Knitted sweaters with knitting needles: photo of models with description

Every year, knitting is becoming increasingly popular. People want to stand out, but the goods from the store do not allow. Therefore, in the article we present step-by-step instructions for making knitted sweaters with your own hands.

A few words about the preparatory phase

Before proceeding to knitting, it is necessary to choose the style of the product and the pattern for it. After that, purchase yarn. It should be chosen, focusing on your taste. But it is important to consider that a gradient, motley and other thread is not suitable for a patterned and openwork pattern. If the jacket is knitted for a child, it is more reasonable to use special yarn that does not cause allergies. A tool, in this case, knitting needles, is preferable to choose a metal one. The main thing is that they have a well-sharpened tip. Then they will not cling yarn and scratch their fingers, provide the necessary slip and help to make a knitted sweater quickly and efficiently.

Measurement Technology

knitting jacket description

Any piece of clothing must fit a certain size. To correctly identify them, you will need to prepare an elastic centimeter, pen or pencil and a piece of paper. After this, the person on whom the products fit will have to expose the upper body to underwear. Next, the knitter proceeds to measure the following parts of the body:

  • shoulder width - A;
  • neck width - B;
  • sleeve length from the tip of the shoulder to the lower edge - B;
  • chest circumference - G;
  • armhole depth (from the armpit to the lower edge of the sleeve) - D;
  • the height of the armhole (from the lower edge of the jacket to the armpit) - E;
  • product length (from the base of the neck to the lower edge of the product) - W;
  • girth of the widest part of the hand - Z.

If the knitted sweater is fitted, you should also determine the waist circumference. If desired, you can measure the level of the gate. Especially on the front of the product.

What is the importance of the sample?

sweater knitting

Beginner knitters, having dealt with the preparatory phase, immediately begin to knit. However, professionals note that it is first necessary to make a fragment of the pattern. This will help calculate the number of loops and rows. After all, it is extremely inconvenient to carry out a knitted sweater, constantly applying it to the model or measuring with a centimeter. Therefore, we take prepared knitting needles and yarn, study the selected pattern and knit a sample about 10 x 10 centimeters in size. After that, we count the number of loops and rows in it. Divide the notation by ten. And we get two important parameters:

  • P is the number of loops;
  • P is the number of rows.

Designation calculated for one centimeter. And thanks to them, we will be able to knit a product that is exactly the right size.

We calculate the number of loops for a set

To dial loops for the execution of any product, for example, a knitted sweater, you need to know exactly how many they will need. Beginners very often "wind" an arbitrary number of loops on knitting needles, measure them, and then compare them with the required value. However, during the knitting process, the product narrows or, on the contrary, stretches. Therefore, the calculation is often not accurate.

original jacket with knitting needles

To prevent this, you should turn to mathematics:

  1. If you want to make products consisting of a back and a front, you need to divide the parameter G by two, and then multiply by the parameter P.
  2. To make a seamless sweater, multiply the parameters P and G. It is important to note that this option fits in a circle on four knitting needles.

Determine the level of the armhole and waist

There are a large number of knitted sweater models. Most of them have hand holes designed in the form of a neat arc. But in order to correctly determine the moment of the beginning of this detail, one should again turn to mathematics and multiply the parameters P and E. So we find out how many rows need to be knitted until the armhole has to be drawn up.

It is also worth noting that manufacturers often offer buyers fitted products or decorated with basques. To do this at home, it is extremely important to correctly determine the level of the waist. To do this, take a centimeter and measure the distance from the proposed lower edge of your idea to the waist. We must write down the value, and then translate it into rows: we multiply it by the parameter R. Thus we get the answer to the question of interest.

We knit the armhole

In the current paragraph, we will analyze one of the most difficult steps in describing a knitted sweater with knitting needles. After all, it causes difficulties not only for beginners, but also for many professionals. And all because to issue a beautiful armhole is not always possible the first time. And even with the fifth attempt, the part comes out kind of awkward and crooked.

jacket with needles step by step

To help the reader cope with the task, we suggest studying the instructions:

  1. First of all, we count the number of loops that we can use for knitting armholes. If we knit the back and before separately, we subtract the parameter A from the current number of loops. However, the final number combines the loops of the two armholes. Therefore, we divide it into two, and then we separate it at the edges of the canvas. Another thing is if the knitter performs a seamless product. In this case, the total number remains unchanged, because the armhole covers both the front and back.
  2. Having figured out the calculations, we proceed to creativity. In a seamless knitted sweater for a woman, man or child in the middle of the armhole, close the fourth part of the "excess" number of loops. When performing the front and back, we divide this number into two and reduce the "unnecessary" loops on each side.
  3. In the next two rows, we close another three loops on each side.
  4. Then we reduce three rows of two loops.
  5. And in the remaining, except for the last three, one at a time. The length of the product is determined as follows: we multiply the parameters P and G.
  6. After that, we add one loop in each next row. Total three new.

