Educational institutions in Russia. State and non-state educational institutions

Educational institutions, according to the Federal Law "On Education", are organizations that carry out the educational process. They implement one or many different directions.

Educational institutions provide education, training, development of pupils (students), are legal entities. In his life, a person goes through several stages of psychological, mental, physical development. With the help of public education, a small person copes with all the steps.

state educational institution

Stages of development

A small child is greeted by preschool educational institutions (Kindergartens). Then comes the elementary school, where the child realizes the uniqueness of his personality. The third stage of its development is general basic education (gymnasium, lyceum). Further, the child receives secondary or higher education, after which postgraduate training is assumed.

Additional educational institutions: children's art houses, art schools, sports clubs, dance studios are aimed at the additional development of children. In them, children study after class. It also offers training in correctional educational institutions, cadet corps.

Education is an essential element of the educational system, which, in addition to educational activities, additionally includes the upbringing and development of each child.

specifics of domestic education

Preschool education

A state educational institution of this type, depending on the direction of activity, is divided into several types. Kindergarten of a general developing type, in which one or several directions of development of the younger generation are singled out as a priority. For example, the kindergarten specializes in the physical, artistic, aesthetic, intellectual development of preschool children.

They also distinguish kindergartens of a compensating type, in which the main focus is the correction of deviations in the mental and physical development of babies.

The kindergarten of health improvement and supervision is intended for preventive, sanitary-hygienic, improving procedures and events.

The educational program of an educational institution of a combined type allows for a combination of wellness, compensating, and general developing groups.

Child development centers are organized for mental and physical development, recovery and correction of pupils of preschool education.

types of educational organizations

Tasks of preschool institutions

The state educational institution for preschool children is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • strengthening the physical and mental health of preschoolers;
  • personal, intellectual development of the child;
  • the implementation of the correction in identifying deviations from the normal development of the preschooler;
  • the formation of universal values ​​among the younger generation.

DOE has a current account, charter, seal, letterhead. The educational program of an educational institution must comply with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, developed for preschool education in the Russian Federation.

The preschool educational institution is subject to mandatory certification in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the purpose of which is to establish the conformity of the level and quality of education and training with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education.

A children's preschool institution is the educational institution in the Russian Federation that implements general education programs of a diverse orientation, which contribute to the upbringing, training, supervision, rehabilitation, and care of children from two months to seven years of age.

Private Dow

Currently, more and more private (non-state) kindergartens are appearing in the country. In order to obtain permission for such activities, it is necessary to provide a package of documents to government agencies. Only professional educators with a state diploma can carry out pedagogical activities in private kindergartens. They work on developmental programs, similar to the activities of colleagues in state preschool institutions.

budgetary educational institution

Features of domestic education

Municipal educational institutions are divided into several types. Among them there are gymnasiums, cadet corps, shift (evening) schools, educational labor colonies. They also include the main secondary schools, primary schools.

A budgetary educational institution for children of primary school age ensures the continuity between preschool and primary school education, development, and upbringing.

Teachers provide optimal conditions for the development of communicative, creative, intellectual abilities of students, form a positive attitude in them towards their native language and culture.

The organization of the learning process in the elementary grades is characterized by a calendar (annual), lesson plans, as well as a lesson schedule.

types of educational institutions


Among the main government agencies are:

  • elementary schools;
  • main educational institutions;
  • high schools;
  • schools with in-depth study of subjects;
  • gymnasium (provide a detailed study of various areas: humanitarian, scientific);
  • lyceums with various profiles.

Private schools

In addition to free lyceums and gymnasiums designed to create individual educational trajectories for each student, private (commercial) educational institutions are currently appearing in the country.

Pupils of such schools pass final final exams similarly to students of state (free) educational organizations. Only upon successful completion of the final certification and the unified state exam, students of private institutions receive state certificates, are eligible for admission to secondary and higher educational institutions.

Secondary special education

In educational institutions, vocational education is accepted on the basis of incomplete and complete secondary education, depending on the profile and focus. There is a certain procedure for admitting students established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. A professional educational institution operates on the basis of educational programs that meet the requirements of standards at this stage of training.

educational institutions of vocational education

Higher education

At the beginning of the twenty-first century, numerous non-state (paid) top-level educational institutions began to appear in Russia. Among the main disadvantages of this type of training, it is necessary to note the absence of a state document on the availability of higher education.

Without state accreditation, commercial higher education institutions do not have the right to conduct educational activities, accept, train, and graduate students.

Due to the fact that graduates of commercial higher education institutions had a low level of knowledge quality, were not in demand on the labor market, many of these Russian universities and academies were closed by decision of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

educational options

To summarize

At present, both private (paid) and state (free) educational organizations of various levels function in the Russian Federation. Lack of funding for kindergartens has led to private kindergartens. Of course, with their organization, entrepreneurs are obliged to observe all constitutional rights of the small citizens of our country, in particular, to receive education and development. The state closely monitors the programs implemented in paid (non-governmental) institutions of all levels, starting from kindergarten and ending with higher specialized education. In case of violations of the law "On Education", the state has the right to close a non-governmental educational institution.


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