Monument to the victims of the Holocaust in Berlin: where is it, history of creation and description with photo

In the world there are a lot of unusual monuments, including the victims of Nazi terror. Many peoples suffered at the hands of the fascists. But most of all the fear during the Second World War was experienced by the Jews, who were massively destroyed in Europe. A memorial to the victims of the Holocaust in Berlin was erected in memory of the Jews who suffered from Nazism. Photos in the article prove the inconsistency of this monument. After reading the article, you will learn the history of its creation, get acquainted with its description.

Monument to the victims of the Holocaust

The most unusual monument

Right in the city center, near the Brandenburg Gate, is a monument to the victims of the Holocaust in Berlin. Walking around the city, it is almost impossible to pass by it. This is not a grieving figure or a giant sculpture symbolizing something specific. This is a huge area with 2,271 standing next to the slab - these are smooth gray concrete blocks of different heights. The photo of the monument to the victims of the Holocaust in Berlin cannot convey the sensations that a person experiences between the plates of the monument. The loss and anxiety experienced by the Jews during the war years are immediately felt. These people had nowhere to go, they were persecuted and killed. Their life turned into a labyrinth similar to the monument to the victims of the Holocaust in Berlin. Recall that the Holocaust is the mass extermination of Jews during the war.

At first glance it seems that there is nothing to look at. But, if you wander for a few minutes between high blocks, there are many associations. The gray memorial resembles a dead forest, only without branches, from which there is no way out. Visitors are overwhelmed by confusion and anxiety. The feeling of hopelessness becomes especially acute. It seems that there will never be life in this concrete forest. Some perceive concrete slabs as a dead deserted city. The Holocaust Memorial in Berlin is very impressive. It causes visitors different feelings.

Memorial in berlin

Holocaust Memorial Plates in Berlin

This monument in the capital of Germany is the most visited place by tourists. Not far from it is the green Tiergarten park. The American deconstructivist Peter Eisenman became the artist-creator of the monument to the victims of the Holocaust in Berlin. This unusual monument is his creation. At first glance, the monument seems pointless. What is so massive about these smooth slabs? Having walked through this labyrinth, everyone understands where he got and why all this.

On these blocks there are no names, surnames, dates of life and causes of death. But all these plates of different sizes resemble a huge field of death, where sorrow and inconsolability reigns. The further you delve into the Eisenman memorial composition, the more you delve into the meaning of this place. Man is imbued with this most terrible tragedy in modern history.

A wreath near the memorial

Emotional impact

The peculiarity of the impact of the complex’s architecture on visitors is noted by psychologist Collin Ellard. The aisles between the blocks are quite narrow: the two of them do not pass there. And alone, each visitor experiences complex feelings. Behind the plates, the surrounding world is not visible. It reminds forced separation from a loved one. Nobody seems to be able to protect you. Through corridors raise fear, anxiety, longing and loneliness in the soul.

So the architect Peter Eisenman created the building with echoes of feelings that the Jewish population experienced during the Second World War. Researchers argue that the architectural means of the monument managed to achieve a psychological effect. Visitors become part of the installation, go through it, get lost in it. That alien horror and alien grief becomes tangible.

How was the Jewish question solved?

Hitler became interested in Nazism back in 1919. When he came to power, he did not hesitate to introduce the theory of "racial inferiority." Why is this theory so popularized in Germany? Inferior nations were Jews, Gypsies, Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians. It was they who were supposed to be destroyed according to the law of Darwin's evolution, when the fittest survives. Weak individuals are suppressed by strong ones. That is how Hitler saw the victory of the Aryan race. The strongest and most dangerous feeling is fear, which leads to hatred.

First Hitler, and then his subordinates believed that the Jews spoil the Aryan race. German scientists investigated that certain mutated Jewish genes could adversely affect the Aryan race. This was the reason for Hitler's order to destroy all Jews.

Where did the question of inferior nations come from? It does not fit my head: how did people decide to destroy entire nations? After all, someone decided to solve this wild idea first. Then, millions of people in gas chambers and automatic shooting machines were systematically destroyed. A fanatic and a mentally unhealthy person began to lead an entire nation. Science is still in search of a reliable answer to this question. It is necessary to conclude that everyone himself must make a decision in the commission of actions. After all, today there are many people who consider racially inferior people, something not like them. Humanity must remember what racial hatred leads to. Perhaps the monument to the victims of the Holocaust in Berlin will make visitors think about this.

Monument from above

From the history of the memorial complex

The monument in Berlin was opened in 2005. Such an idea came to mind in 1988 to journalist Leah Rochelle. It took about 10 years to raise funds and allocate space for the project. Renowned historian Eberhard Eckel, as well as other German figures, was supported.

528 projects were put forward for the competition. Each of the architects tried to express in the language of art the tragic events of the Holocaust. For the memorial complex, it was precisely Eisenman’s project that was chosen.

The artist wanted with his memorial to give visitors the opportunity to feel the hopelessness of the maze. Around every corner a Jew could expect death. His idea “worked” 100%. The most terrible in the museum is considered the "Hall of Families." It presents the story of more than 10 Jewish families who suffered persecution, loss, constant fear during the Nazi regime.

Plaques on the memorial

Memorial personality

The material for the slabs was durable concrete with a special composition. They are not afraid of water and paint. Unfortunately, vandals do not stop the memory of historical events. Some manage to draw graffiti on obelisks. Workers try to ignore such actions. After all, the very first rain washes away all the inscriptions. Everything passes, except for the gloomy recollection of the mission of these blocks.

Many people have different opinions on the appearance of the memorial. Even the Jewish diaspora in Germany reacted ambiguously to this monument. Some thought that the complex did not express enough grief. Many residents of Berlin did not like the fact that in the very center of the city a square-cemetery was opened. From the windows of residential buildings and offices this gloomy picture is visible, evoking fear and excitement. Not every nervous system can cope with such a load - to see tragedy every day. The area of ​​the monument is quite impressive - a whole football field. The structure does not leave indifferent any visitor.

Museum in Berlin

Halls of the Holocaust Museum

The memorial complex also includes the Holocaust Museum. It is located under the monument and consists of 6 rooms. It stores accessible information that can be used by relatives of the victims. Many families found information about their relatives, found out where they died. According to the information center, about 6 million Jews died during the Holocaust.

The halls of the museum are occupied by genuine exhibits: notes, diaries, photographs of the victims. Museum workers managed to find and preserve some personal items of the victims. Museum exhibits show the entire history of Jewish persecution. Very close to the memorial is the Fuhrer’s bunker. There used to be the Berlin Wall.

At the Holocaust Museum

Holocaust Memorial Address in Berlin

Over the years, the complex was visited by three and a half million people. The official name for the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin is a monument to the murdered Jews of Europe. It can be reached by metro. Exit at Potsdamen Platz Station. You can also get here by buses No. 100, No. 200, No. 347. You need to get off at Potsdamer Platz or near the Brandenburg Gate. The exact address of the memorial is Cora-Berliner-Strase 1.

Working hours

At any time, you can come to the memorial, because it is in the open. Here for 4 euros you can buy an audio guide in Russian. When you listen to him, sad thoughts come to mind, and a depressing picture opens before your eyes at this time. The services of the museum information center can be used from 10 to 19 hours. In conclusion, it must be said that Jews have a tradition of laying stone on a grave. Perhaps these gray slabs of the Holocaust Memorial symbolize her.


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