What is a feature object? Concept, types and list

A complete list of information that belongs to state secrets is presented in Presidential Decree No. 61, issued in January 1998. The notes in the document explain what a feature object is. In certain areas, citizens carry out secret work, for normal productivity there are increased security measures. Or the zone itself is of great importance to the state, since these are reserved places, they must be preserved in their original form.

Military facility

What indicators give an assessment

To answer what a sensitive facility is, categories of departments of various importance for the country should be considered. The distribution of the structure into a specific group is carried out by specialists, they give an assessment of the status by significance:

  • economic;
  • defense;
  • cultural.

Institutions designed to protect classified information must develop local acts in order to have grounds for determining, according to territorial or property criteria, the category of important entities.

What is a regime object, its characteristic reveals, it depends on the solution of issues:

  • the number of valuable elements concentrated on the organization site;
  • consequences if criminal offenses arise;
  • degree of security.

Having identified the vulnerability of the institution, eligible employees are developing measures to organize protection.

Work on a secret facility

Fiscal Service Responsibilities

FSTEC, the federal service that carries out technical and export control, has developed regulatory documents that allow categorizing departments, determining the internal regime of zones, and answering what a regime facility is by its level:

  • especially important;
  • especially sensitive;
  • just modal;
  • not a sensitive object at all.

Determine how important this or that department is, based on a list approved by the Government. Local authorities can expand it.

Common list

It is impossible to list all the objects on which work with documents and development takes place under the heading "secretly". Correctly indicate tentatively the structures to which they belong:

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • FSB;
  • Ministry of Emergencies;
  • military units, army headquarters and special services;
  • plants;
  • extractive industries;
  • storage of state reserves;
  • scientific and research institutes.

The reasons are clear even to ordinary people, why there are no addresses and data regarding sensitive objects: they are secret for that.

Secret research

Special category

It is a well-known fact that the most attractive target for terrorists is a particularly important sensitive facility, which is why they are given serious attention to protecting themselves from criminal elements. They include departments and facilities that provide citizens with a vital provision of the following goods and services:

  • hydraulic engineering with dams, locks, water intakes, reservoirs, pumping stations;
  • power engineering - TPP, NPP, hydroelectric power station, TPP together with power and transformer substations, high-voltage lines;
  • transport - airfields, sea and river ports, railway stations and nodes, subways.
  • industrial enterprises producing food products;
  • warehouses and bases where medicines, narcotic drugs, explosives and toxic substances, fuel, equipment are located;
  • storages of oil products, bacteriological substances.

These enterprises are particularly dangerous in the event of unforeseen situations. Circumstances from which protection of objects is necessary:

  • criminals attack for robberies;
  • organization of terrorist acts;
  • from emergencies and extreme cases.

Who creates protection

Structures that are obliged to keep secrets as well as the objects themselves, belong to the executive branch, as well as specially designated bodies:

  • interdepartmental commissions in the form of collegial bodies aimed at storing highly sensitive information;
  • FSB, Ministry of Defense - they have military facilities at their disposal.

At enterprises with a special status of secrecy, there are special units that ensure the protection of information, the mode of operation.

Important object

Separate appointment

Specially protected objects have different purposes. They are located in territories that cannot be used for ordinary business. Environmentalists treat them with increased attention, when registering the values:

  • environmental;
  • scientific;
  • cultural;
  • aesthetic;
  • recreational;
  • wellness.

The feature of the status of the facility allows the authorities to establish special protection here. Recorded in the territory of Russia:

  • state nature reserves;
  • national parks;
  • nature reserves;
  • natural monuments;
  • dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

The value and territorial affiliation may be of different levels:

  • federal;
  • regional;
  • local.

Regardless of their importance, protection is created at the government level in accordance with the established legislative acts and Russian standards.

The legal status is determined by the main features that distinguish these organizations from other structures:

  • the object belongs to the national heritage;
  • completely or partially withdrawn from the general economy;
  • a special security regime has been established;
  • assigned to state property;
  • received a special level;
  • included in the state cadastre as a specially protected area;
  • liability measures for violations in the territory are defined.
Ecological problems

In each case, there are certain prohibitions. For example, in the reserve it is forbidden:

  • be outsiders, engage in economic activity;
  • acclimatize third-party living organisms;
  • interfere with the natural process.

In national parks you can’t:

  • exploration and development of minerals;
  • to set up gardens and kitchen gardens;
  • to build household facilities;
  • destroy landings;
  • to hunt and fish;
  • create massive sports and entertainment events.

Rare animals live on the territory of natural objects that are under special state protection, there are plants there, many are threatened with complete extinction, which means they are listed in the Red Book. This official document contains information about the animal and plant world, instructions on the conditions for the maintenance and reproduction of the species. To achieve an effective result in the conservation of animals, it is necessary to provide an environment for their habitat. Simple workers and leading scientists are engaged in this.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8319/

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