Marvel Universe: Observers and Other Space Races

Today's article is dedicated to the most powerful alien entities of the Marvel universe: Observers, the Living Tribunal, Odin-Nad-All and other characters. Many of them live in a place known as "Superspace", which can only be reached by heroes of increased size. The "world of the gods" is able to drive any unprepared mind crazy. For example, the supervillain Absorber was able to hold out in "Superspace" for only ten seconds, after which he lost consciousness.

Gradually, the Marvel film studio begins to introduce these characters and the ordinary viewer. One of the most memorable examples (by the way, with the participation of Stan Lee himself) was the appearance of the Marvel Observers in the Guardians of the Galaxy. In the film, these creatures appeared before the public in the final scenes after the credits, appearing for just a few seconds, but having managed to generate a lot of fan theories and ideas. It is from this race that we will begin our small guide to the cosmic entities of Marvel.

Marvel Observers

Observers are called one of the oldest races that has ever existed in the universe.

Observers & quot; Marvel & quot; at & quot; Guardians of the Galaxy & quot;

Their main and only mission is to observe how other nations are developing, while they are forbidden to interfere in any events. This โ€œneutral sideโ€ policy came about after the Marvel Observers shared nuclear technology with one alien race. Technology immediately went to the creation of powerful weapons, which led to destruction and many deaths. The blame for the deed fell on the Observers themselves.


We already said earlier that for the first time, moviegoers saw Marvel Observers in Guardians of the Galaxy. There they performed their usual role - they were outside observers of what was happening. However, not everyone likes to follow such rules. Observer Huatu, assigned to the planet Earth, repeatedly intervened in the fate of people, and he did this about 400 times.

Huatu is the most famous Observer at Marvel. He often appeared in the adventures of the Fantastic Four, but from time to time he included the โ€œrightโ€ Observer and no longer wanted to break the rules. At such moments, the heroes of the Earth themselves had to turn to him with requests for help.

In the Original Sin comic, the authors decided to kill Huatu by sending a group of villains to his house. They not only stole several valuable devices, but also tore out the eyes of the Marvel Observer. After them, Nick Fury paid a visit to Huat, who killed him and took his second eye with him.

Universe & quot; Marvel & quot ;: Observers

Live Tribunal

The character of the Living Tribunal is one of the most powerful cosmic creatures. The symbols of Revenge, Balance and Necessity are formed on his three faces. The Tribunal has the ability to change the universes of entire worlds, transferring them from one space to another. Even destroying the planet for a character like him is just a trifle. By its power, the Living Tribunal is inferior only to Odin-Nad-All, however, its character was later killed by the Otherworldly.


The next representative of cosmic entities is none other than the main deity of the Multiverse "Marvel". Many often confuse Odin-Nad-All with another hero and representative of the Celestial race, known by the same name.

One is truly an omnipotent character. There is no one who could compete with him in force, and even the Living Tribunal, an extremely powerful entity, does not withstand competition. Despite this, Odin-Nad-Everyone prefers to almost always stay away and not participate in the events of the Multiverse.

Sentinels: Watchers at & quot; Marvel & quot;


Abraxas is called living destruction. His place of birth was Eternity itself. A little later, as the opposite, Galactus was created - the embodiment of equilibrium. At the moment when Galactus was overtaken by death, Abraxas, who was still in hibernation until this moment, woke up from his sleep and went on a long journey through parallel universes. There he was engaged in the fact that he brought death to people, other clones of Galactus and other alien creatures. Once on Earth-616, a powerful weapon called the Nulifier got into his hands.

The only one who could resist Abraxas was Galactus - he was revived by the cosmic forces of several superheroes. In order for the universe to be able to get rid of Abraxas forever, the heroes used the Nulifier and performed a "reboot".


What is known about the Wanderer is that sometimes he tried both to destroy planet Earth and to help its superheroes. According to him, he appeared in the world after several billion consciousnesses of the inhabitants of Gigantus united together. However, according to the Living Tribunal, this version is a lie. It turns out that the Wanderer is the "fourth person" of the Tribunal itself, which prevented him from being a full-fledged god.

Eye of the Watcher & quot; Marvel & quot;

We remind you that this list is far from complete, and that there are much more cosmic entities in the Marvel universe. We hope that our small guide helped to get acquainted with these heroes in general and understand what they are.


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