Mongolian shepherd-banhar: description and character

Experts say that the older the breed of dogs, the higher the level of intelligence of its representatives. These animals are physically healthier than their counterparts, they adapt more quickly to living conditions.

Mongolian shepherd

Based on this statement, then a stronger, more enduring and clever dog than the Mongolian shepherd can not be found. After all, the age of this unique breed totals almost 14 thousand years! Is it really? Let's take a closer look at these amazing animals.

From the history of the breed

Mongolian banhar (the second name of the breed) is depicted on ancient gravestones, in religious painting. Ancient legends and songs-tales of uligers tell about these animals. Since ancient times, the Mongolian shepherd has been very loved and protected in the country. Laws forbade killing or beating a dog. Banhar responded to such care with unlimited devotion to his master. Quite often, after the departure of the latter or his death, the animal died from longing.

From Mongolian traditions it follows that this aboriginal dog in ancient times migrated from Tibet. Once, one of the pilgrims returned from holy places with an unusual “four-eyed” dog. She began to attribute to her amazing ability to feel and see evil spirits. To do this, they had a "second pair of eyes." According to legend, this happened even during sleep. Some Mongolian shepherd dogs can freeze with their eyes closed in a sitting position. The Mongols believe that at this moment the animals pray for the well-being of their masters. For this, the shepherd dogs received another name - a prayer dog (zuugiyin nokh). They are considered divine animals that received a blessing from the god Juu.

mongolian shepherd banhar

Scientists suggest that the descendants of Tibetan dogs spread around the world with Asian nomads - Scythians, Turks, Mongols, etc. In ancient times, the dog was called "Bavgar", which means shaggy, bear-like, shaggy. In modern language, this name is not used. Today in Mongolia these animals are called "banhar", which translates as "chubby in the cheeks" or "rich in fluff."

The ancient origin of these animals is confirmed by the presence of "glasses" in the eyes. There is a version that they were a kind of "reflector" of sunlight, which negatively affected vision.

In addition, a dog skull was discovered in the city of Ust-Haita, which, according to scientists, is more than 8000 years old. Experts are sure that the skull belonged to the Mongolian shepherd.

In Russia, this dog was distributed in the territories bordering Mongolia (in Buryatia, Tuva, Gorny Altai) before the war. In 1937, Banhars served in the NKVD troops, participated in the Irkutsk exhibition and won the Gold and Silver medals.

dog pictures

Since 2000, the restoration and development of this breed has been involved in the Mongoldog gene pool. He used to be in Ulan-Ude, and in 2011 he moved to St. Petersburg. Therefore, if you are interested in a Mongolian shepherd, the price of which is from 50 to 120 thousand rubles, get acquainted with the offers of this kennel.

General impression

The Mongolian Shepherd Banhar is a large animal of medium, and often above average height, powerful physique, having a fairly strong skeleton, with well-developed strong muscles. As a rule, the format is square. Males have a minimum height in the hall - 60 cm, bitches - 55 cm. Banhar is naturally endowed with powerful intelligence. Works great in a pack, completely unpretentious. These dogs easily tolerate a change in climatic conditions. The main qualities should include strength, courage, justified spitefulness in combination with innate distrust of strangers.

Behavior features

Mongolian shepherd, photo of which you can see in our article, always keeps very confident. The behavior is calm and calm. Very easy to train. For no reason do not show aggression.

Mongolian banhar


The Mongolian Shepherd Banhar has a large head proportional to the body. The cranial part is wide, with developed powerful cheekbones. The nape is smoothed. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is weakly expressed. It should be equal in length to the length of the skull. The lower part is wide and massive.

The ears are not wide, having a triangular shape, hanging, set low, covered with soft and short hair. The inside is covered with lighter and longer fur.


Mongolian banhar has another distinguishing feature. These are his amazing eyes. They are expressive, have an almond-shaped shape, usually brown color, widely set. The pupils are very small, since the vision of these animals is equally adapted to both very close and very far distances. When the Mongol Shepherd Banhar look at the sun, their pupils turn into dots. In the dark, the eyes of these amazing dogs glow in red. This color can also be seen in the daytime - when Banhar threatens the enemy.

