How to get to the museum-estate "Tsaritsyno"? "Tsaritsyno" (museum-estate): prices, photos and mode of operation

In the south of Moscow there is a unique ancient palace and park complex, which is the greatest monument of architecture, history and culture. Tsaritsyno is an open-air museum.

Tsaritsyno Museum

From the history of the complex

The places that we call Tsaritsyno today have been known since the end of the 16th century. In those days, it was the estate of the sister of Boris Godunov, Tsarina Irina. Then the village was called Bogorodskoye. At the end of the XVI century, the buildings of the queen were destroyed, the area was desolate, there was only a cascade of ponds that was built under Godunov.

Since 1633, these places became known as Black Mud. The owners of the village were the boyars Streshnev, relatives of the first king of the Romanov family - Mikhail Fedorovich.

Tsaritsyno Museum in Moscow

In 1684, boyar Streshnev lost the village to his grandson, A.V. Golitsyn, who was the favorite of Tsarevna Sophia. When it was deposed, the property of the Golitsins was confiscated and transferred to the state.

In 1712, by decree of Peter the Great, Black Mud and the surrounding lands passed into the possession of Prince Cantemir, the Moldavian ruler, a faithful ally of Russia in the confrontation with Turkey. In the new estate, Cantemir built a wooden palace on a high hill.

Tsaritsyno under Catherine II

Once the great empress, traveling through the territory of the Black Mud, was fascinated by the beauty of these places and without hesitation bought the estate from Prince Cantemir. This happened in 1775. That same summer, a wooden palace was built for the Empress and her favorite Prince Potemkin, consisting of only six rooms, as well as the most necessary office premises.

museum estate tsaritsyno

In 1775, Empress Catherine II ordered the construction of an entertainment residence near Moscow. The great architect V. Bazhenov was commissioned to create the project and bring it to life. The empress wished that the building was in the Moorish, or Gothic, style, and the park was arranged as a landscape.

Tsaritsyno Museum in Moscow

In 1984, a museum of arts and crafts appeared in the park in Tsaritsyno. At this time, the restoration of many buildings of the complex began. In 1993, it received the status of a museum-reserve important for that time, and after some time it was included in the list of cultural monuments and history of federal significance. Since 2005, the Tsaritsyno Museum-Estate became the property of Moscow. At the same time, restoration began on the estate. Landscaping took place under the direction of architect M.R. Morina. At present, measures are continuing to improve and restore park areas - Bakhrushinka and Orekhovskaya outskirts.

museum park tsaritsyno

Palace ensemble "Tsaritsyno"

This complex, erected by the best architect of the XVIII century V. Bazhenov, later underwent changes. The Grand Palace was built at intervals from 1786 to 1796 on the site of previously dismantled Bazhenov buildings. It was built by a student of the great architect Matvey Kazakov. In some ways, he repeats Bazhenov’s plan. It is based on two square-shaped wings, in which the chambers of Catherine II, as well as Tsarevich Pavel, should have been located. The “wings” of the building are connected by a monumental and majestic middle part. At the same time, despite the presence of bright pseudo-Gothic elements - towers, lancet arches, the palace is close in its decision to the canons of classicism: three-part division of the facades, strict symmetry, balanced proportions. In many ways, the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace demonstrates "sovereign power." It lacks Bazhenov’s lightness and playfulness.

museum estate tsaritsyno how to get there

Due to the sudden death of the empress, the palace was not completed. It has never been used. Only in 2005-2007 the Tsaritsyno Museum was created here (you can see the photo in our article). Today it is a very popular place with tourists.

Museum-Estate Tsaritsyno: Small Palace

All visitors to the unique ensemble are attracted by the Small Palace, located on a hill near the shore of the Upper Pond, not far from the Figured Bridge. It was built by Vasily Bazhenov in 1776-1778. This small-sized building, rather resembling a park pavilion, is decorated with the monogram of the Empress. Unlike other elegantly decorated buildings of Tsaritsyno, this majestic and exquisite emblem is the only decoration of the building, except for the complex upper parapet. There is a version that the palace was built for the empress, so she spent time here with a card game, which she loved very much.

tsaritsino manor park museum

In a relatively small room, Bazhenov managed to make six rooms. Two of them are so small that only one person can be in them. Perhaps these are premises for sentries. The most spacious is the main oval hall. This room offers magnificent views of the Upper Pond. In the palace all the ceilings are vaulted.

