The amazing world of animals: the most dangerous animals on the planet

It is a mistake to assume that our planet Earth is safe. And if you live in a relatively calm place, know that this is all just an illusion. At first glance, beautiful animals and plants are just a disguise. In fact, you can’t even imagine how ferocious they can be. The most dangerous animals of the planet - who are they?

Tenth place

the most dangerous animals of the planet
The hero and favorite of many Russian fairy tales - the bear - is actually very dangerous. Every year, many people become its victims. There are several varieties of these predators. Most often, brown bear and polar bear attack people . As for pandas, they are safe.

Ninth place

How nice to listen to the “talk” of frogs near the river in the summer! But be careful! Beware of spotted tree frogs - a species of dangerous poisonous frogs. They live in the warm, humid forests of Brazil and Costa Rica. Amazingly beautiful color - from red-blue colors to golden yellow and green - this is just a mask. In fact, the poison that oozes from her skin is one of the most powerful in the world! In order to kill two elephants or bulls, just one such frog is enough. The facts of death of people from a second touch to this creature are documented. An interesting fact is that in captivity these representatives of amphibians lose their murderous abilities: they lose their color and stop throwing poison, becoming harmless and peaceful.

Eighth place

dangerous animals in the world
Cute elephants, the favorites of children and adults, take eighth place in the ranking of "The most dangerous animals on the planet." On average, a 4.2 m male weighs about 12,000 kg. Elephants kill approximately 400 people a year, piercing their bodies with tusks or trampling. Although, as a rule, these animals are very calm. And such aggressive behavior is caused by provocations on the part of a person.

Seventh place

Hippos are the third largest among animals that live on land. They are herbivorous, calm and awkward. Nevertheless, they kill a lot of people in a year. The reason is human provocation.

Sixth place

which animal is the most dangerous
Crocodile is the largest and most dangerous reptile. All of their species are dangerous, but the most aggressive live in the swamps of Central America. A small crocodile is so powerful that it can even drag a huge buffalo. A lightning reaction and the ability to move quickly in water is the main weapon of this animal.

Fifth place

Be careful in the warm, coastal waters of the oceans. Despite his outward calm, real dangers lurk in the depths. Cubomedusa, due to the specific blue color, is hardly distinguishable in the clear water of the ocean. But her tentacles are a real deadly weapon. From the burn of this jellyfish, a person can die in a few minutes. The reason is a shock of the nervous system or heart failure.

Fourth place

Piranha takes the fourth place in the list of "The most dangerous animals of the planet." These "harmless" fish feed on fish, insects and small inhabitants of reservoirs. But their sharp teeth can literally tear a person's flesh to pieces. A flock of hungry fish tears the body into pieces. Be careful!

Third place

the most dangerous animals of the planet
Tigers, lions, cougars, jaguars and leopards are experienced predators. As a rule, their prey is herbivores: deer, rabbits, buffalo, roe deer. But hundreds of people become their victims every year. Speed, agility, strength of muscles, fangs and claws - their main weapon. They are able to kill ruthlessly. But these are the laws of nature.

Second place

So we got to the second place in the list of "The most dangerous animals of the planet." And he is occupied by a white shark. This creature lives in the world's oceans. As a rule, for no reason, a shark does not attack a person, but as soon as it smells blood, beware. The predator’s sharp teeth make this “fish” dangerous for humans.

First place

Which animal is the most dangerous? I think that many do not even know about it! The first place in the rating “The most dangerous animals of the planet” is occupied by the Egyptian cobra. Among all the snakes, it is the most dangerous for humans! The dense forests of Africa are simply teeming with these creatures! Its length can reach 2 m. There are glands behind the eyes that secrete the strongest poison on the planet. Just a few minutes - and a person can die from her bite.

which animal is the most dangerous
What other dangerous animals are there in the world? You won’t believe it, but it’s a mosquito. He shares the first place with the snake. Sounds really funny. Nevertheless, many people die from his bites. After all, mosquitoes are carriers of diseases, including malaria. Be always on the alert!


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