pump for pneumatics 12 volts

Device and principle of operation

A typical model (drawings of a high-pressure pump for pneumatics shown below) includes a round stand, a handle and a rod. Also in the devices there is a plunger mechanism. The principle of operation of a high-pressure pump for pneumatics is based on increasing the pressure inside the chamber. This happens due to the movement of the pushers. They are located under the filter.

Adapters are used to stabilize the pressure in the chamber. There is a special rod in the pump rack. On some models, the plunger mechanism includes a landing pin. When the handle is lifted, it is lowered. When the pushers begin to move, the fitting goes down. Pressure limit is fixed by a manometer.

how to choose a high pressure pump for pneumatics

Homemade modification

How to make a high pressure pump for pneumatics? First of all, it is important to note that it is easier to make a model with a horizontal stand. To assemble a high-pressure pump for pneumatics with your own hands, first of all, a cylindrical body is taken. The handle under it should be selected a small width. Directly the bar is connected to the adapter. The upper valve of the pump is fixed above the fitting.

A jumper is used to connect the spring. The first sealing sleeve is installed at the top of the rack. Next, to assemble a high-pressure pump for pneumatics with your own hands, you will need a second valve. To fix it, you will have to use a blowtorch. In this case, the fitting is important to be well lubricated with machine oil. Lastly, foot rests are installed. The pressure gauge for a home-made high-pressure pump for pneumatics is most often fixed near the jumper.

Choosing a quality model

How to choose a high pressure pump for pneumatics? First of all, it is important to consider the maximum power parameter. The threshold overload indicator, as a rule, does not exceed 4 microns. The adapter must be made of aluminum. The diameter of the return spring is about 3.6 cm.

Good models use two sealing sleeves. The top valve must be fixed firmly. Separately, when buying a device, the foot stop is checked. In some cases, it is done with side pads. The handle should be held firmly in hands and not hang around. There is a quality model in our time about 16 thousand rubles.

high pressure pump device for pneumatics

Pump crosman

The specified high-pressure pump for pneumatics is in great demand. The parameter of the maximum overload fluctuates around 5 microns. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the device uses high-quality foot rest. The stand in this case is made with a circular cross section. According to customers, it is not difficult to connect the model to the cylinder. For rifles of the PP series, the model fits perfectly. The top valve in the device is made entirely of stainless steel. The rod at the pump is very rarely deformed.

The permissible temperature level is at least -20 degrees. The sealing sleeve of the model is located behind the adapter. The bottom valve of the device is designed for low pressure. If we talk about the shortcomings, it is important to note that the model uses small pushers. In some cases, the bar sways. Handles are made with plastic pads, and they are erased quickly. The filter for drying is not provided for the model. You can buy this pump for air rifles at a price of 14700 rubles.

AM devices

This high-pressure pump for pneumatics (12 volts) is today very much in demand. First of all, a high-quality plunger mechanism deserves attention. The maximum permissible pump temperature is 45 degrees. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the rod of the model is deformed infrequently. For air rifles series KR202 model fits great. Pushers are with an adapter.

Jumpers are used at the bottom of the rack. Leg stops are provided with a small width. The handle is standardly used with side pads, and they are made of plastic. The hose is used in a standard set with a diameter of 0.4 cm. The stand is used with a circular cross section. The top valve of the device is made of cast iron. The pump weighs quite a lot, but it is stable and not afraid of heavy loads. You can buy this pump at a price of 18900 rubles.

how to make a high pressure pump for pneumatics

Model "Axor"

The specified high-pressure pump for pneumatics from other models stands out with a wide foot stop. This device weighs only 4.6 kg. If you believe customer reviews, then problems with the bar arise infrequently. The model is suitable for cylinders of almost all well-known manufacturers. The hose is applied at 0.6 meters. Lubrication on the plunger mechanism holds great. According to customers, the stand is made with an excellent protective coating. The device is not afraid of sub-zero temperatures.

However, there are still drawbacks to this pump. First of all, it is important to note that the buyer may have problems with the pressure gauge. In this case, it is used with a single scale. He has no moisture protection system. If you believe the reviews of experts, the fitting is provided for a small width. Thus, a lot of pressure is exerted on the spring. The bottom valve for the modification is designed for 4 bar. There is no dehumidification filter at the pump. The protective sleeve is located behind the adapter. The bottom valve is made entirely of aluminum alloy. The price of a pump of this series ranges around 15,200 rubles.

