How to choose a tracksuit for a girl?

Sportswear, including suits, has long passed from the category of special to everyday. In such a suit, it’s convenient to quickly jump out to the store, comfortably do cleaning and other household chores, and go for a short walk in cool weather. But you never know! Most importantly, the costume itself should be of high quality, worn well and fit.

tracksuit for girls

Right choice

Although it is believed that sportswear belongs to the unisex style, this is not entirely true. The sports suit for the girl will differ from the boy’s in colors, trim and elements of style. What criteria to take as a basis to buy a quality thing? Of course, if you buy clothes in company stores or just specialized ones, it is less likely that under the brand label you will find Chinese consumer goods. But prices for store goods, as a rule, are several times higher than market prices. Therefore, most of the buyers, alas, are rushing not to mirror display cases, but to tents and duffel containers. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, first a few general recommendations on how to choose the right tracksuit for the girl, and indeed any thing:

  • Carefully inspect all seams. If there are gaps, the threads are messed up, the labels are sewn crookedly - before you is not factory, but artisanal rough work. Do not purchase!
  • The zipper should be well fastened, the slider to move easily, without strain. Proshva must go smoothly, without zigzags. If you see any defects - the thing is probably "stamped" in some illegal workshop. She will not last long.
  • tracksuits for girls photo
    Rub a clean light handkerchief on the fabric from which the attractive tracksuit for the girl is sewn. Are traces of the same color on the scarf as the costume itself? Beware, the proposed clothing is a fake brand. It sheds after the first wash, and before it will repaint everything that your child in this costume does not touch.
  • And now about the girl’s outfit. Although this is a "sports", but the appearance of the child should be excellent: stylish and fashionable. You don’t want your finger pointing at your daughter! Yes, a sports suit for a girl, be sure to choose a beautiful, elegant one - if it is intended for the exit! But for physical education lessons, sports, a suit is also simpler: dark or gray, brownish, in a word, non-marking. The footprint from the volleyball will not be visible on it, especially the spots from the grass.
  • Pants or breeches let the figure fit well. Not too aesthetically pleasing if they start hanging on the pope with a bag and accordion gathering on their knees! In addition, in tight pants it is much more convenient to run, jump, perform exercises on shells. A tracksuit for the girl should be comfortable, not restrict movements, emphasize her dexterity, add self-confidence.
    teenage tracksuits for girls
    This is especially important at the age when young ladies begin to realize their femininity and look with interest at the boys. During this period, children are very vulnerable - that boys, that girls. And becoming a subject of ridicule is not very pleasant. Therefore, for example, teenage tracksuits for chubby girls are best chosen with trousers, rather than pants or shorts.
  • Good sportswear is made from fabrics containing the main percentage of cotton and a small amount of polyester. Their advantage is that they allow air to pass through well, hold heat, prevent the body from overheating, and are hygroscopic. These indicators are especially important for winter clothing options. It is better to take a trowel with a hood - it can be thrown during a wind or unexpected rain.
  • If you want to understand the modern trends of sports fashion, study catalogs of fashion magazines before going to the store, look at the presented models - tracksuits for girls. Photos will explain a lot to you. Just do not try to dwell on those outfits in which low-waist pants are presented. Clothing should cover and protect the lower back, kidneys from hypothermia!

If you have decided finally - good luck with your purchases!


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