Barguzin: animal or what? Description

There is a surprisingly cute forest animal with a lovely cute face and a very beautiful fur coat. He lives in the taiga. There are a great many of its varieties. You can learn about one of them from this article. This barguzin is an animal (sable family). Consider and compare the types of sables that live in Russian open spaces.

Sable in nature: varieties

Sables are divided into subspecies. We give a brief comparative description of some of them.

Tobolsk sable has rather large sizes: the length of the body with the head is from 370 to 510 mm (males are larger than females); tail length - from 130 to 170 mm. This is the brightest of all sable subspecies. Distributed in Western Siberia from the Urals to the river. Obi.

Slightly smaller and darker than Tobolsk - Kuznetsk sable. Body length - 375-480 mm; tail 120-162 mm long. The color of the fur is lighter than the Altai sable. Habitats - the western slopes of Alatau (Kuznetsk district) and the Tomi system.

Altai sable is distinguished by larger body and skull sizes and a darker color. Its body length reaches 380-490 mm, tail - from 120 to 176 mm. From yellowish to dark brown, the color of his fur varies. It lives in taiga areas of Altai. Barguzin is also found here - an animal acclimatized in these areas. It is a cross between Altai sable.

Barguzin, animal

A huge number of subspecies of this furry animal lives throughout the north-eastern part of Russia. Yenisei, Angarsk, Tunguska, Sayan, Vitim, Chikoy, Yakut, Kamchatka, Far East, etc. with their names speak of their habitats.

It should be noted that the rarest fur in the world is the skin of a white sable, which is rarely found in the remote Siberian taiga.

Barguzin (animal): description

Barguzin is a subspecies of sable, characterized by relatively small size and darker color of the fur. According to these characteristics, it is second only to Vitim sables. Places of its habitat: coast of Baikal (east); Barguzinsky ridge from tributaries of the river. Barguzin (right) to the watershed with the river. Hangar (top). Very modest and quiet animal barguzin. Its dimensions are very small.

Barguzin animal, description

The body with the head has a length of about 395-420 mm in males and 360-410 mm in females. The tail length of the male is from 122 to 155 mm, and the female is from 120 to 145 mm.
Sable dwells in the Baikal forests.

A bit about the Barguzinsky Reserve

Typically taiga fauna is represented in the Barguzinsky reserve. There are some features associated with the mountainous terrain and the location of Lake Baikal nearby.

Terrestrial vertebrates are represented by more than 40 species of mammals, 280 species of birds, 6 species of reptiles, 3 species of amphibians, more than 40 species of fish and 790 with more than identified species of insects.

Barguzin, an animal family

Of all mammals, more than 80% are forest inhabitants (among them, barguzin is an animal that causes quite a lot of interest). In these forests there are animals rare for these areas: flying squirrels, shrews (more common in Asia and northern Europe).

Among the East Palaearctic species (except the Barguzin sable): columns, musk deer, Asiatic mouse, chipmunk, and lemmings. Palearctic species - deer (Manchurian deer) noble. Alpine pika and vole are also present. A significant proportion of the forest inhabitants are wolves, foxes, weasels, wolverines, ermines, lynxes, white hares, brown bears, moose, etc. There are species of the Beringian fauna here: black-capped marmot and beautiful reindeer.

Varieties of sable-barguzin fur, its value

Valuable and warm fur was given by the nature of the sable-barguzin. The animal has a fur that varies in color from dark to light brown. And on his neck a noticeable bright spot.

It should be noted that the darker color of the skin is valued higher. Barguzinsky sable, which lives in the forests of the Baikal region, is the darkest of all animals of this species found in Siberia. In many ways, his fur is superior to the quality of the skins of his brethren. It is soft, thick, silky and light.

In this regard, a cute barguzin is of great interest - an animal whose fur is of great value at international fur auctions.

Barguzin: sizes
Moreover, the color variations of the fur have their own special names: fur - this is the lightest color (fawn or sandy yellow) and cheap; the head is the darkest (almost black), more valuable and expensive.

Intermediate shades are: collar (brown tone with a dark stripe on the back); headrest (lighter sides and a large bright throat spot).


A cute, cute fluffy animal, pleasing to the eye with its charming charming muzzle, has the right to life, like everything that nature has created. I wish that man did not destroy this amazing creature in pursuit of his valuable skin.


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