How to find your style in clothes?

Every year, the style of clothing is updated. New items from well-known model houses appear, attracting the attention of women and causing them to be lost in doubt about choosing their own individual style in clothes.

Creating your own unique style is a painstaking and rather difficult task requiring taste and your own opinion. It is impossible to use patterns and traditional solutions. Each woman is unique in her own way and requires her own original wardrobe and high-quality items.


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Do not save on clothes and buy cheap things that, after a short period of time, lose their original appearance and require replacement. High-quality clothing emphasizes the refined taste of a woman and indicates the presence of her own style.

It is important not to go to extremes and not to use exalted ways to attract attention. Such an approach is not suitable for a successful and successful woman. When creating your own style in clothing, you must always take into account age, physiological characteristics and anthropological parameters. You need to adhere to your own style, which allows you to look 100% at any time and anywhere.

It seems to many that working out a style in clothes is easy and simple. In fact, the process is quite painstaking and requires attention when choosing things. No need to chase fashion, aimlessly purchasing clothes in large quantities. Not always the quantity goes into quality.

The wardrobe of a girl and a woman should allow her to look different every day, but adhere to a certain style. No need to mindlessly copy other people's images, they are not always better than your individual decisions. In this case, stereotyping destroys individuality and does not allow your image to reveal.

How to find your style in clothes

What to look for when choosing clothes?

Each person has an idea of ​​their own individual image. Do not be afraid to experiment and try new things. Otherwise, it is impossible to determine your own style.

It is important to consider the following parameters:

  1. Visual combination. You should pay attention to the hairstyle, hair color, makeup brightness, manicure, accessories.
  2. Manner of behavior and communication. Gait, speech, facial expressions, gestures.
  3. Circle of friends. Surrounding people, work, life, place of residence.

Each woman has her own unique appearance. Clothing with proper use can hide flaws and emphasize advantages. Help gain confidence in any situation.

The man’s dressing style shows the degree of his love and self-respect. Not in vain for “clothes they meet, but for the mind escorted”. People evaluate first of all the appearance and clothes of a person and only then make a final conclusion, after communicating with him.

How to find your style in clothes?

Do not follow blindly fashion trends. Many fashion trends are universal and designed for a huge number of women. Among the abundance of the proposed models, you need to choose your own original solutions that allow you to create a complete image. How to find your style in clothes? It is important to rely on your opinion and listen to internal feelings. It should be comfortable in clothes, without feeling of constraint or discomfort. You can listen to the advice of specialists or make small loans, but you need to rely only on your own feelings and feelings.

creating your own unique style

Do not passively copy other people's trends imposed by aggressive advertising. A similar approach produces the same images that do not allow you to clearly express a really interesting personality. You can simply "dissolve" in a huge "sea" of facelessness and uniformity. This approach is dead end and does not allow you to develop your own style decisions.

When creating your own style in clothes, you can adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

Cabinet contents for inspection

A thorough audit of the contents of the cabinets should be carried out. Inspect numerous things. You need to postpone things that have not been worn for the past year. These clothes need to be removed away or just handed out. It does not match your attitude and does not fit in style. Lies with unnecessary ballast inside the cabinet and collects dust. If clothes are a pity to give or throw away, then you can try to change them. You can give it to the master or make changes yourself. Such an approach will give things a “second life”.

creating your own style

What things prevail in your wardrobe? The remaining things must be carefully examined and try to answer the question: why do you wear them?

Create your own style

You need to rely primarily on your own rhythm of life, environment, work and lifestyle. When choosing clothes, you need to listen to your own feelings, not fashion trends. Things should be convenient and comfortable. The quality of the fabric plays an important role. The color scheme depends purely on personal individual preferences. No need to drive yourself into artificial color frames that limit imagination.

It is important not to be afraid of experiments and bold decisions. It all depends purely on the imagination and personal idea of ​​the beautiful. A wide selection of items on sale will make it possible to create any image and your own style without titanic efforts. You just need to listen to your own feelings and "inner voice."


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