We make out the gate

When making a knitted sweater with knitting needles, like a crochet, it is important to take care of the goal line. In order to correctly design this part of the sweater, it is necessary to determine how many loops will be required for it. To do this, you will again have to turn to mathematics: multiply the parameters P and B. After you decide on the shape of this part. Traditionally, sweaters are decorated with a round and v-neck. In modern models, there is also square, and in some original copies even wave-like.

Professional knitters note that square is easiest to do. The products are simply knitted to the desired level, the hinges for the gate are transferred to an additional knitting needle and the two straps are completed separately. If this option seems uninteresting, you can make a v-shaped. To do this, determine the point of the lower edge and measure the distance from it to the base of the neck. We calculate the number of loops for the gate and rows - to reduce them. After evenly close the "unnecessary" as you knit.

how to make a sweater with knitting needles

The round gate is performed a little differently:

  1. The whole process begins twelve rows before the end of the product.
  2. First of all, the knitter marks with a colored thread the loops reserved for this part.
  3. Then knits separately two straps.
  4. In the middle we close twelve loops.
  5. In the next rows, two times — five, then four, three, two.
  6. In the last rows, the loops decrease one at a time.

The presented description for a knitted sweater will help to design a collar in front. On the back, it is performed in a similar way, but begins a little later - seven rows to the end: first twelve loops, then five, four, three, two, and the remaining one in each row.

Knit sleeves

Each knitter determines the length of this detail independently. Manufacturers offer elegant lace blouses with "wings", and warm winter ones with wide and long sleeves. When choosing your option, it is necessary to take into account the purpose and season of the product’s wear. Now, in autumn, young people often wear tight sweatshirts made of woolen threads instead of jackets. At the same time they look very original, stylish and fashionable.

Having decided on the option of sleeves, we proceed to the execution:

  1. We collect the required number of loops. To find out their number, multiply the parameters P and Z.
  2. Then it is advisable to knit several rows with an elastic band, and then go to the pattern.
  3. After the required number of rows, multiply the parameter P by the parameter D. We begin to knit the upper edge of the sleeve. At the same time, we focus on the technology described for the armhole. But in the end, it’s important to leave six loops.
  4. The length of the product is determined as follows: we multiply the parameters P and B.


knitting jacket

The knitted jacket shown in the photo looks very original. To fulfill it, you need:

  1. Calculate the number of loops needed to knit the front.
  2. Then knit with an even cloth to the waist level.
  3. Add on both sides the number of loops equal to the length of the sleeve.
  4. Tie the product to the shoulders.
  5. In the middle, close the hinges reserved for the gate.
  6. And then restore them to the next row.
  7. Tie the sleeves to the waist and close the loop, going to the back.
  8. Finish the back.
  9. Sew products at the side seams. If desired, complement with a collar, and sleeves with cuffs.

Jacket with a round yoke

how to tie a sweater

Another original knitted jacket for women with knitting needles is very easy to knit. And then we will talk about this in detail.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to measure the girth of the upper body in the shoulders. And multiply the resulting value by the parameter P.
  2. Also determine the distance from the estimated level of the gate to the point at which we measured the shoulders. Multiply this number by the parameter R.
  3. Now we take hosiery knitting needles and dial the number of loops for the gate, focusing on the wishes of the customer.
  4. After that, we divide the parameter obtained in the first paragraph of the current instruction into the one calculated in the second.
  5. As a result, we find out how many loops we need to add in each row in order to expand the product to the desired size.
  6. We knit a sweater, moving in a circle.
  7. Having reached the desired level, we knit a few more rows to the level of the armpit.
  8. After that, we separate the hinges for the sleeves on the sides.
  9. Add new loops for the design of the armhole.
  10. And we knit the main part of the product with an even cloth, moving in a circle.
  11. Having reached the desired length, close the loop.
  12. We tie the sleeves.

Most people strive to stand out, show their character, show their personality with the help of clothes. A thing made on one’s own idea will help to achieve this.


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