Monument to Chernyshevsky in St. Petersburg

The monument to Chernyshevsky, the great Russian writer, publicist, revolutionary, was the first monument erected in post-war Leningrad. Opened in 1947 next to the just laid Victory Park, it became a symbol of the restoration of the city.

History of the monument

The monumental propaganda plan proposed by V.I. Lenin in 1918 provided for the demolition of monuments to the tsars and the erection of new ones in honor of fighters for revolutionary ideals.

Among the first on the list of candidates was the name of Chernyshevsky. He was erected several monuments in the cities of the USSR, primarily in the homeland. In 1940, it was decided to immortalize the revolutionary and writer in St. Petersburg.

The All-Union competition, in which 22 works participated, won the monument to Chernyshevsky created by V.V. Lishev and V. I. Yakovlev. Casting was started at a local factory. At the same time, preparatory work was going on at the site of the installation of the monument. But the installation was made only after the war.

It took more time for the procurement and delivery of granite for the pedestal, since pre-war stocks were used for the construction of bunkers.

Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

His birthplace is the city of Saratov. Here he lived with his parents until the age of 18. Since the father was a clergyman, the son at first followed in his footsteps. But after three years, he realized that he had chosen his own path, and in 1846 entered the St. Petersburg University at the historical and philological department.

Monument to Chernyshevsky in the evening

Here Nikolai Gavrilovich began to engage in journalism. Thanks to the journal Sovremennik, in which his works were published, the name of the author became widely known among progressive youth. The theme of serfdom and the situation of peasants in Russia was especially actively raised. In the 50s and early 60s, Chernyshevsky took every opportunity to express his opinion on the pages of the magazine, anticipating the uprising of the peasants after the abolition of serfdom in 1861. His name became the banner of "Contemporary".

The magazine was closed for eight months for revolutionary agitation, and Nikolai Gavrilovich, "enemy of the empire No. 1," was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress in 1862. The reason was his proclamation "To the lords' peasants." For two years, while the investigation was underway, Chernyshevsky wrote several works in prison, including his main novel, “What to do?”, Which was published in the opened Sovremennik.

According to the court’s verdict after the “civil execution”, that is, publicly breaking the sword above the convict’s head as a deprivation of all rights, he was sentenced to hard labor for 7 years, followed by exile to Siberia for the rest of his life. The commutation of the sentence was adopted twenty years later. He did not live long after returning, and in 1889 he died in Saratov.

Monument to Chernyshevsky

The monument to the revolutionary democrat reaches a height of 3.8 meters. The bronze figure is mounted on a granite pedestal 2.2 meters high. The sculptor V. V. Lishev and the architect V. I. Yakovlev saw in Chernyshevsky, first of all, a writer and a journalist. A young man sits on a bench with a pensive look. In his hands he holds a book. The coat is thrown over his shoulders carelessly, his gaze fixed on the distance. But at the same time, an impression is created of him as an active, active person, ready to quickly stand up and begin to act.

Chernyshevsky monument after reconstruction

In 2016, the monument to N. G. Chernyshevsky was under restoration for a month. The craftsmen cleaned the sculpture, and with the help of a protective compound applied on bronze, its strength was strengthened. Restored accessory, lost 20 years ago - the writer’s glasses. The granite pedestal was also cleaned and strengthened, and lanterns and benches were placed around.

Chernyshevsky Square

The area that arose in the thirties on which the monument was erected was called New. In 1948, she was named after the writer.

Chernyshevsky monument on the square

Today Chernyshevsky Square has a rectangular shape. The space is free from development, which allows you to see the monument, located in the center, from anywhere. On both sides, the borders of the square are houses built in the pre-war era in the style of classicism. The monument looks spectacular against the backdrop of a ten-story hotel "Russia", built in 1962.

The monument to Chernyshevsky, the square and buildings, thanks to the classical style, harmony and high taste of the authors, reflect the exquisite "Petersburg" style and create a single ensemble.

Victory Park

Opposite the monument to Chernyshevsky in St. Petersburg is Victory Park. It was laid in 1945 and became a symbol of memory of the feat of Leningrad residents.

Central Alley of Victory Park

Previously, there was a brick factory on this territory, whose furnaces were used as a crematorium during the years of the blockade. The ashes were buried in quarries, because there is a large mass grave. Several monuments in the park are erected in memory of people buried here.

The central avenue, which runs from the Chernyshevsky monument to Victory Park, divides it into two parts. They are made in different styles: landscape and regular. Monuments were erected along the alley twice to the Heroes of the Soviet Union born in Leningrad. Intricate ponds appeared in the park where there were previously quarries, funnels from bombs and shells.


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