At the beginning of the XIX century, it was used as a coffee shop, which was visited by people walking in the park. Then there was a guardhouse for the estate guards. In the future, it was not used at all, and by the beginning of the 20th century it turned into ruins. For seven years (1989–1996) the building was reconstructed. Now it hosts museum exhibitions.

Tsaritsyno Museum opening hours

Bread house

Thousands of tourists annually visit Tsaritsyno. The estate, the park museum, fountains, and, of course, the Bread House attract guests here not only from our country, but also from abroad.

Bread House - a building that is part of a unique ensemble, was built in 1785 by the talented architect V. Bazhenov. It is deservedly considered one of its most original and interesting buildings. In addition, this is the largest building of the architect, preserved not only in Tsaritsyno, but throughout Moscow.

The Bread House received its name in the 19th century due to the high reliefs preserved on the front facades, which depict a loaf and a salt shaker.

Tsaritsyno Museum how to get

The building was constructed as a kitchen building. After in 1786, Catherine II, dissatisfied with the work of Bazhenov, removed the architect from construction at the Tsaritsyno estate, M. Kazakov became the leader.

For some time, the kitchens of the Bread House were used for their intended purpose. Here were also the office premises of the Tsaritsyno estate.

In 1849, by order of Nicholas I, a project was created to adapt this building to an almshouse and hospital. In 1852, a hospital was opened for peasants. In 1920, communal apartments spontaneously appeared in the building, which gradually occupied the entire inhabited part of the building. They existed until the 70s of the last century.

Tsaritsyno Museum prices

Active restoration work began in 2005, when the Tsaritsyno Museum passed into the ownership of the city. The bread house acquired a new parapet, which he planned, but did not have time to erect Bazhenov. The courtyard was covered with a glass dome. In 2006, the Bread House was opened to visitors. Today it houses the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, or rather, its main expositions. In addition, there are exhibition and concert halls.

Park Tsaritsyno

This is a valuable monument of park art. It began to form in the 16th century, at a time when the estate belonged to Prince Kantemir. It was a “regular garden” in which the clear geometry of the alleys and green spaces was traced.

During the reign of Catherine II , parks imitating the naturalness of nature came into fashion. They were called landscape. The creation of such a park was entrusted to the English gardener Francis Reed.

Tsaritsyno Museum photo

The park in Tsaritsyno reached its heyday at the end of the 19th century, when the structure of paths and alleys was formed, various structures appeared: empire arbors, bridges, grottoes.

At the end of the XX century, the park was in ruins. In 2006, the Tsaritsyno Museum-Park began to be restored. Landscaping has not yet been completed. But most of the park has been restored.


When visitors come to Tsaritsyno, the museum-estate, the park and palaces make an indelible impression on them. This is evidenced by the reviews of numerous tourists.

museum tsaritsyno bread house

A greenhouse farm appeared on the estate even under Prince Cantemir. It was created near the cascade of ponds, which were later called greenhouses. In 1776, Bazhenov restored the ancient Kantemir greenhouses, and then built a new one. It was made of stone. In 2006, during the archaeological excavations, its foundation was discovered.

In addition to numerous fruit trees, a myriad of flowers was grown here, while roses were always preferred. In the XIX century, the economy fell into decay. In the place of the greenhouses appeared suburban village.

In 2007, the greenhouse buildings were completely restored.

The Tsaritsyno Museum in Moscow is not only a unique historical and architectural monument, but also one of the most beautiful places in the capital.

