Is braiding a new trend or a well-forgotten old?

Hair is the most valuable of every girl’s jewelry. It is not worthwhile to convince that a girl without hair can instantly lose her attractiveness, and healthy, magnificent and shiny hair make her wearer even more desirable in the eyes of men.

But the truth is that today it’s not enough just to comb your hair or do a styling. Society requires sophistication, uniqueness and diversity. It is for this reason that braiding as it was relevant ten years ago does not concede its position at the present time. But the braids have become more complex and more elegant.

The complexity of weaving is not always put in the first place, but the desire to achieve exceptionalism makes you work harder on the hair. So, for example, braiding of five strands has become very popular today. A smaller number of strands is found to be too simple, and attracting more makes you use all the skill to make the result tidy.

Learning to braid braids from five strands is not so difficult, although you will have to spend some time first in order to gain dexterity. How to create such an unforgettable masterpiece, conquering men with a charming hairstyle, and girlfriends with an incomparable ability to weave braids? Everything is very simple. First you need to separate all the hair or only the part on which it is planned to create an elegant canvas from interlocked strands. It is better to divide into even locks so that there are no flaws during weaving. So, we arbitrarily number hair strands from one to five. We will start braiding the braids with strand number one: we will extend it under the second strand and put it on strand number three. Now remember again all the strands, numbered them also from one to five, in the same direction. Now we begin weaving with the fifth strand, doing the same with it: we will extend it under the fourth and throw it on the third. We number the strands again and, starting from the first strand, we carry out all the above actions.

Of course, this is not the only way to weave pigtails from five strands, but first you need to master one kind of weaving in order to bring it to perfection and not get confused in the direction of weaving.

Weaving braids of five strands is most often used on the main length of the hair from the side or back, but you can also decorate the front of the hairstyle. For this, bangs are most often used.

Depending on the length of the bangs, you can choose the appropriate type of braid weaving, which will not only emphasize the dignity of the face and hide flaws, but also turn any image into a holistic and attractive.

Often you can see the braiding on the bangs in the form of a rim. At the same time, such a bezel really retains hair, making the hairstyle neat and well-groomed. A special example is the rim of Yulia Tymoshenko, but due to the thickness of the strands, the volume of the rim can also be changed.

Another option is to create an artificial bang, the edge of which is framed by a scythe. Weaving braids on a bang for such a hairstyle can help create an interesting image for girls who have a cropped bang, and those who do not have bangs per se. The length of such a bang will be aligned oblique, and the rest of the hair will leave along with the locks on the sides. It depends on what type of bangs it will be decided to create.

Such a hairstyle is distinguished not only by the simplicity of weaving (ordinary weaving of three strands is used), but also by the grace and coquettishness of the created image.

Weaving braids today has taken its place of honor among fashion trends, and it is simply impossible to exclude it. Every day, young fashionistas come up with how to surprise everyone with their skill, either using new techniques, or adding non-standard elements.


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