Summary. "Stone Guest" - a little tragedy of A.S. Pushkin

“Little Tragedies” is a cycle of dramatic works, which A.S. Pushkin wrote in the fall of 1830, "locked up" in the village of Boldino, Nizhny Novgorod province, when an epidemic of cholera swept this part of Russia. One of the tragedies included in the cycle is “The Stone Guest” - a small but very capacious work written on a popular story about Don Giovanni. The legendary seducer of women's hearts, duelist and "bully" was a very popular character in literary works, starting from the Renaissance. Pushkin used the famous story of the seduction of Donna Anna, the widow of Don Juan Commander, who was killed in a duel, who came from the underworld to take revenge on his killer.

A.S. Pushkin. "Stone guest." Summary

There are four scenes in the tragedy. The first is the secret arrival of Don Juan with the servant Leporello from exile in Madrid. Waiting for darkness near the monastery walls, he learns that Donna Anna comes here to the grave of her husband, whom he killed in a duel. Joan wants to get to know her, he is filled with excitement, he dreams of new victories over women, and the inconsolable widow is a suitable goal for this. Darkness descends on Madrid, and the voluptuary hurries to his former beloved Laura.

Summary of "Stone Guest". Scene two

Laura receives guests in her room. One of them is the brother of the commander Don Carlos killed by Don Juan. He is annoyed and annoyed, because Laura sings a song composed once by her windy lover Juan. Suddenly he appears. There is a skirmish with Carlos, a quarrel, a duel, and he falls dead.

stone guest summary
"Stone Guest": a summary. Scene three

After spending the night with Laura, Don Juan the next day returns to the monastery and, dressed as a monk, awaits the arrival of Donna Anna. A young widow appears. She offers to pray with her, but the Spaniard admits that he is not a monk, but a caballero in love with her. He tempts a woman with passionate speeches and asks for a secret meeting at her house. She agrees. Anticipating another victory and triumphing, Don Juan sends his servant to the commander's grave to invite him to a joint dinner with the widow. To the servant executing the order, it seems that the statue nodded in response. Frightened, he reports this to the owner. Don Juan, not believing, decides to repeat his invitation himself and with horror notices a nod of the statue.

Pushkin stone guest summary
Summary. The Stone Guest: Scene Four, Final

In the evening, in her house, Donna Anna receives, unaware of the murderer of her husband. Don Juan, calling himself Diego, confesses her passionate love, trying to seduce a young widow. Seeing her favor, he decides to confess who he really is. Donna Anna, seeing and realizing who is in front of her, is in dismay. Footsteps are heard, the door swings open, the statue of the commander enters. Everyone is terrified. Don Juan, however, boldly greets him, holding out his hand. Together they fall into the netherworld.

Stone guest. Summary.
This is only a summary. “The Stone Guest” is a work included in the cycle, united by the name “Little Tragedies”, small, but very capacious and significant. In plays by other authors about Don Giovanni this character is depicted sharply negatively. He is a terrible sinner, a molester and destroyer of women, who turned love into a gamble. At A.S. Pushkin Don Juan, despite its negative characteristics, is very attractive. Due to what? This image is solid and strong. The boredom of life around him makes him constantly look for adventure and challenge fate. “There is rapture in battle and a gloomy abyss on the edge,” Pushkin wrote in another of his works. This rapture on the edge of a gloomy abyss attracts Don Juan. Being constantly on the edge of the abyss, he risks falling, disappearing. Is he scared? Perhaps, but fear always conquers fear. To convey only the superficial plot of the work, it is enough to give a brief summary. “The Stone Guest” is a complex philosophical drama, the meaning of which can be comprehended by reading it completely and reflecting on each phrase.


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