Umarex Pump Features

The Umarex high-pressure pump device is similar to the previous model. A model with two adapters is being produced. He uses an aluminum type foot stand. If you believe the reviews of experts, the top valve is used in high quality. It is capable of withstanding extreme pressure at the level of 5 bar. The pump stand is used with a circular cross section. The return spring in the device is provided for 2.5 cm.

The plunger mechanism is installed in the lower part of the structure. The pressure gauge is provided with one measuring scale. It is installed near the jumper. The bottom valve of the model is made of cast iron alloy. The overload parameter for this type of pump is about 3.3 bar. In total, the device uses three sealing sleeves. For the air rifles of the PP series, the model fits perfectly.

The hose as standard is used with a braid. The adapter for it is matched with a clamping ring. For rifles of the KR202 series, the model does not fit well. If we talk about the cons, it is important to note the small pen. The device weighs as much as 4.8 kg. The stabilization system of the model is of poor quality. You can buy a pump of the presented series for 13800 rubles.

drawings of a high pressure pump for pneumatics

Description of the device "Norika"

The specified high-pressure pump for pneumatics is manufactured with a quality expander. If you believe customer reviews, then the model uses an excellent foot rest. The stand is standardly made with a circular cross section. However, it is important to note that the spring is installed without an adapter. The bar in this case is located in the central part of the rack. If you believe customer reviews, the valve is deformed infrequently. In this case, the handle is made with side pads.

According to experts, the pins can last for many years. The maximum overload indicator at the pump is 5.5 microns. The height of the rod is 0.6 cm. There is no in-line filter for this model. The standard modification kit has a quality hose. The model fits perfectly for air rifles of the PP series. The user is able to buy a pump of this series for only 15 thousand rubles.

DIY high pressure pneumatic pump

Model Gehmann

This high-pressure pump for pneumatics is used quite often by professionals. First of all, it is chosen for its compact size. The manometer in this case is used with two measuring scales. Protective glass is able to withstand heavy loads. If you believe the reviews of experts, the bar is deformed infrequently. The hose is included with a braid as standard.

In total, the pump has two in-line filters. The plunger mechanism is located at the bottom of the structure. An advance clutch is installed under the top valve. The threshold pressure parameter is 4 bar. The sealing sleeve of the model is made of rubber. The stand is used with a circular cross section. The manometer has a moisture protection system. For the air rifles of the KR220 series, the device fits perfectly. You can buy the pump in a specialized store for 19 thousand rubles.

Hatsan Devices

The specified pumps for air rifles are in great demand. However, for PP models, devices do not fit well. The adapter on the pumps is used with a jumper. If you believe customer reviews, the hose is installed without problems. In total, the model has three filters. The top valve of the device is made of aluminum alloy. The limit pressure indicator is 3 bar. In turn, the re-parameter is at most 6 microns. The plunger mechanism is located at the foot stops. The handle is standardly made with side pads.

The stabilization system is used in the second degree. According to experts, the bar is able to withstand heavy loads. The spring at the pump is provided for 2.3 cm. The rack height is 46 cm. The model pressure gauge is used with one measurement scale. He has a moisture protection system. The swinging valve is used in high quality. He holds the maximum pressure at 2 bar. Pushers at the pump are used with an expander. You can buy a model on the market for 17 thousand rubles.

high pressure pump for pneumatics

Modifications "Diana"

These pneumatic high pressure hand pumps are manufactured with two adapters. A distinctive feature of the model can also be called a wide foot rest. Handles in this case are made with side pads, and they are rarely erased. The bar in the device is made of aluminum alloy. According to experts, the pressure gauge is used in high quality. In total, he has two measurement scales. A moisture protection system is provided for the model.

The stand is used with a circular cross section. The top valve of the device is made of cast iron. The maximum overload parameter is 6 microns. The stabilization system is used in the third degree. In total, the model has two sealing sleeves. For PP series cylinders, the device is great. You can buy a pump of the presented series for 14400 rubles.

Webley Pump

This sediment for air rifles has a lot of advantages. In addition to its compact size, an excellent plunger mechanism deserves attention. In total, the device uses two pass-through filters. The stand is provided with a circular cross section. If you believe the reviews of experts, then the bar is deformed very rarely. The stabilization system by the manufacturer is provided for the second class. You can buy a model for 21 thousand rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8250/

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