Dude ... Who is that?

Previously, probably in the days of my childhood, people often used the word. And now, you look, they begin to think. “Dude ... Who is it, actually?” They are perplexed. Of course, after all, other definitions are now popular, including slang ones, denoting people who are constantly preoccupied with their appearance and the fact that "there is absolutely nothing to wear." However, the term is still not dead, and let's think about its meaning.

Dude who's that
What does the word dude mean? Yes, just a "dove", if you literally translate it from French. And what will his etymology tell us? Why exactly the pigeon? Probably because these birds love to show off and show everyone their beautiful feathers. Although the peacocks do it better, but for some reason in the Russian language this word has gained popularity. Thus, this person likes to present, to show off for show. This is a real dude. “Who is this?” - in admiration, as he obviously imagines himself, others should ask. In fact, in this very definition there is clearly a sort of contemptuous disapproval. Why? Perhaps this is due to the mannerism and a certain "theatricality" with which this character presents himself.

Word dude
So, let's try to determine the components of this type, like a dude. Who is it? Well, of course, man. Then, he should have appropriate attire, but not only. The way he or she behaves, says, appeals to others - all this in a certain "ostentatious" style. And this is not just about a person who is used to dressing with style or speaks like a snob. Everything in it should give out some kind of excess, beating over the edge. It is as if he is trying to show that he is much higher and more refined than anything else in society, and society, accordingly, responds with an ironic-sarcastic attitude.

It is interesting that not every person who likes to dress for show provokes such a negative reaction. For example, "dandy", "dude" or "dandy" - these words carry some positive characteristics. The last category of fashionistas was, as it were, the fundamental principle for describing such a type as dude. “Who is this?” They asked about the dandy. But this group of people nevertheless had a taste, a sense of proportion and a concept of decent manners. In dudes, all this is practically absent. We can say that at the end of the twentieth century this word primarily denoted people who tried to show others ("gray crowd") their superiority with the help of rich, fashionable, but often vulgar clothes and expensive items and exclusive accessories.

City dudes
Currently, this type has begun to be called in different terms, including "glamorous." These are people who would like to be perceived as a dandy, but they do not have the inherent ability to behave as expected and pick things up “in style”. But there is an abundance of reluctance to reckon with others and egocentrism in abundance. Therefore, society actually laughs at them and despises them.

Although recently in modern culture there are attempts to give this word a certain charm. For example, Underwood’s famous film “City Slickers” tells how the showy characters passed the exam for real men. And the famous program of Channel One with the same name and its presenters are trying to show the mass public a different type of series than soap operas and miserable criminal showdowns.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8323/

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