Avocado - how to grow a miracle tree at home.

If you like to decorate your home with beautiful and unusual plants, then you should like the idea of ​​growing avocados. This unusual exotic plant grows well not only in overseas countries, but also feels great in an apartment, giving a special twist to the interior.

Avocado - how to grow this amazing plant.

Even if you are not an experienced gardener, you can grow avocados without too much difficulty. This process is completely uncomplicated, although somewhat laborious. For planting, we need a bone of a ripe fruit, it is worth paying special attention to this. Only ripe fruits have seeds in the core that are able to germinate in the future. Therefore, when buying an avocado that will be used as a seed, choose a fruit whose pulp slips a little when pressed.

Before proceeding with direct planting, carefully separate the bone from the pulp. To do this, make a longitudinal section along the fruit and turn its halves in different directions. After that, the bone can be easily removed and washed with water.

There are two ways to germinate a sprout. The first is very simple, but also less reliable. The second - more time-consuming, but giving an almost one hundred percent guarantee.

So, we determine with the help of which we grow avocados, and we get down to business.

The first way.

The cleaned bone is placed in a small, well-drained plastic pot filled with moist soil. Its blunt end should be underground, sharp - to protrude. The bone is buried halfway so that it does not begin to rot, and periodically watered, without over-moistening the soil. With proper care, the appearance of a sprout can be expected after 2-4 weeks.

Avocado, how to grow - the second way.

This method will require much more effort and patience. On the bone surface, approximately in the middle, several small holes are made. Matches or toothpicks are inserted into them and the bone is placed in a container with water so that its blunt end only slightly touches the water. Periodically, water must be added so that its initial level is always maintained. When the bone leaves roots about 2-3 cm in size, it can be planted in a pot. It should be small in size and it is desirable to have many holes on the bottom so that moisture does not accumulate and the plant does not die. As in the first case, the bone is dug only halfway, leaving its upper part above the surface of the earth.

The basic principles of avocado care are how to grow a beautiful and healthy plant.

If at first you did everything right, and you managed to get a healthy sprout of avocado, how to grow a large and beautiful plant from it, you can no longer worry. You just need to be patient and follow a few simple rules for caring for a seedling. Place the pot with the sprout in such a way as to avoid direct sunlight falling on its leaves. This can lead to damage to the leaf plates of the plant and they will be covered with ugly dark spots. Avocado also needs abundant watering, but it’s not worth it too zealous. The soil should always be slightly moist, but in no case wet. Otherwise, the tree may begin to throw off the leaves, getting rid of excessive moisture.

If the plant does not have enough water, then the leaves will begin to dry out. In this case, you need to more carefully observe the irrigation regime and slightly spray the plant with water from the spray gun. This plant is very fond of cool, moist air, therefore, providing 16-18 degrees and at least 50% humidity in the room where the avocado grows, you can very soon see how your pet will get a beautiful bright green crown.

Now you can admire your beautiful avocado, you already know how to grow it, you just need to provide it with proper care and wait until the tree begins to bear fruit.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8332/

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