Heaters "Plan": owner reviews, specifications, do-it-yourself installation

Infrared heater "Plan" is the latest heating system developed by Russian scientists. It is presented in the form of a film, and its thickness may vary. Depending on this, its parameters may be different. As a heating element in the film, a resistive device is used. Plane systems are installed, as a rule, on the ceiling in the room and fixed using a variety of building fixing elements.

In this situation, a lot depends on the thickness of the ordered film. However, there are precautions in this regard. As experts assure, during the installation of the "Plan" elements it is impossible to use any metal objects, as well as mirrors. With proper installation of the system, only objects will warm up, not air. Relate elements "Plan" to convective heating systems.

Plan owner reviews

Features of the systems "Plan"

First of all, the high performance of the "Plan" film should be noted. Given the small electricity consumption of the system, it pays for itself in about three years. Manufacturers give a good guarantee on this product, and it can last about 50 years. Installation of the above system will cost inexpensively and this should be taken into account. On average, specialists for installing sq. m. asking in the market 1500 rubles. As you know, these systems do not need maintenance. Using the control unit, you can adjust the power of the device.

Thus, in the absence of people in the house, it is possible to put the system on an economical mode. Since the "Plan" brand heaters are those that do not heat the air, the walls do not dry out. You can use the system quietly in the winter without airing. In addition, it should be noted that the emitted infrared rays prevent the appearance of mold on the walls. Thus, the room will always remain dry with a normal level of humidity. It costs an average square. m. paintings about 1300 rubles.

Key system features

The main characteristics of the "Plan" systems should be attributed to performance, as well as energy consumption. Additionally, the buyer should take into account the level of efficiency. The limiting temperature of the heating element depends on the thickness of the web. On the surface of the heater, it will be slightly lower. This parameter can also be checked with the manufacturer. The power source of the "Plan" system is a network with a voltage of 180, 200 or 220 V. The radiation wavelength depends on the size of the heating element. The installation is important thickness, as well as the weight of square. m. paintings.

The parameters of the film "Plan 1.2"

This "Plan" film (heating) technical specifications has the following: power supply to the heating element - 180 V, and current consumption is 1 A per square. m. The specific power of the film is 130 kW per square meter. m. As the name implies, the thickness of the web is 1.2 mm. The average radiation wavelength is 9 μm. The minimum temperature of the heating element reaches 47 degrees. The heater voltage consumption is at 200 V. A square meter of canvas costs exactly 1,500 rubles.

Reviews about this heating system

The specified "Plan" system has good reviews from the owners. Many buyers prefer this canvas because it is ideal for a small house. Energy consumption is negligible, which is good news. Also, the "Plan" film received good reviews among people because of the high quality of the product and the protection class. Due to this, the canvas is fireproof. Heating the room is pretty fast. Using the control unit is comfortable.

How to install the canvas?

In order to install “Plan” (heating) in a house, do-it-yourself installation should begin with measurements. Before starting work, it is important to tackle the work surface. In this case, the ceiling must be very carefully cleaned. If it has paint, then you can use a solvent. If you used wallpaper during the repair, you need to remove everything with a spatula. Next, you need to treat the surface with a primer and completely smooth over, and even out.

After that, the length of the canvas is calculated (based on the square of the room). From the edge of the wall, the minimum spacing should be at least 2 cm. Then fasteners should be prepared. For a cloth of this thickness it is more advisable to use plastic studs. In some cases, experts advise using hooks. However, they are a more expensive fastener, this must be taken into account. To fix the canvas, a person will need an assistant.

The second sheet on the first at the edge is superimposed on top of about 3 cm. Fastening along the canvas should be carried out every 20 cm. It is very important not to touch the heating elements. Otherwise, the power wires may be damaged. As a result, the integrity of the reflective film will be compromised. It will not be possible to restore the dielectric coating after this. After fixing the system, you should deal with the control unit. In this case, a lot depends on its type. Most manufacturers offer conventional devices with three modes. Installation of the unit is carried out near the outlet.

To avoid cases of short circuit, before fixing the box, you need to find out about the location of the wiring in the house. This can be done quite simply - using the tester. Next, next to the power supply, a special "Plan" modulator is attached. Connecting the system to the outlet is the last thing. Full heating of the element in this case will leave about 40 minutes. If the heater does not work, you must disconnect the unit from the network and check the integrity of the winding.

