An amazing flower for your home is cymbidium. Home Care

Cymbidium is considered one of the most beautiful orchids grown at home. Originally a relatively unpretentious and durable plant from China, where it gained particular popularity due to its delicate, delicate aroma. Understand that this is cymbidium in front of you, by the following characteristic signs. In this species of orchids, shoots - "growths", depart from the rhizome, from which young roots begin to grow in the spring. The leaves of cymbidium are long, narrow, stiff, pseudobulbs are formed at their base.

cymbidium home care

The inflorescence of this type of orchid is a multi-flowered brush containing up to three dozen luxurious buds, which can be green, yellow, white, pink, red or brown. Without a garter, the arrows of the cymbidium can strongly tilt and even grow horizontally. If you want to buy an exotic plant - pay attention to the cymbidium orchid. Home care for this beauty is quite simple, but it is still desirable to know the intricacies of growing epiphytes. Compliance with simple agricultural regulations will allow you to enjoy this flowering plant for a long time.

Cymbidium: home care. Creation of necessary climatic conditions

For this type of orchid, it is extremely important to grow in comfortable climatic conditions. Otherwise, cymbidium will not bloom. This plant prefers coolness and fresh air, therefore, the room should be kept at a constant temperature within +16 ... + 20 ยฐ C, and the night should be three degrees less than the daytime. If these conditions are violated, the orchid will drop buds or not produce peduncles at all. Cymbidium loves good lighting, but it must be hidden from the direct rays of the sun to prevent leaf burns. In the middle zone of Russia, this epiphyte, as a rule, does not have enough light, therefore it is advised to illuminate it with special lamps. After wintering, the orchid is tempered - they are taken out to the balcony, and in summer - they put the pot in the garden, in the shade of the trees.

An elegant representative of the genus of orchids is cymbidium. Home care: soil selection and transplantation

cymbidium orchid how to care
In order for the plant to grow actively, you should carefully approach the preparation of the substrate. Cymbidiums prefer a mixture of pine bark, fern roots, small charcoal, sphagnum moss and coconut chips. Often compost soil is added to the substrate. At the bottom of the pot must be placed drainage - pebbles, expanded clay, polystyrene and so on. You can buy a ready-made special mixture for orchids in the flower department.

How to transplant cymbidium correctly: for the procedure, a pot with rather high sides is selected, placed on the bottom of the drainage and the plant is carefully moved into it, after which the container is densely filled with a substrate so that there are no air cavities. As a rule, the need for transplantation occurs once every few years (2-3 years). In general, this species does not tolerate the change of the pot, so you do not need to disturb the plant once again. The main thing is to add fresh substrate annually.

Cymbidium - home care (watering and dressing mode)

For the normal development of the plant, constant watering is necessary. From spring to autumn, the substrate in the pot should always be wet. If the soil is allowed to dry, the orchid will not only not bloom, but may also die.

In winter, the plant is watered less often, but they do not allow the soil to dry out. To do this, use soft and warm water. Important for cymbidium and high humidity. It is necessary to spray the leaves of the plant from the spray twice a day with clean water, protecting it from droplets falling on the peduncles. Cymbidium is fed with a special tool for orchids, once every 14 days, from spring to autumn. Important: fertilizer concentration should be at least 2 times lower than that indicated on the package. It should also be remembered that before dressing the plant must be watered to prevent root burns.

how to transplant cymbidium

So, we examined how the cymbidium orchid is grown at home . You already know how to care, water, fertilize and transplant this beautiful plant. Subject to all agrotechnical rules, your beauty will certainly bloom in autumn or early winter and will delight you with her amazing flowers for two months. With proper care, the orchid can bloom twice a year.


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