Buzzard (bird): description, photo. What does a buzzard eat?

Who do you think a buzzard is? In tune with some kind of horse, right? Anyway, you won’t guess! A buzzard is a feathered predator. Frankly, this is not called a single species of bird, but the whole subfamily. In this article, we will consider these birds in detail using the example of common buzzard, or buzzard.

Who are the buzzards?

As noted above, ornithologists call the buzzards the subfamily (genus) of birds of prey representing the hawk family. Scientists still systematize these birds, collecting them, as they say, bit by bit. Therefore, the classification of buzzards is constantly changing. For example, not so long ago, this subfamily included the genera of birds, which were previously generally assigned to a separate subfamily of eagles.

buzzard bird


Buzzard bird of prey is common throughout Europe as well as in Asia. Its favorite habitats are woodlands, bounded in the north by the Arctic Circle, and from the south - treeless deserts of Central and Central Asia and Iran. As you can see, the distribution area of ​​these predators from the Old World leaves much to be desired.

Buzzard - a proud bird!

Despite its simple name, the buzzard is an ordinary buzzard, or buzzard - the bird is not at all simple or even granivorous. This proud predator represents the hawk family. A buzzard can not be called a purely migratory bird, because pride and iron endurance do not allow these robbers to be afraid of cold weather and, as a result, fly south. Only one subspecies of these creatures is migratory - the small buzzard. From the middle zone of our country, these birds move to the southern regions of Asia and Africa.


Buzzard is a medium-sized bird. The length of her body ranges from 50 to 58 centimeters. The wingspan can reach 1.3 meters. This predator weighs from 450 grams to 1.4 kilograms. Unlike many other animals, female buzzards are usually larger than males in size. The color of these birds is different. While some individuals have fawn feathers, others are dark brown.

bird of prey buzzard

By the way, buzzard can be easily confused with his close relative - a bony buzzard or with a distant relative - an ordinary beetle. The last birds generally copy the color of the buzzards in order to protect them from their enemies - goshawk hawks. Young growth, as a rule, has more variegated colors. Here is such a multi-colored buzzard bird! The voice of these feathered robbers has an unpleasant nasal tone resembling the plaintive meow of cats.

Coloring buzzards

Now we dwell in more detail on the coloring of these birds of prey. As mentioned above, the color of their feathers can be completely different. Ornithologists notice that it is almost impossible to see two identical buzzards in nature! Some buzzards are painted in brown or black and have transverse stripes on their tails. There are also birds whose back and chest are dirty brown in color. At the same time, their remaining parts of the body are painted in gray-brown colors and diluted with dark spots.

Light brown buzzards with pure black spots and transverse tail stripes are also found in nature. But the colors of buzzards are not limited to this. Once again, the buzzard is not only a bird of prey, but also a multi-colored one! For example, some birds have pale yellow paws, a bright yellow wax and the dark tip of their beak. Their cornea is colored in a reddish-brown color, which turns gray with age. Such an unusual buzzard bird.

What does buzzard eat?

Since buzzards are predators, their diet is reduced to animal feed: voles, ground squirrels, rats, rabbits, small birds, etc. Ornithologists have found that in some cases common buzzards can feed on carrion (animal corpses). Buzzards also eat hamsters, frogs and even small rabbits. Often attack snakes.

buzzard bird voice

To enjoy this or that mouse, this predator needs to hunt exclusively in open spaces. To do this, the bird can soar slowly for hours in the air or even hunt from an ambush located on some hill. In principle, in this way any buzzard gets its food. The bird, the description of which we are considering here, also has a peculiar behavior.

Behavior and lifestyle

Representatives of the subfamily, or the genus of buzzards, can be recognized by their characteristic landing. This is especially evident in the buzzard. Usually he cringes and bends one foot under himself. Scientists say that in this position ordinary buzzards do two things at the same time: they relax and vigilantly look for their prey, carefully inspecting the surroundings.

As noted above, the buzzard is a soaring bird. This predator flies for a long time and is completely silent. Having looked at any mouse or gopher, the buzzard falls down with a stone, tightly pressing its wings to the body. In order not to crash the ground, the bird spreads its wings directly in front of the ground, flies a certain distance in this position, after which it ruthlessly grabs prey.

A buzzard is a bird whose cry can hardly be confused with anyone else. The plaintive and drawn-out “meow” is the “calling card” of these feathered robbers! By the way, linguists believe that the verb “buzz” came from the feline manner of buzzards to pronounce their nasal sounds: when, for example, a child begs for a long and long time from his parents, they usually say that he is buzzing.


The mating season in Buzzards begins in late April. Like many other living creatures, there are fights between the males for the location of the female. The resulting buzzard pairs are building new nests or reinforcing old ones. Usually their nesting site is located at an altitude of 6 to 18 meters above ground level. Near nests must be deciduous or coniferous trees. Usually masonry in Buzzards consists of 4-5 testicles of pale green color with brown spots.

buzzard bird what eats

Only females are engaged in incubation. Males bring food at this time. The incubation period of eggs lasts a little more than a month. Young growth is born already at the beginning of summer. Freshly hatched chicks are already covered in gray fluff. Both parents feed them for 1.5 months. Already in late August, the chicks begin an independent life. An interesting fact is that if, for one reason or another, the first brood did not take place, the females of common buzzards can easily postpone another clutch for the season.

buzzard bird scream

Life span

Usually representatives of the subfamily of buzzards in the wild survive to 20-25 years. The maximum duration of their life span is about 35 years.

What is the benefit of buzzard?

Common Buzzard - a useful bird. In one day, she eats up to 35 small rodents. If you translate this value into more serious numbers, you get about 11,000 rodents per year. Without a doubt, the feathered robber thus has great benefits to the environment and agriculture, as it destroys harmful animals. By the way, if there are a lot of mice, then buzzards generally cease to pay their attention to other animals. Here he is such a useful assistant - this buzzard!

The bird (pictures are presented in the article) is popular among ornithologists and amateurs, not only as a fighter of rodents, but also as a killer of vipers! Unfortunately, nature did not reward these birds with immunity from viper venom. Therefore, sometimes a snake and a buzzard annihilate each other.

buzzard bird clip art

Nevertheless, in most cases, the feathered robber still emerges from this deadly battle. Ornithologists say that such courage and ingenuity is inherent in all representatives of the genus buzzards. In captivity, these birds display sophisticated cunning.


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