Black bird with a black beak. Big beak black bird

Guess the riddle: what kind of bird is black with a black beak? Some might think that this is a rook, but no! This is just his "twin" - a black crow. Indeed, both species of birds are similar to each other, like two drops of water. Nevertheless, their life paths lead in different directions. The black crow is generally one of the first birds ever described by Karl Linnaeus himself. We’ll talk about her.


This is a black bird with a black beak and the same paws. However, it cannot be called completely black. If you look closely, you can see that its plumage has a green or purple glow. Some ornithologists say that the structure of its feathers completely repeats the structure of feathers of rooks, even the reflection from them from time to time becomes the same. However, these are completely different species of birds.

black bird with black beak

Not to be confused with rooks!

It is worth noting that this bird is completely and completely different from an ordinary raven and from its closest relatives - gray ravens. Moreover, it is so similar to rook that both of these species are often confused with each other. Remember, the beak of a black crow is much larger than that of a rook. Moreover, in adult rooks, the nostrils are bare, and in ravens of different ages, they are covered with bristle feathers.

Rooks from the raven are distinguished by a bright violet-blue luster of plumage. Their beaks are not as huge as their black "doubles", and so-called "panties" - feathers covering them, grow near the paws. However, the most important feature that distinguishes black ravens from rooks is the presence of wide and rounded feathers on the back of the head.

black bird with a large beak

Rooks usually live in packs, and crows in pairs. Often both feed on the same range. As you know, crows are cunning and arrogant birds. This saves them in the winter: they gather in groups of 15-20 individuals, after which they occupy the nests of their "doubles" - rooks. So, the difference between those and others we have caught, now let's look at the classification of black crows.


As we said above, a black bird with a large beak is one of the few species of birds described by the scientist Carl Linnaeus in the first place. It happened in the distant XVIII century. Both gray and black crows are divided into specific and independent subspecies. Often, both birds are considered as subspecies within the same species. In principle, this is not a blunder. It is rather a formal inaccuracy.

By the same principle, the Far Eastern black crow is often considered within the same species, which is also not entirely true. To show the difference, we give the correct classification of the raven superfamily:

  • ordinary gray;
  • eastern gray;
  • ordinary black;
  • eastern black.

In scientific treatises, cases of a person meeting with ravens having some strange dark spots on their beaks are described. At first, some ornithologists even wanted to describe them as a separate species, but after a while it turned out that the black spots on the beak of a bird is a sign of some kind of disease, and not a distinctive feature of the new species.

black beak with a long beak

Where do black crows live?

The black crow, or black bird with a large beak (as it is sometimes called), is widespread in the west of Europe: to the Elbe, towards Vienna, through the famous Alps to the north of Italy. In the East and on the territory of Eastern Siberia, another species is widespread - a gray crow. She, like her cousin, has a black and long beak, but her plumage is not pure black, but a dirty gray.

Nesting grounds

As a place for its nesting, a black bird with a long beak chooses the edges of forests and copses located among meadows and fields. These birds in large numbers settle in the center of large cities. Some residents are afraid of them, relying on some kind of prejudice associated with black ravens, witches and mysticism.

These creatures never nest in colonies (as the rooks do), but only in separate pairs, the female-male. This period begins with the arrival of the first warm March days. Ornithologists give birds their due, because couples remain faithful to each other all their lives. So this bird (black with a black beak and paws) can serve as a symbol of fidelity and love.

They build their nests high above the ground - in the thick and interwoven crowns of trees. The “foundation” is broken dry branches, moss and clay. The black crows line the walls of their nests with grass and wool. As a rule, from 3 to 6 eggs appear in one nest. And here we should also make a reservation: crow eggs very much resemble rook eggs. Only female incubates them. The male at this time obtains food.

a black bird with a large beak is

After 2 weeks, chicks hatch from the eggs. Some time after their birth, the female still warms the children, after which, together with the male, she begins to search and bring them food. Here is such a bird! A black raven with a black beak and paws grows quite quickly: after a month, the chicks soar into the sky, roam with their parents in one or another neighborhood until winter comes.


These birds with great pleasure eat carrion of all kinds. They will not refuse insects, worms, arachnids, small mammals and food waste. Ornithologists believe that all black crows are scavengers by their inner nature. That is why they visit human dwellings so often, because there are a lot of household waste. Oh, and this prankster is this black bird with a large beak!

These gluttons love to ruin a huge number of nests of innocent birds, because we have already said that their favorite treat is eggs. In addition, black crows willingly devour grains, fruits and berries, green parts of plants. They can chase birds of prey, dogs, and foxes for their prey. Of course, it is difficult to imagine exactly how they are going to kill a hefty dog, however, sports interest has not been canceled yet.

black bird with black beak

Audacity second happiness!

Ornithologists who conducted research and observed the behavior of birds, argue that this is a very cautious, dodgy and intelligent bird. Black with a black beak, plumage and paws of a raven, in their opinion, is a real generator of ideas: as soon as these creatures come up with their own food. Deception and swindle in their blood. The black crows inhabiting Europe are generally annoying to arrogance!

By the way, these smart creatures think ahead and their behavior during nesting. Not only are their “houses” located at high altitudes (in the crowns of trees), they themselves behave in such a way that they are difficult to calculate: the chicks in the nest are calm and quiet, and their parents are all the more so. If a group of ravens in winter experiences any difficulty in finding food, then they, without any twinges of conscience, join flocks of jackdaws and rooks, even if they are not asked.

black spots on the beak of a bird


The economic importance of black ravens in human life is difficult to overestimate. These creatures destroy various debris and carrion, and also destroy harmful rodents and insects. They like to break the nests of birds, but this is no reason to consider them pests.


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