Plan reviews

Characteristics of the film "Plan 1.4"

This film ("Plan" -heating) technical specifications has the following: the maximum voltage is 180 V, and the operating current is 3 A. An additional layer of isolon is used as a coating. The temperature controller in this model is installed with the marking "TU3". In turn, the most diverse modulators can be used. Wiring in this case is PV2. Cable channels are included with a length of 3 meters.

To connect the heater to the network, this is enough. Also, this system is equipped with a special magnetic starter company "Electric". The maximum load they can withstand at 30 A. The efficiency of such devices reaches 80%. The peak power of the modulator is 4 kW. System consumption is acceptable. An economical mode of use on the control unit is provided. In this case, approximately 6 kW per hour will be consumed per hour of operation. Worth apt. m. cloth 1.4 mm thick about 1,500 rubles.

What do they say about the "Plan 1.4" system?

And this "Plan" system receives positive reviews from the owners. Many buyers praise the 1.4 mm film for its compactness. When you install it, the room in size does not lose anything. Installation of the canvas is quite fast. If you hire skilled workers, then setting square. m. film costs an average of about 1400 rubles. The combustion products of the system are completely absent. Thus, the air always remains clean.

Directly heating the "Plan" system is carried out evenly. The control unit can be used absolutely in all weather conditions. Of the shortcomings, one should take into account the long time of temperature set. Thus, instantly warm up will not work. The maximum temperature of the heating element is not very high, this should be taken into account. Despite the fact that the indicated “Plane” system has rather good technical characteristics, it is better to use the film in winter time together with other heating devices.

installation plan

Mounting Features

Using a film of 1.4 mm ("Plan"), a warm floor in the house can be done independently. The canvas should be fixed on the dowels. Before starting work, it is important not to forget to completely clean the surface. Q m. the canvas weighs 750 g, so you need to fix it on the floor every 20 cm. The distance from the wall should be standard - 2 cm. It is better to adjust the canvas to the sheet based on the square of the room. The minimum flooring distance for fixing the film is 3 cm. It is important that you do not use any metal objects. If there are mirrors on the walls, they must be set aside at a safe distance.

Key parameters "Plan 1.6"

This "Plan" system has the following characteristics: the radiation wavelength is 10 μm, and the maximum voltage is 200 V. Electricity consumption is 1 A per sq. m. The operating frequency of the heater is in the region of 22 Hz. The heating element in this case is resistive. Its maximum power reaches 150 watts per square meter. m. On the surface in economy mode, the maximum temperature is 40 degrees.

The efficiency of the heater is at the level of 70%. Thus, his performance is quite high. The density of the material in the system is 7 kg per cubic meter. m. The coating used in production is mylar. The temperature controller is set to three-channel by default. The electrical switchboard during installation uses a standard from the company "Salute" with a voltage of 220 V. The load it can withstand up to 30 A. The modulator in the standard set is marked PPK20.

Consumer reviews about the canvas

This "Plan" system has very good reviews from owners; many buyers purchase the above greenhouse canvas. It keeps the temperature in the room perfectly, there are no complaints about performance. Also, this system is often chosen for heating various cafes and restaurants. The peculiarity of this heater is that the humidity always remains normal.

Given a material thickness of 1.6 mm, the heating element is quite powerful. Consequently, the heating rate takes little time. As the owners note, the room warms up evenly and the walls always remain dry. Infrared rays, in general, do not badly affect human health. You can stay indoors with the device turned on for a long time without any risk. Worth apt. m. of the specified canvas in a specialized store about 1700 rubles. If not installed independently, for each sq. m will have to pay specialists 1,500 rubles.

Can I install it myself?

Reviews say that the installation of "Plan" (heater) can be carried out completely independently. In this case, it is very important to treat the surface primer responsibly. This is necessary for a snug fit of the material to the ceiling. Thus, mold will never appear indoors. Experts advise using dowels as fasteners. In this situation, a lot depends on the material of the walls.

If the house is panel, then the dowels fit perfectly. When it comes to wooden surfaces, you can save on clamps and take, for example, hooks with caps. They are a little more complicated in the spin, but the owner will spend an order of magnitude less money. Before installing the control unit, the wiring must be checked without fail. Otherwise, you can damage it and short-circuit it completely. To avoid any malfunctions, during installation all metal objects must be removed from the film. It is also desirable to get rid of mirrors. The modulator comes with two channels. It is attached to the control unit through two connectors.

infrared heater plan

Important characteristics of the heater "Plan 1.8"

Power sq. m. of canvas is 5 kW, and the operating frequency is 23 Hz. For an hour of continuous operation, the heating element consumes about 6 A per minute. The coefficient of performance is at the level of 86%. Power is supplied through a network with a voltage of 220 V. The control unit is standard. Economy mode is not provided by the manufacturer. The peak power of the system can reach up to 6 kW.

