Where is Ibiza

Ask any modern young man where Ibiza is, and you will surely get the exact answer. This hot Spanish island has gained worldwide fame thanks to the noisy, vibrant and unique night festivities. Thousands of tourists come here all year round to relax in body and soul in numerous nightclubs and bars.

Ibiza is one of the three largest islands belonging to the Bolear archipelago. The population is about 84,000 people. The largest cities are Ibiza, San Antonio, Santa Eularia des Rio.

No wonder they say that where Ibiza is located, there is always fun and celebration. This is where the world's largest night club, Privilege, is located. Within its walls is an annual event called "Manumission". World famous clubs “Eden”, “Amnesia”, “Es Paradis”, “Pacha”, “Space” attract tourists of different ages with their colorful shows and amazing music. The famous bar "Cafe del Mar" every night gathers those who wish to meet the dawn.

Nevertheless, rest in Ibiza can be quite calm. Incredibly beautiful beaches with white sand are located along the coast. Small bays and bays, nestled among steep cliffs, are an excellent place for romantic meetings. Green, hilly landscapes, decorated with olive and fig trees, give peace and help to relax.

The most popular beach on the island is Benirras. It is located in the northern part of the island. He is famous for his ability to admire the so-called "Finger of God." This is part of the rock that protrudes from the sea. Also on the beach there are many restaurants, shops where you can try on and buy the most fashionable clothes and choose accessories for it.

The most important city on the island is Ibiza. It was founded 2500 years ago by the Carthaginians. It is located in a picturesque area, not far from two magnificent beaches. Here is the majority of clubs that Ibiza is famous for. You can read reviews about them on numerous sites and forums. However, in order to make your own impression and feel like part of this holiday of life, you yourself need to go here. Thanks to the port, those who wish can get into the city on their own yachts.

Traveling around the island on your own, you can ask any passerby where Ibiza is located - the most fun city on the island, and you will certainly be shown the exact path. The incredible combination of old quarters with narrow streets, white houses, Gothic buildings with cutting-edge architecture makes the city even more attractive for tourists.

The ancient city of Dalt Vila, surrounded by a high fortified wall, majestically rises on a hill. There are many interesting medieval buildings. Most impressive is the impressive Gothic cathedral built in the 10th century. Upscale hotels, restaurants will offer relaxation for every taste. Fans of antiquity can visit the archaeological museum, the exhibits of which will tell you about what events took place earlier in the places where Ibiza is located. Experienced guides will lead you through the halls, where unique things belonging to the V-VII centuries are located. BC.

Sixteen kilometers from the city of Ibiza is San Antonio - the main resort city of the island. Most of the buildings here are high-rise buildings and multi-story hotels. The area is decorated with small coves and magnificent beaches.

There are very few similar islands on Earth, and all of them cannot be compared with Ibiza. World movie and stage stars regularly visit these places. Film producers often choose this stunning island as a backdrop for their future masterpieces.

Everyone who can’t live without reckless fun should visit Ibiza at least once. The received impressions will remain for life.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8267/

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