Eva Hansen: biography and creativity

One of the most popular genres in modern literature is a love affair. As the name implies, in the center of the plot of a work written in this genre are romantic relationships between two people. As a rule, the main audience for these books is women.

Everyone knows such an English writer as Jane Austen. Art historians believe that it was her works ("Pride and Prejudice", "Emma", "Feeling and Sensitivity" and others) that laid the foundation for the genre of a love story. Another source is the work of Samuel Richardson, "Pamela, or the rewarded virtue."

Currently, many authors are creating romance novels. One of the writers working in this genre is Eva Hansen. At the moment, she is the author of 6 books.

eva hansen books


Eva Hansen was born in Sweden in April 1977. Received higher education at Uppsala University - the oldest educational institution in the country. It was in his student years that Eva was fond of writing stories - these were stories in the genre of an erotic novel.

After graduation, Hansen became acquainted with the work of Stig Larsson , a Swedish writer who created the cult detective novel “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”. His books made a huge impression on Eva Hansen and inspired him to continue his creative work.

That is what the official biography of the writer sounds like. However, journalists question the existence of Eva Hansen as a specific person. Most likely, several authors are hiding under this pseudonym.

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Creation. Series “Color of pain”

Under the name of the writer, 6 novels were published, each of which is included in a cycle called “Color of Pain”. All books by Eva Hansen are arranged chronologically in this order: the first novel is “The Color of Pain. Red ”, then“ Black ”,“ White ”,“ Velvet ”,“ Silk ”and“ Latex ”.

The works combine two genres: a detective story and an erotic romance (one of the branches of a romance novel). The main character of the series is Lynn Lindberg, a young Swedish journalist investigating mysterious crimes.

The name of the cycle “Color of Pain” was not chosen by chance - to find out who is behind the next murder, Lynn Lindberg has to penetrate the secret BDSM community. It is here that she meets her love. However, not everything is as good as it might seem - each crime is followed by a new one, striking with even greater cruelty.

Criticism and reader reviews

Despite the fact that romance novels have the highest sales and most popularity compared to other genres, they are often criticized.

eva hansen

Negative reviews also did not bypass the book of Eva Hansen. The main part of the criticism refers to the semantic part of the narrative: many readers call the plot ridiculous and unrealistic, and the characters are formulaic and predictable. The Color of Pain series is often compared with the trilogy of E. L. James, Fifty Shades of Gray.

However, Hansen's work also has fans. They note unobtrusive humor and ease of narration, as well as an interesting detective line.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8297/

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