Sand and cement tiles: price, reviews

The choice of roofing material is an important and crucial stage of construction work, since it is the roof that provides protection from rainfall and a comfortable pastime indoors. For this purpose, sand and cement tiles are often used . Its popularity is due to the fact that the material meets two basic requirements: reliability and durability.

sand and cement tile

The composition and production of cement-sand tiles

The tile consists of natural quartz sand and cement. Its production technology is as follows: a mixture of Portland cement, water, quartz and alkali-resistant pigments is pressed under high pressure. The next step is to create the correct shape of the material. After that, a special dye that is resistant to ultraviolet is applied to its surface.

The next step is drying the tiles. It is dried at a temperature of 60 degrees in a special chamber. At the end of the procedure, she is allowed to lie down in the warehouse for about 30 days, during which she becomes 70% stronger (30% gain during operation). A high-quality result can only be achieved using modern equipment, high-quality materials and compliance with production technology. The quality of the finished material is evaluated by its porosity and density. If it is porous, it is more susceptible to destruction.

The production of this type of tile takes place without firing, as is done for ceramics, so its cost is significantly reduced.

cement sand tiles Price


Cement-sand tiles, the average price of which is 350 rubles / m2, has several advantages:

  • Availability. Material can be purchased at almost any hardware store or place an order online.
  • Durability. If the installation of cement-sand tiles was made in accordance with all the rules, then it can last 100-150 years.
  • Resistance to precipitation.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Good sound, water and heat insulation characteristics.
  • Easy styling.
  • The ability to organize a unique design not only of the roof, but of the whole house.


The material has certain disadvantages:

  • heavy weight, because of this, additional reinforcement of the rafter system is required;
  • low resistance to severe frosts;
  • fragility;
  • limited choice;
  • large thickness;
  • tendency to mold, fungi.

Material color

Previously, the material was gray as concrete. Tiles can achieve modern colors using two processes: dyeing in bulk and dyeing after shaping the elements. Coloring in the mass provides a steady and stable color of the material, so that damage during installation is not noticeable.

cement sand tiles braas

In the case when the tile is laid during laying, the material on the cut has a light shade, the structure of the concrete stone is visible. They found a solution to this: all the cut sand and cement tiles are painted with a primer. You can buy it in the same place as the roofing material.


Acrylic paint is best. It will not only give the tile the necessary color, but also protect the initially rough surface from pollution. Different manufacturers create unique coatings. The top layer of the tile should have water-repellent properties, so as not to impede the drainage of water and exclude the possibility of the formation of moss, mold and limescale. Resistance to UV radiation is another advantage due to which cement-sand tiles stand out. The reviews of the builders indicate that the material has good color stability: it does not fade, it is not affected by precipitation. A solution using two colors at the same time is possible, which makes it possible to lay out different patterns.

Superficial coloring of the material allows you to make it matte or glossy. The last option is the most common. Tiles painted with polymer-acrylic paints are also available, thanks to which the surface of the material shines.

installation of cement-sand tiles

Sand and cement tiles are often available in 4 primary colors: red, brown, brick, graphite. Other color options must be ordered individually, but the cost of the material will increase by 30-45%. The most common model is the corrugated tile, also known as “double Roman”. If we take into account the manufacturers, then the Braas cement-sand tile is most popular in the domestic market.

The form

The specific technology for the production of cement-sand tiles significantly limits the number of models, compared with ceramic tiles. In addition, its size is much larger than the last. Standard sizes of tiles are 42 and 33 mm in length and width, respectively. Therefore, 10 pieces are enough for a roof of 1 m2. A smaller version is also available: 41 in length and 24 in width. For 1 m2 you will need 15 units.

sand and cement tile

Coating weight

Sand and cement tiles are considered heavy roofing materials, but they are lighter than their ceramic counterparts: 1 m2 of material weighs up to 45 kg and ceramic tiles weigh up to 75 kg. A large mass of material has a positive effect on the sound insulation of the room as a whole: the sound of rain or hail is almost inaudible.

Longevity reviews

On average, tiles fully perform their functions for 70-100 years. In many respects, this is due to its frost resistance and minimum moisture capacity - up to 3%. At the same time, the reviews of the builders are unanimous that the roof is one and there is no guarantee that it will last the maximum amount of time. For example, if during construction it was decided to save on the rafter step, that the structure may not withstand the assigned loads. The durability of the tiles is directly related to the vitality of the entire roof.


To maintain the tiles in good condition will require a minimum of time and effort, since it is practically not subject to "aging". The top layer of the material is covered with acrylic paint, due to which rain washes away almost any dirt. This slows down the development of various microorganisms.

cement tile production

It is enough to wash the roof every 3-4 years with water under pressure. Similarly, it is cleaned of moss and lichens. The latter is most often formed on a slope from the north. In case when water does not completely remove the formed pollution, special means should be used. Green coating does not affect the overall strength of the tile, as it does not penetrate deep into the material.

Today, the technology for the production of tiles is constantly being improved, so that the paint can stay on the material for many years. If it is damaged, then you can re-stain using special paints. For maximum efficiency, such work is recommended to be carried out at an ambient temperature of 15-20 degrees. It is also important to ensure that the coating does not overheat in the sun when it dries.


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