The color feature of this breed is the “glasses” - light yellow rims around the eyes.

Mongolian shepherd photo


Banhar, a photo of which can be seen in every dog ​​book, has a luxurious fur coat. The coat of these animals is shiny, velvety, smooth, with the so-called "luster shine". Its texture is something between the fur of a fur seal and sable. The integumentary or outer hair is thin, but tough enough, straight and elastic.

Thick and dense undercoat forms downy hair. A thick coat covers the neck and shoulders, which forms a kind of mane. On the hind legs "pants." On the rest of the body, the coat is approximately the same in length. Animals living in the South Gobian areas have a fur length of 5-7 cm, and those living in the northern regions have longer hairs of 7-10 cm. Experts say that not a single dog breed has such a texture.

The main feature of the Banhar wool is its lack of smell. This prevents the wolf from smelling the dog. But the most unique property of the breed is the absence of any smell at all. The shepherd always smells of the place in which it is located. This is a great disguise. Predators have no chance to notice the approach of this dog. They can smell it only at a very close distance. Its smell is not accessible to human smell.

mongolian shepherd Price


Looking at photos of dogs, it is impossible not to pay attention to Banhara. Three traditional colors of these dogs (deep black, black and tan and very rarely solid red) indicate the conservatism of this breed. Most dogs have light rims around their eyes.


Everyone who saw photographs of dogs of the Mongolian Shepherd breed must have paid attention to the fact that, despite its size, the Banhar is very graceful in movement. These dogs are characterized by a creeping low lynx. When the animal picks up speed, it goes into a free gallop. The movements are very light and swift.


As a rule, dog owners and dog specialists, describing particular breeds of dogs, are very verbose. Mongolian Banhar dogs deserve to be described with a single word - iron. This is not an exaggeration at all. This character has been shaped by millennia. I would like to add that this dog is extremely smart, loyal, very calm.

Mongolian dogs Banhar

The Mongolian shepherd is wonderful for all members of the family, as well as for animals living with it under one roof. She perceives her four-legged “relatives” primarily as her “wards,” who need her protection. To strangers, Banhar is relatively calm, but wary. If your pet decides that a stranger is doing something wrong, then he will notify you with a roar, if this is not enough, then the stranger will be attacked. In fairness, it must be said that the dog does not often resort to such radical measures, as a rule, limiting itself to warning. However, you need to know that, if necessary, the Mongolian shepherd attack immediately.

The owners of these huge dogs say that they are very affectionate animals. Undoubtedly, they will not constantly flatter themselves, but they express their love and devotion to the owner at every opportunity.

Banhar loves to play, not only with his brothers, but also with people. This trait of the dog is extremely appreciated by children who can be with their pet all day. The main thing is that the child should understand that this pet should not be offended either by word or deed. The dog will not tolerate this, because it is very proud and wayward.

banhar photo

This is a great pet for a large family, but keep in mind that it requires a lot of space. The dog is more suitable for a country house. In the apartment she will not be too comfortable.

When organizing a “home” for a banhar in the yard, keep in mind that these animals need room. In addition, take care of creating a roomy booth that should be in the shade and not in a draft. Even if your pet lives in a large yard, he needs long daily walks at least once a day, lasting at least an hour, which should be as much as possible physical exercises - the dog must play, run, jump over the barrier, etc.


The Mongolian Shepherd is an independent dog, so if you want your pet to grow up normal, obedient and psychologically healthy, be persistent and seek to recognize yourself as a leader, a pack leader who cannot be disobeyed.

Mongolian shepherd


Mongolian shepherd is unpretentious in food. However, owners should remember that a balanced, proper diet is the key to raising a healthy dog. Therefore, it is necessary for her to draw up an individual diet, taking into account age, weight, physiological characteristics. Breeders and veterinarians will help you with this.


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