Concrete heating makes winter construction worthwhile

The construction of industrial facilities from metal structures today does not stop even for a minute, even in severe northern frosts. Highly qualified builders are engaged in this, having introduced advanced winter construction technologies, in particular, concrete heating, into their activities.

So, in normal mode, according to the SNIP, it is possible to carry out work on the construction of foundations at a temperature of at least minus five degrees. If the temperature drops below this mark, then builders use other technologies that enable concrete to harden without consequences in such frosty conditions.

Concrete heating

One of these technologies is the heating of concrete due to the heat generated directly from the concrete mortar used in the construction. For this, hot steam or water, preheated to ninety degrees Celsius, is used in its production.

The second type of winter construction technology - the thermos effect, consists in organizing warm formwork around a concrete object. Effective for fast setting is considered the technology of infrared or electrode heating of the solution. To do this, use tubular heat radiators through which electric current is passed. They can be ceramic or quartz. For these methods, you also need a transformer for heating concrete. The following methodology for ensuring the required temperature regime for obtaining strong concrete is the use of heating or thermally active formwork, which includes a wire for heating concrete.

concrete heating transformer

In Russia, the most widely used technology is the use of chemical additives, which are included in the concrete solution in order to reduce the freezing temperature so much that the concrete sets much earlier than it starts to freeze. Concrete plants consider this technology the most profitable for them, because construction companies, not caring for additional equipment, just buy a frost-resistant solution of the brand they need and heating the concrete does not bother them. Good or bad, it's hard to say.

concrete heating wire

So far, we only know that in other northern countries, such as Finland, Sweden, construction companies are equipped with special equipment that enables them to choose the method of working with concrete in winter conditions and provide the expected level of strength all year round and prevent the effect of swelling in winter.

The advantage of winter construction lies in the fact that in the winter frosty time it is much easier to organize access roads to the object. Snow deposits are easily removed by snow blowers, snow is rammed and equipment without obstacles associated with slush and the road washed out by rains and showers, drives up the necessary materials, equipment and people.

And another important advantage that makes winter construction expedient, using concrete warming up, is a reduction in the total number of construction projects, which means that labor is released as a result , tension, excitement and rush are reduced. Objects are built sequentially and more prudently. Companies building their warehouses and production facilities in the winter only win.


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