Exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val: reviews, photos

The exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val impresses with its beauty and splendor. This is a great place to spend a weekend. However, you need to survive a serious queue. But then a wonderful surprise awaits you.

About exposure

The exhibition of paintings by Valentin Serov on Krymsky Val can be distant from you in expectation of more than three hours, as people who have been here tell. In the winter, you can still freeze. But again, this is a sacrifice before a grand gift.

exhibition of paintings serova on the Crimean shaft
The exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val attracts few children. True connoisseurs of art often come here who can appreciate all that the exposition offers. You can catch up on the working period of the field kitchen, some basked in the tent of the Ministry of Emergencies or shops.

The exposition began on October 7, 2015, and ended on January 31, 2016. Despite the cold, many gathered an exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val. "What date can I catch?" - this is the question asked by people who sincerely love the art of the artist, but are afraid to lean out in such a cold.

It's worth it

Those who still got out had to get amazing pleasure from what they saw. The exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val was located on top, it was necessary to go to the second floor. The canvases were well lit, so visitors were pleased that they could see everything. Every detail was visible.

The exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val stretched out into two halls. Reviews say that they planned everything quite conveniently. In addition to the finished paintings, there were drafts, interesting workpieces, works of a different kind that could give people an idea of ​​how the creations looked at the intermediate stages of creation. The exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val is beautiful.

Here you can wander between the halls and see incredible works of art by an amazing artist. It is nice to come here with the company and exchange wonderful impressions. I really like everyone who is not indifferent to the beautiful, an exhibition of paintings by Valentin Serov on Krymsky Val. Photos show a general view of how this event takes place. Having got there, many visitors note that they are satisfied with what they saw and would like to come again, having dragged one of their acquaintances. So, in the company here, taking a day off is the best you can think of.

Exhibition of paintings by Valentin Serov on Crimean shaft

Together more fun

The main thing is to endure the turn, in which faithful friends, of course, will always support. Many are interested in the exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val. Photos of works of art only kindle a thirst to touch this magnificence.

There is a function of buying electronic tickets. You can do this on the day of the visit by looking at the site. However, an incident occurred when the door for electronic tickets broke and disappointed users were forced to join the general flea market. Also, the site then closed this option. Every hour, starting from the very early morning, the crowd is growing, so this period just needs to endure. Since there are, as a rule, people who are interested in culture, it rarely comes to scandals, but it’s still not very comfortable. They took turns leaving at a cafe to warm themselves slightly.

Than they could, the more they saved

exhibition of paintings serova on the Crimean shaft reviews

There is also no free toilet nearby, so you need to either go far or shell out. Ministry of Emergency Situations helped with heat guns. This part, full of expectation and discomfort, can really push potential visitors away from the event. Many simply decided that it was better to soak up the house under the covers than to stand outside in the cold. Art requires sacrifice, of course, but health is paramount. And rest should be pleasure, not torture. Visitors also noted that the field kitchen and warming guns did not work as long as it was announced, but only drove up in the evening.

Some people simply turned around and left without waiting for their turn, thinking that they were paying too high a price for this sight. However, among the most stubborn, there were children, people with disabilities, and even a future mother. It is amazing how people wanted to look at the works of the great artist. Who worked well was television, which filmed reports of the lines and the event in general. In the wardrobe, too, it was very crowded, and it was necessary to wait for the number.

exhibition of paintings serova on the Crimean shaft photo


When people got into the hall, they felt a little easier. Here they could enjoy stunning creations of art. There are signs that give a detailed description and information about the people depicted in the portraits. It was possible to take photographs when viewing works. Then it’s always nice to remember such a sortie and carefully review everything at home.

Many were struck by the magnificent technique with which the artist approached the execution of his work. In addition, there are biographies from which you can learn a lot about the characters in the paintings. According to these portraits, in a sense, one can trace the history of the state. Among them, one could see both famous and not particularly famous people.

The exhibition is striking in its versatility. The works were provided by museums located in Russia, Denmark, Belarus, as well as Armenia. Private collections also helped.

exhibition of paintings serov on the Crimean shaft how to get there

Large flow of people

People came here to look at the artist’s creations, many interested connoisseurs led by guides who shared fascinating information. In addition, you could calmly stand and look at your favorite paintings. Fortunately, even on the tablets there was enough data.

There was a diorama on which one could read biographical data from the artist's life. Here it was just possible to get acquainted with the atmosphere that prevailed in the workshop, namely, sketches, interesting sketches, portraits in graphics. If you look closely, you can clearly see that from work to work the skills of the creator became better. After one and a half hours of observation, people left the complex very satisfied, although slightly tired. They had a lot of impressions.

exhibition of paintings serova on the Crimean shaft to what date

Great event

An excellent place for leisure for many was the exhibition of paintings by Serov on Krymsky Val. "How can I get to?" - This is the question that worried many people who wanted to look at the exposition. You can get off at the metro stations "Park Kultury" or "Oktyabrskaya". Also, trolleybuses “B” and number 10 can be brought to the gallery.

People called the exhibition simply grandiose. Even tour guides note that it is rare when expositions contain such a large number of works of art. The last time this was about half a century ago. Gorgeous works, as well as chic drawings, are opened to the eye. Lighting is highly praised as there is no glare; visibility is wonderful. Schoolchildren were brought here as part of excursions. In the evenings, many people came here to enjoy Serov’s heritage.

Cognitive role

In reviews, people praise the guides. Stories are fascinating. You can draw unique data. For two hours, people were told many interesting and valuable things. When the story ended, it was possible to roam freely around the halls, looking at the canvases.

An interesting and laudable fact is that children in school were admitted free of charge. For them, they organized a queue separately, near entrance number three. However, for students there is a small minus - the entrance to the hall with naked people in the paintings is closed to them. Limited to a short story. Adults have the right to go there.

Exhibition of paintings by Valentin Serov on Crimean shaft photo

The importance of the event

This is a very significant event, because it is incredibly important to honor the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great artist who adorned the multifaceted and beautiful world of art with his works.

The responses about the queues are, of course, different. Someone stood 40 minutes, and someone - 3 hours. There were some more interesting opportunities at the exhibition. You could either take a guide or download an application to your phone that tells about the people in the paintings. This was even a clue at the entrance. While standing in line for a long time, it's hard not to notice her.

It was possible to listen to the explanations of the electronic tip through the headphones. A list of dates and key features is highlighted. However, this convenient novelty did not always work correctly, so some visitors quickly refused it, returning to the good old excursions. With great attention to the guides, both schoolchildren and adults listened.

Such a trip is definitely a great experience for any lover of the beautiful. Everyone who came to the exhibition can share brilliant memories and vivid impressions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F8355/

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