Tomato 'Doll'

Tomatoes very long and hard pushed the way to our table. At one time they were considered a strong, "long-playing" poison, which was capable, having caused a lot of torment, to kill him in the end. In order to prove the opposite, it was necessary, sometimes, to resort to very unusual methods. So, in history, a story is recorded about how one of the senior US army officers named Robert Gibbon, in order to prove the absolute harmlessness of tomatoes, announced that on September 26, 1820, in the central square of Salem, he would eat a whole basket of red tomatoes. A huge crowd gathered to look at it. Everyone expected a terrible sight of a slow death. But the colonel disappointed everyone - he not only did not die, but even left the stage with a smile on his face, which surprised his compatriots indescribably.

Today, there are a huge number of varieties of tomatoes of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors. One of them is the Kukla tomato variety. He is no different from his brothers. Tomato "Doll" can be consumed in almost any form: cheese, boiled, fried, it can be stuffed with various ingredients. Tomato "Doll" is used as the basis for the preparation of soup, borscht, main dishes, various side dishes and marinades. It makes a wonderful tomato paste, sauce, ketchup. Juice made from tomato "Doll" is very rich in vitamins and other substances useful to our body. After all, a fresh tomato fruit contains up to 7% of natural sugar (usually in the form of glucose and fructose), up to 1.5% of natural protein, a lot of starch, fiber, pectin. Carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, folic, pantothenic, nicotinic and malic acids , etc. are present here.

Like all tomatoes, Kukla tomato has many medicinal properties. It contains many substances that contribute to the suppression of the development of a variety of pathogens. True, few people think about this today, since pharmacies sell a huge selection of a wide variety of antibiotics. But in vain. In traditional medicine, existing to this day, grated ripe tomatoes are used as anti-ulcer and wound healing agents. The use of fresh juice and tomatoes themselves helps to prevent vitamin deficiency.

Eating fresh tomatoes is good for any person, at any age and with any state of health. But in particular, medical professionals recommend them to people complaining of low acidity of the gastric juice, metabolic disorders, a diseased liver and cardiovascular system. Fresh tomatoes are very useful for people suffering from a deficiency in the body of such a trace element as potassium. Not so long ago, modern scientists have discovered the presence in tomatoes of another useful substance - lycopene. This natural antioxidant is an excellent catcher of free radicals that accumulate in the body. Its presence in tomato reduces the risk of developing any kind of cancer or cardiovascular disease. For better assimilation by the body, tomatoes are recommended to be consumed boiled together with fatty foods. For example, with butter. In this case, lycopene is not only better absorbed by our body, but its concentration in hot food will also increase by about 50%.

For cultivation at its compound, the Tomato tomato is very suitable. Reviews about him are almost always positive. Tomatoes of this variety are large, pink, slightly flattened, have a sweet taste, are indispensable when added to salads. The ripening period of tomato varies from 85 to 100 days, depending on weather conditions. They grow it, like most tomatoes, in the open ground without any tricks.


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