What do wolves eat in different habitats?

A wolf is a predatory beast from the Canine family. The body length together with the tail reaches 160 cm, and the height at the withers is up to 90 cm. The weight of such an animal is about 62 kg. According to scientists who have studied genes and DNA, the wolf is the ancestor of an ordinary dog. Previously, these animals were more than now. The reasons for the decrease in numbers are changes in the natural landscape, extermination and urbanization. There are territories where wolves are on the verge of extinction. In the north of the mainland, their population remains stable. Although there are fewer wolves, there are places where these animals pose a danger to livestock and villagers. Therefore, hunting for such animals is still permitted.

what do wolves eat

Ancient Predator - Wolf

The breeding season in an animal begins at the end of winter, around February. Very often, wolf couples survive for life. The duration of pregnancy is an average of 65 days. A she-wolf gives birth to two to fourteen cubs. Five babies on average. The first months of the family are fed by the father. He brings food, burps semi-digested food to feed the mother of the family and the cubs. At first, of course, babies eat milk, but from 1.5 months. start eating regular food. By August, they weigh about ten kilograms, and since September they go hunting with their parents.


What do wolves eat? As a rule, they eat animals, both domestic and wild. This can be deer, hares, wild boars, marmots, horses, beavers, as well as moose, muskrats, cows. If he cannot find such food, then the wolf eats frogs and lizards. On average, one such predator eats about two kilograms of meat per day. A very hungry wolf can eat 12 kg of meat in one sitting. Everything that has not been finished, he hides in a secluded place. If he is hungry, he always comes to his hiding place and eats up the leftovers. On the ground, the predator is guided by the sense of smell and hearing, since the wolf has poor vision, although he sees better than dogs at night.

what the wolf eats in the forest
So what do wolves eat? Their diet depends on the habitat. These can be lemmings, field voles, as well as larger animals: deer, wild boars and moose. By the way, predators prey on large prey in groups.

Plant food

What does the wolf eat in the forest, except for meat? This predator is happy to eat berries and nuts, as well as some plants. Wolves also look for and eat the eggs of birds.

Since such a predator has well-developed conditioned reflexes, it quickly adapts to any situation.

what does a wolf eat in winter
What else do wolves eat? Usually, these predators prey on wild animals only, but due to a lack of food they can also attack domestic animals - goats, sheep and calves. If the wolf is already old and sick, then he chooses easier prey. For example, having run into the village, he lures the local dogs, and then pretends to run away. The dog, of course, runs after him, and he turns around and attacks her.

What does a wolf that lives in the steppe eat?

Its diet consists mainly of meat, although it also sometimes consumes plant foods. But, living in the steppe, these predators raid melons and melons and watermelons, satisfying not so much hunger as thirst, because wolves need a regular, and quite plentiful watering. Of course, such an animal has its favorite food in the steppes - gazelles and saigas, and roe deer in the forest-steppe.

What does a wolf eat in winter? Note that in this period of the year such predators become especially bloodthirsty. As a rule, their diet does not change, only to get food becomes more difficult. In winter, in schools in swarms, they mainly attack roe deer, wild boars and hares.

Wolves are often found in hunting areas, because here you can always enjoy a wounded, but not shot animal, or even the remnants of prey caught by people.

These predatory animals are more active at night. During the hunt, they show incredible cunning. A flock is divided into two groups. One is hiding in ambush, and the second is attacking. Forwards run on the heels of prey, and the second group rushes across.

wildlife wolves
We examined what ordinary wolves eat. Now consider the diet of other predators of this species.

Feeding the polar wolf

This predator lives in the Arctic, with the exception of those places where there is ice. As a rule, such an animal is kept in packs of ten individuals. What does a wolf eat in the tundra? Reindeer, hares and other small animals.

What do red wolves eat?

These animals live in the mountains. They hunt in steams in the daytime. As a rule, they attack large animals, but small animals also sometimes enter their diet. Their food includes small rodents, antelopes, bulls, deer and lizards.

Hunting for red wolves is prohibited, since they are on the verge of extinction, so these predators are listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. The exact cause of their death is unknown. But scientists say that gray wolves are to blame. They live where they are red, but much stronger than them. Therefore, the latter could not stand the competition with the former. This is just an assumption, there are no exact facts about this.

Diet of maned wolves

These predators are the largest of the Canids. Maned wolves inhabit Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil and Bolivia. Such predators do not live in packs, but in pairs. Hunting is also conducted in pairs. Their diet consists not only of food of animal origin, they also eat various plants. Most often, reptiles, small rodents and insects become their victims.

And they feed on snails, birds and bird eggs. In addition, maned wolves eat guava and bananas. By the way, there were cases when these predators attacked domestic animals (sheep, pigs and others).

Red wolf and wildlife

predator wolf

These wolves are the rarest of all canids. They are listed in the International Red Book. Their lifestyle is similar to that of ordinary wolves. They live in prairies, wetlands, and highlands in the eastern United States. Packs live a little less than a pack of gray wolves. Their diet also consists not only of food of animal origin, but also vegetable. As a rule, such victims as rabbits, raccoons, rodents, and occasionally deer become their victims. In addition, they feed on carrion and various fruits. Note that these predators themselves can become the prey of red lynxes or alligators.

In the article we described in detail what the wolf eats in the forest and other habitats. The more we know about the world around us, the more carefully we treat it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8296/

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