Tsaritsyno Museum

Arbor "Temple of Ceres"

For a long time it was believed that this arbor was built in the 1780s by Bazhenov. However, modern studies give reason to believe that this structure was erected in 1805 by I. Egotovym. He replaced the dilapidated building of Bazhenov. It did not know how it looked in its original form, but, most likely, Enotov somehow repeated the creation of the great architect or used some elements of his project.

The rotunda gazebo has eight columns of an ionic order. She is distinguished by grace, harmony and perfection of proportions. At first, there was a statue of Ceres - the goddess of fertility, but it has not survived to this day. Today, her place was taken by the sculpture of A. Burganov. The arbor “Temple of Ceres” was restored quite often in the last century. The last time the work was carried out in 2007.

Tsaritsyno Museum in Moscow

Singing fountain

This is a real gem in the ensemble of the park. It is located on the Middle Pond. The fountain began to work in 2007. Every year since May, connoisseurs of the beautiful enjoy the harmony of color, music and light. The fountain miraculously turned the old park into an animated fairy tale.

All visitors to the estate are amazed at the size of this building. 807 water jets rise to a 15-meter height. They fall into the mirror water surface with an area of ​​2500 m 2 . The fountain is accompanied by beautiful music. 73 pumps fill its bowl with water.

museum estate tsaritsyno

In winter, the fountain does not work. It is closed with a special dome 13 meters high. It protects the structure from severe frosts and temperature extremes.


The cascade of ponds in Tsaritsyno was formed over two hundred years. The oldest of them is Borisovsky, which appeared during the reign of Boris Godunov. Upper and Lower Ponds arose when the estate was owned by the Streshnevs. The lower pond was created in the middle of the XVII century. The middle pond appeared already in the 80s. Then a high dam was built, along which the Novotsaritsyn highway was laid, dividing the Lower Pond into two equal parts.

How to get to the estate "Tsaritsyno"

For those who decide to visit the Tsaritsyno Museum, the working hours are very convenient - the reserve is waiting for guests every day from 6.00 to 24.00 hours. At this time, you can freely and freely enter the territory of the complex.

In the Bread House, however, as in the Grand Palace, you can go from 11.00 to 18.00 hours daily. Only Monday is a day off. On Saturday, the working hours are extended to 20.00 hours.

museum park tsaritsyno

Greenhouses can be visited every day from 11.00 to 18.00 and on Saturday until 20.00. Monday and Tuesday in the greenhouses are weekends and preventive days.

The light and music fountain is open from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. throughout the summer season (from May to September).

Ticket price

As already mentioned, the entrance to the territory of the museum-estate is completely free. Everyone who wants to visit the Tsaritsyno Museum will be pleasantly surprised by the prices. In the Grand Palace, as well as in the Bread House, you can buy one ticket for 300 rubles. The entrance cost to one greenhouse costs 100 rubles, a ticket in two will cost you 180 rubles. And if you want to visit three greenhouses, then you have to pay 250 rubles.

In the Grand Palace photography is allowed. It costs a hundred rubles. In the Bread House and greenhouses - fifty rubles.

museum estate tsaritsyno how to get there

How to get there

If you are interested in the unique Tsaritsyno Museum-Estate, we’ll explain how to get to it.

If you plan to travel by public transport, you should drive to the Tsaritsyno metro station. Exit the radio market and go straight ahead. Five minutes later, you will be at the main entrance to the park. You can get to the museum from the Orekhovo metro station.

By car, you can also come to the Tsaritsyno Museum. How to get there faster? It is better to drive to the estate from Tyurin Street. There are two large parking lots on this side. You need to arrive here early on the weekend, as there may not be enough parking spaces.

Today we made a short trip to Tsaritsyno. The museum, which is a unique natural and cultural attraction, will not leave anyone indifferent. Here are collected the best monuments of Russian history of the XVIII century. Now the estate has been restored and is in excellent condition. Therefore, do not delay the trip. Come to Tsaritsyno. The estate museum will help you feel the atmosphere of distant times, and will allow you to appreciate the beauty of Russian nature. Come as a family with children. Such a trip will be very useful for them and will be remembered for many years.


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