Rare stones: photos, names. The rarest gems

Gemstones evoke a cascade of feelings among the simplest average people and professional jewelers. This is an aesthetic pleasure, a desire to possess, crazy greed.


Some rare stones are attracted only by the fact that they are not widely available. The uniqueness of gifts adds great value, distinctive properties, the nature of origin. The name of rare stones is often associated with the appearance. In addition, names are given from the field area or in honor of the discoverer.


A unique stone, the name of which reveals its "registration". True, they say that the birthplace of a rare mineral is infinite outer space. He hit the "blue planet" in the form of a meteorite. Until now, his fragments are found on the territory of Moldova. An amazing shade of green attracts jewelers who give it a cut using various ornaments and figurines.

rare stones

Due to the cosmic nature, rare Moldavite stones are in demand among representatives of occult currents. Minerals are credited with anti-aging properties. Therefore, amulets with moldavite, despite their high cost, are popular. In addition, the stone looks very elegant.


The value of this stone is not in value, but in rarity. Pegmatite has a special “appearance”. The drawing on its graphic variety resembles ancient writings. Some compare it with Arabic letters, other experts argue that the surface of the stone is more likely to echo the cuneiform writing of Egypt.

Rare stones of this breed in jewelry production are most often used for amulets, amulets. In addition, you can find headsets of earrings and rings, there are original boxes.

Pegmatite is attributed to stones endowed with divine power. It is called the "teacher's stone." It is also considered an ideal talisman for people related to the field of knowledge.


Burma is considered a real storehouse for precious deposits. Payneit is also found on the territory of this amazing land. The rarest stones are listed in various lists, as well as in the Guinness Book of Records. Painite is located here, which got its name in honor of the gemologist Payne, who holds the honor of discovery. Only 18 samples of the mineral are presented in jewelry quality, which makes it one of the rarest.

the rarest stones

The main shades of the stone are red: from ordinary to brown. True, there are more delicate and non-standard tones. Due to the fact that transparent paint is almost impossible to find, its price is simply prohibitive.

Researchers note the properties of the healing nature of the mineral. For example, infectious diseases surrender at the mercy of the power of painitis. These rare stones can make blood run faster, bring the thyroid gland back to normal. A positive effect on the skin of the hands of bracelets from this mineral was noted. It becomes smooth, as if getting younger.

Payne is a special magic. All its properties are not fully understood. But knowledgeable people argue that the beautiful half jewelry with minerals will help "bewitch" men. You can use the stone as an amulet in gambling, various bets.


A rare representative of opal is considered cacholong. The original structure, resembling hardened milk, has a pearly shine. The surface can sometimes have elegant colored blots. But most often it is a white mineral, which was attributed to the symbols of the purity of the human soul. Translated from Turkic, its name means "beautiful stone."

rare gems

Various rare stones are captured on this page, the photo, however, cannot convey the sensation of warmth that comes from the cacholong. Researchers say that he returns strength to men, helps women to win a loved one. As a talisman, stone is used during pregnancy.

Another property that will interest people of a practical warehouse is the ability to improve the well-being of its owner. Cacholong gives confidence in the future, inner peace and growth in savings and investments.


If we talk about the rarest stones in the world, dinobon should be mentioned. Its originality lies in the fact that, on a structural basis, these are the bones of one of the first settlers of the planet - dinosaurs, which over the millennia have reached fossils. Rarely the remains of ancient animals become minerals suitable for jewelers. Dinobon is just such a representative. The English-Greek translation of the name reads “terrible bone.” However, the appearance after processing is very attractive.

The salts accumulated over centuries form elegant patterns. The colors of the pattern from blue to milky in the frame look extraordinary, chic. In wide circles, the stone became available only recently. Previously, it could be seen in museum windows, and not in the hands of ladies of high society.

Ancient healers used dinobon during the restoration of a person after serious ailments. Immunity stone is a great friend, as are joints. Many magic rituals were performed using the "terrible bone." Historians mention that the stone is able to give additional strength, so the dinobon was actively used before big battles. And he strengthens intuition, activates the gift of the predictor inherent in nature.


the rarest stones in the world

Rare gems can vary in gigantic size, unusual shapes. There are other representatives of exclusive copies. They stand out against the general background of their history. Taaffeite was found only about seventy years ago. And immediately faceted, unlike similar minerals. Named after its discoverer, it does not resemble any stone in composition.

A few copies are transparent, have several shades: purple, green, pink, blue.

the rarest gems

Compared to popular diamonds, it is very rare. Therefore, it is very difficult to meet a stone in jewelry . The cost of one gram can reach up to $ 20,000. You can meet him in rare private collections.


They find it extremely rarely, natural reserves are almost exhausted. All this refers to the unique tanzanite, which hid at the foot of the majestic Kilimanjaro. Researchers say that after 10 years, the mineral will disappear, so it can be safely attributed to the list of “The rarest gems”.

rare stones photo

Transparent crystals want to get many. By value, tanzanite is very expensive for its owners. But connoisseurs are willing to pay for its high quality characteristics, graceful cuts, radiant blue or lavender shade, sparkling transparency.

The uniqueness of the stone also lies in the fact that it is able to change color from different angles. And with a look it’s hard to accurately catch the rich deep shades that seem to have collected all the colors of African nature.

Researchers attribute no less amazing properties to the precious mineral. If you wear jewelry with tanzanite, you can expect success in business life. It contributes to personal happiness. In addition, a rare natural gift attracts wealth. For girls, the stone enhances the external attractiveness, sexuality, charisma, especially if they chose earrings as decoration. A ring with a radiant mineral will attract the opposite sex.

The Healer

name of rare stones

Tanzanite has the ability to heal. First of all, rests tired eyes. Helps to cope with skin ailments, pain in the spine. Helps to improve the condition in extreme heat, colds.

If you look at the stone from the point of view of astrologers, then they recommend tanzanite to representatives of the water element. For them, he will be a talisman, an assistant. Ladies will give confidence in their charms. For Aries, it can become a good regulator of excessive emotionality.


Now you know what rare stones are. Perhaps some of them will appeal to you. Having chosen a stone, you can make a unique decoration with it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8298/

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