In general, the surface of the web is fireproof. The density of the material is around 8 kg per cubic meter. m. The wavelength of radiation in this case is 9 microns. The modulator is installed by default on the MPP 23 series. It can be attached to the power cable using various fasteners. The electrical panel for this heating system is of the Salute type. A magnetic starter is provided in this model by the manufacturer. Will cost apt. m. paintings to the buyer for 1550 rubles. At the same time, installation of apt. m. film costs an average of about 1700 rubles.

Plan floor heating

Owner opinions about the system

The specified “Plan” system deserves positive reviews from the owners, because this film can be used in various rooms. For brick houses, it fits perfectly. Moreover, in various workshops she also has a place. The electric heating element in the web is installed resistive. In service, this heating system is very simple.

If necessary, it can always be cleaned by wiping with a dry cloth. Also, the "Plan" system has good reviews because of the absolutely silent operation. In winter, infrared rays favorably affect the skin, and this should be taken into account. Thus, on cloudy days, this film is able to have a positive effect on the human body.

Installing film in the house

Using fasteners, you can independently mount the "Plan". The heating is regulated by the control unit. In the installation, it is quite simple, anyone can switch modes. To fix the film, you need to make all measurements and prepare the fasteners. Work always needs to start from the edge. If the heating element is damaged, the web can be immediately discarded. Thus, you need to fasten the sheets very carefully.

The minimum overlay must be done at 5 cm. Hooks are not recommended in this case. In an unpleasant situation, after a while, the sheet may sag, and this is undesirable. In this regard, with dowels, everything is done very quickly. They are expensive in the market, but such elements are reliable. As a result, you can ignore them for many years.

Heater parameters "Plan 2.0"

The maximum surface heating temperature is 30 degrees, and the maximum voltage is 200 V. The heater can withstand a load of 30 A. The temperature regulator in this model is installed in the PP233 series. The network can be connected in various ways, and the cable length is 3 meters. As the name of the heater shows, the web thickness is 2 mm. The radiation wavelength in this case is 9 μm.

The operating power of this heating system is at the level of 5 kW. For an hour of continuous operation, it consumes an average of about 8 kW. The efficiency in this case reaches a maximum of 85%. The density of the material inside is 8 kg per cubic meter. m. The control unit is powered from a network with a voltage of 200 V. The maximum power of the modulator is exactly 5 kW. Worth apt. m. films in a specialized store about 1800 rubles. Installation in this case will cost the owner about 1600 rubles. per sq. m

Do-it-yourself heating installation

Reviews about the system "Plan 2.0"

Most of all, a film 2.0 mm thick is suitable for heating various office buildings. In this case, you can install it in a residential building. In operation, it is simple and does not require special attention. The room is heated for a rather long time, but this is perhaps the only drawback of this system. In winter, this heater is best used with other heating appliances.

They say that saving on electricity with this film can be quite simple. In this case, it is important to learn how to use the control unit correctly. In damp rooms, the specified heater can also be used. After several hours of operation, humidity returns to normal. Also, many fell in love with this system for a long shelf life. Given the low cost of goods, this is considered a significant advantage.

What is the best way to fix the film?

In order to install “Plan” (heating) in a house, do-it-yourself installation must be done using only dowels. Power supplies are fixed directly near outlets. The modulator is also fixed there. To safely use the heating system, the minimum distance from the edge of the wall should be 3 cm. In this case, the indentation should be at least 4 cm based on the calculation of the room's quadrature.

Before work, the wiring is mandatory checked by the tester. Otherwise, short circuit situations are possible. It is strictly forbidden to use metal objects during installation.When fixing the film on the surface, glue is also not recommended. Pierce the protective layer carefully so as not to damage the heating elements.

Plen heating specifications

Characteristics of the heater "Plan 2.2"

" 2.2" 5 , 55 . . . . 77%. 3 . , .

A magnetic starter is also installed in the system. The maximum temperature of the resistive heating element reaches 55 degrees. The radiation wavelength is on average 10 microns. The system’s power source is a network with a voltage of 220 V. The peak power of the modulator is at the level of 6 kW. Q m. the canvas weighs exactly 800 g, and the density of the internal material is 8 kg per cubic meter. m

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8290/

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